Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 920: I don't want to see you eating with other men

"It's okay." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled perfunctorily, hung up the phone, and then hesitated. "I have a friend nearby, can I go and take a look? I'll be back soon."

Gu Xiaoxiao was asking Ito Rietsu what she meant. If Ito Rietsu did not agree, she would not leave. But Chu Yichen was pressing hard again, with wolves in front and tigers behind, Gu Xiaoxiao was going crazy.

She couldn't let Chu Yichen come over, and she couldn't let Ito Lie angry. Because the consequences of Ito Ryul’s anger are really serious...

Gu Xiaoxiao once saw with his own eyes that Ito Rietsu ordered his men to chop off a man's hands and break his hamstrings. Until now, as long as she thinks of the scene, she still shudder.

As for where the man provoke him, Gu Xiaoxiao is even more reluctant to mention it.

Tram perverts are actually quite common in Japan. Whether it is a bus or a subway, various public transportation in Japan are very developed. Occasionally, women in short skirts are harassed in the car, which is not surprising. And that time, Gu Xiaoxiao met such a person unluckily.

She wouldn't suffer a dull voice, so when the forty-something uncle was smiling at her triumphantly, she beat him and fled in a hurry.

Somehow this matter was known to Ito. I caught someone and asked Gu Xiaoxiao if it was this. After Gu Xiaoxiao nodded subconsciously, he was given the punishment he deserved. Since then, Gu Xiaoxiao has never taken a bus.

Gu Xiaoxiao's car was originally given by Ito Rietsu. But for no reason, how could she take gifts from others? And still such a big gift?

So Gu Xiaoxiao took out her bank card distressedly. At the moment when she returned the money to Ito, she felt that her heart was bleeding...

The car is so expensive. She worked hard for two years, and in the blink of an eye, all the money was gone! What kind of painful realization is this? !

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't want to happen again. She didn't want to see any conflict between Chu Yichen and Ito Lie, so she wanted to avoid them meeting.

Seeing Ito Rieho smile and nod, Gu Xiaoxiao got up and left. I called Chu Yichen when I was out and walked to a place Ito Rie couldn't see, and waited for him to appear.

Chu Yichen came slowly, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him angrily, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you looking for me?"

The words blurted out, and then Gu Xiaoxiao realized that she asked this question not very critical.

"No, why are you following me?!" After changing the question quickly, she asked Chu Yichen and smiled.

"I miss you, so I will come to see you." Chu Yichen took two steps forward, leaned against the wall, stretched his long legs, looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with grace and laziness, and molested him. "Baby dressed so beautifully today, the one who ate with you, so ugly."

"Do you see what he looks like? You just say they are ugly!"

"Except for me, all men who plot against you are ugly."

"Are you naive?!" Gu Xiaoxiao had an urge to shout to the sky when he heard this. "Why are you looking for me? If it's okay, I'll go back!"

"Don't go!" Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao was about to leave, Chu Yichen quickly grabbed him. Meeting Gu Xiaoxiao's glance back, he said pitifully, "I don't want to see you eating with other men."

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