Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 902: He...knows himself? !

"I don't want to sign or take photos, let alone an illegitimate meal. Hello, I am an interpreter sent by the company. In the next few months, I will help you communicate with the other two members of the group. Of course, what is there? Suggestions and dissatisfaction, you can also mention to me, I will try to correct them."

Gu Xiaoxiao finished speaking in one breath, and then smiled at Yin Shencan's awkward smile.

The atmosphere in the room has been embarrassing. Gu Xiaoxiao sat face to face with him, and there was nothing to talk about for a while. About twenty minutes later, another Japanese member Keita Takemoto arrived, and the atmosphere eased a little.

Several people greeted each other, introduced themselves, and greeted each other. Waiting for the rest, the Chinese members to appear.

Su Zuonan went to three places in Thailand, Hong Kong and Shanghai in the past two days. After only less than four hours of sleep, she had to come to Japan.

The lack of sleep caused him to feel very bad. Moreover, when he got off the plane, he was stopped halfway by the fans who picked him up, and it took a long time before he got out. As a result, his face becomes even darker.

After turning to the VIP room of the airport, standing outside the door, Su Zuonan took a deep breath, adjusted the expression on his face, raised a perfect smile, and knocked on the door.

The three people in the room turned around when they heard the door opening. Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the last member at the door and almost laughed out loud.

Su Zuonan dyed a "thin rattan" color today, commonly known as grandma gray. Gu Xiaoxiao always thinks that this color is very subtle, because it is really good-looking after dyeing. However, if it is not dyed well, it is completely the image of an old man with slicked hair.

In front of these three men, one with yellow hair, one with black hair and one with gray hair, Gu Xiaoxiao thought of a combination name for them inexplicably.

Combination of washing, cutting and blowing.

Su Zuonan stood at the door, and from the moment he opened the door, the whole person was frozen there. Gradually, a few people in the house also felt something was wrong.

His gaze fell straight on Gu Xiaoxiao's body, motionless. From the initial confusion to the shock later, Gu Xiaoxiao could see clearly.

"Hello." Gu Xiaoxiao was a little uncomfortable by him, so she smiled and took the initiative to speak out. "I am an interpreter arranged by the company. My name is Gu Xiaoxiao. Please take care of me."

Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao!

Su Zuonan strode towards her abruptly, shocked Gu Xiaoxiao, and reflexively backed away.

What is his situation? What is this imposing look?

Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it quickly. She admitted that she hadn't offended anyone, and she didn't owe anyone any money, so she couldn't figure out why Su Zuonan was so angry.

She looked a little helplessly at the two people on the side. Those two were obviously stunned by Su Zuonan's actions. You look at me and I look at you, silent, just watching the excitement.

Just when Gu Xiaoxiao thought that Su Zuonan was not pleasing to her eyes and would propose to change a translator. But unexpectedly, he hugged her...

"I knew you wouldn't die, I knew..."

He hugged her tightly and whispered quietly. Gu Xiaoxiao's heart sank suddenly after hearing this, and she couldn't speak.

He...knows himself? !

"Well, can you let me go first?" Gu Xiaoxiao said in a mixed mood after pushing Su Zuonan. "There are still people."

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