Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 914: Can't let Ito know

Whether it is a slow attack or a fast attack is a difficult choice for Chu Yichen. He thought for a while before turning and leaving.

Forget it, take your time...

"Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

It was the first time Su Zhiying saw Gu Xiaoxiao like this. She dropped her head very low, and she was shrouded in fear.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while." Gu Xiaoxiao looked up with a strong smile, her smile was uglier than crying. "Yingying, don't let others know about today's affairs."

Su Zhiying was startled, then nodded in agreement.

"I know, but you have to be careful. But Xiaoxiao, who is he? Why is he bothering you?"

"I don't know, I don't know him." Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head again and again, feeling very confused. "Don't let Ito know about today's affairs, otherwise he will be angry."

"Okay, I see, don't worry."

After calming down for a while, Gu Xiaoxiao slowly got up from the ground. He packed up his things and prepared to go back to Su Zuonan and the others.

When she drove away, she appeared listlessly, which made Su Zuonan a little worried.

"Small, you ran out early in the morning and came back now. Isn't it bullying?" Yin Shencan walked over and looked down at her and asked. "Why not happy?"

"No, I'm very happy." Gu Xiaoxiao said with a grin.

"It's over, silly."

"You are stupid." Weakly rolled her eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao walked to the table and sat down and asked them for homework. After checking it, he nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Yin Shencan, and attacked: "Of the three, you made the most mistakes. As punishment, you doubled your homework today."

"How is it possible? You must have read it wrong. I am so smart, I am definitely not the one who is wrong the most."

"Then tell me, who will be the most?"

"Of course..." Yin Shencan said excitedly, and then realized that this was a trap. Looking at Su Zuonan, he curled his lips and said: "She wants to provoke our relationship?"

"I'm too lazy to provoke you, I'm just a small translator, please don't take me so hard."

Looking down and opening the book, Gu Xiaoxiao began to teach them. At the end of the two-hour course, she went back to the dormitory exhausted.

Tomorrow, I will accompany them to the TV station to record the show. I have to go to bed early today.

After washing up and going to bed, Gu Xiaoxiao just closes her eyes, and the scene when she met Chu Yichen during the day...

"Ah, I'm really going crazy!" Sitting up suddenly, she rubbed her hair, wiped her mouth, and said impetuously. "Insane! I can't spare you if I see you again!"

She thought this matter would pass, but it turns out that she was thinking too simple.

The next day, after returning from busy schedule, Gu Xiaoxiao got out of the car and saw Chu Yichen's figure. Secretly clenched a fist, there were many people around today, she felt that he must not dare to do anything. But having said that, is he a stalker? How do you know you will be here?

"Why are you here?" Su Zuonan walked over to ask Chu Yichen coldly. When Gu Xiaoxiao heard the conversation between the two, he was dumbfounded.

Is it someone Su Zuonan knows? Not a perverted stalker?

"Why am I here, don't you know the most?" Chu Yichen smiled slightly, and looked over him, looking at Gu Xiaoxiao behind.

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