Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 927: Mom doesn't like dyeing?

Chu Muqian also nodded quickly, then looked at the Shiba Inu standing next to Gu Xiaoxiao's legs, thinking how to get rid of it so that he could move it.

"Mother Uncle!" An Jingyan thought about it seriously, then changed her words, and Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but chuckle.

What the **** is Mom's uncle? Aunt?

Kneeling down to look at them, Gu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and drove the dog away. Then he touched the head of the little girl who was throwing into his arms, and asked: "You are lost and can't find your mother? What is your name? I will take you to find it."

"Mom, mom, you are mom!"

Ignoring Gu Xiaoxiao's words, Chu Muran crawled on top of her without saying a word, hugging her neck like a little sloth and not letting go, making Gu Xiaoxiao embarrassed.

Although this child is cute, but she said to her mother in silence, it still makes people accept incompetence...

"Mom, don't you like dyeing?" It seemed that Gu Xiaoxiao's reaction was not right. Chu Muran gradually calmed down, and asked carefully when she looked up at her.

The look of the child's expectation is really irresistible. Gu Xiaoxiao bit her lips and said. "You are so beautiful, no one will dislike it. But, I am not your mother, your mother will be unhappy if you call me like this."

"Are you not your mother?" Chu Muran was puzzled by tilting her head. Then he went to see Chu Muqian next to him, asking for help silently.

How could she not be mother? She obviously looks exactly like her mother!

"I'm not my mother!" Gu Xiaoxiao replied affirmatively, "So you can't call anymore, you know?"

Putting down Chu Muran, Gu Xiaoxiao patted her **** and straightened up.

"Come on, I'll take you to find your mother."

Stepping out, Gu Xiaoxiao followed three turnip heads behind her body. As she walked, she looked down at them from time to time, thinking: Whose child is this? The parents have such a big heart, and it doesn't matter much. What if she is taken away by the abnormal uncle?

The three turnip heads also occasionally looked up at her, a little aggrieved and a little unhappy.

She is obviously a mother, just like the person in the photo, why do you say that she is not? Is it because you still don't like them, that's why?

"Dad is over there."

After walking a long way, Chu Muqian pointed to a certain direction ahead, looked up at Gu Xiaoxiao and said.

Because they called their mother casually, Gu Xiaoxiao had some doubts about what he said.

This kid wouldn't just point to someone casually again, and call Dad?

Following the guidance of Chu Muqian, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

Chu Yichen? !

Why did he come here again? !

Chu Yichen was leaning against the car, talking in a low voice with the people beside him. After hearing Chu Muqian's voice, he turned his head and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao's gaze, Xie Ning smiled.

Did you find someone so smoothly? It was his son, smart!

Gu Xiaoxiao's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then began to move backwards.

Chu Yichen, these children belong to Chu Yichen? Then call her mother, isn't it...

A cold sweat broke out on her forehead. The weather was obviously warm. She was wearing half sleeves, but her back was still faintly cold.

"Dad!" Chu Muran cried instantly when she saw him. "Mom doesn't like dyeing!"

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