Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 888: Be careful, you're going to hit it!

Walking outside, the oncoming cold air made Chu Xiaoxi shiver in reflex. After calling the staff, Chu Xiaoxi sat aside and watched them teach the three children the simplest basic movements.

The little guys are still too young, put on their ski shoes, swaying, and even unable to stand.

After two steps, he fell to the ground with a snap, completely out of balance. Get up and walk again, and fell down after not long. In the end, they all sat on the ground and scorned each other, squeezing their mouths to look at Chu Xiaoxi's side, each of them about to cry, making Chu Xiaoxi laugh, taking various snapshots with their mobile phones.

After taking enough shots, Chu Xiaoxi stepped forward to appease. She looked around, then touched Chu Muqian's little head, pointed at the ski trail in the distance, and showed him the adult skiing on it.

"Is it amazing?" Chu Xiaoxi asked softly as he watched Chu Muqian's gaze and followed his guidance. "Dad is better than them, do you want to be like dad?"

"It's better than Dad!" Chu Muqian turned his head brightly without thinking about it. The small face was serious and serious, and said firmly.

"Then you have to study hard. You are an older brother and can't cry, otherwise your sister will learn from you, you know?"

Listening to Chu Xiaoxi's words, Chu Muqian glanced at Chu Muran and An Jingyan beside him, sniffed and nodded.

Although my **** hurts a bit from falling, my aunt is right, I can’t cry! If your father finds out, you will be laughed at!

Seeing Chu Muqian nodded, Chu Xiaoxi was relieved.

Although the child is young, his character is already obvious. He is stubborn but also persistent. As long as it is something he wants to do, he must do it.

In the cold wind, Chu Xiaoxi tightened her clothes tightly, put on ski goggles and a hat, and was ready to take a few laps in her free time.

On the high-level ski trail, the two were speeding fast. One of them used a double board, and the other stepped on a veneer, sliding down the steep and rugged snow slope.

The speed was getting slower and slower, and the two gradually stopped. After playing all morning, looking at the time, it was almost time to go back.

"Is there time tomorrow night? Go to the bar to play?" Su Zhiying looked at the person next to her and proposed.

"I'm going to South Korea at night, and I won't be able to come back next month. I'll talk about it when I come back.

"I just came back from the United States? Why are you leaving again? Are you crazy, can't you give yourself two months off?"

"The poor are ugly, I have to earn pension money for myself." As he said, Gu Xiaoxiao walked straight to the exit of the ski resort. "Mr. Ito still has work waiting for me, so in the past few months, he has to finish his work."

"Eh, do you think Ito likes you?" Turning to look at her, Su Zhiying winked her eyes and asked, "I haven't seen him in person. If I have time someday, take me to see him?"

"I don't mind giving you his job over there." Gu Xiaoxiao felt a cold back at the thought of Ito Rie. Working under that kind of person, she has to be afraid every day, for fear that if she fails to say a respectful word, she will upset him.

Patronizing talking to Su Zhiying, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to the front. After returning to his senses, I saw a small meat ball dangling towards her.

"Be careful!"

Stopped quickly, bent down, and picked him up before he hit him.

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