Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 879: Let them go back, no see!

"It's the same everywhere." Chu Yichen got up and walked to the bathroom, and whispered back: "Go back by yourself, I won't see you off."

"Brother!" Standing up abruptly, Chu Xiaoxi strode behind Chu Yichen. "The child is still at home, don't you go back and have a look? The people from the Gu's family have already come from the United States, and the Bai's are all here, you must go back! Xiaoxiao's funeral..."

"No." After washing his face, Chu Yichen said in a cold voice: "If you don't die, what funeral will you do?"

Reaching for the towel next to the sink, Chu Yichen's movements stiffened a bit when he saw the pale pink towel.

They bought it from the supermarket last time. She said she liked the little rabbit on it, but she never used it once.

"Take care of the people from the Gu family. The people from the Bai family let them go back. I won't see them."

"Brother?!" He didn't expect to say so, "Bai Yingjie and Bai Mo are here..."

"Let them go back, no see!" Chu Yichen's voice suddenly amplified, and Chu Xiaoxi shook in shock, and did not dare to say anything.

Realizing that his tone was wrong, Chu Yichen looked back at her, calmed down, and continued: "You go back first, I'll go back at night. Drive carefully on the road."

He was like a beast trapped in a cage, and his body was full of danger. Although Chu Xiaoxi knew that he would not hurt himself, he was still afraid for no reason.

After swallowing her saliva, she turned away without saying a word.

After Chu Xiaoxi left, Chu Yichen leaned on the door frame and sighed. He stood at the door and looked at the bedroom. After watching for a long time, he walked in and cleaned up the mess on the ground.

The wine bottles upstairs and downstairs are piled in a pile. After taking a shower, shaved, and changed clothes, Chu Yichen sat on the sofa downstairs in a daze. Before I knew it, it was the afternoon.

When he got up to go back to the old house, he realized that he hadn't touched his phone for several days. After turning around, I found what fell on the floor in the bathroom.

The phone was dead. After charging for a few minutes, Chu Yichen turned on it, watching the continuous missed call reminders on the screen, but he didn't reply. He took his cell phone and went downstairs and drove to the direction of the old house. When he got home, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

Chu Xiaoxi An Chenglang and others were all in the living room, and Chu Yunfei was also there. Seeing him coming back, they all looked like hesitating.

"What about the child?" Chu Yichen asked softly while looking at Chu Xiaoxi.

"Just fell asleep, upstairs."

After getting an answer, Chu Yichen strode upstairs. Go to the bedroom and open the door, looking at the two little guys in the crib.

I haven't seen each other for half a month. They are thinner, and they are obviously thinner.

They woke up quickly, not knowing whether they were awakened by the sound of the door opening or because of their uncomfortable sleep. Seeing the person standing by the bed, kicked and cried.

It was Chu Muqian who woke up first. His cry instantly awakened the sister next to him. Chu Yichen leaned over and picked him up. The rest was Chu Xiao, who rushed over when he heard the cry of the child. Xi held him in his arms.

"Why did you make them cry as soon as you came back? It was so easy to put them to sleep!" Chu Xiaoxi said displeased when he looked at Chu Yichen.

"I'll coax from now on."

Chu Yichen answered casually, leaving Chu Xiaoxi stunned. He held Chu Muqian and walked to the window, leaning on his side, raising his hand to wipe the big tears on Chu Muqian's face.

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