Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 930: Don't eat anything!

Chu Yichen coaxed patiently and took the three children out of the bedroom. When the door was closed, he looked at the impetuous Gu Xiaoxiao on the bed.

She sat up, straightened her long hair, bit her lips vigorously, tilted her head and looked out the window. His eyes were misty and his expression was sad.

The door was closed with a click. Gu Xiaoxiao buried her head between her legs, hugged herself for a while, took a deep breath, got up and changed clothes.

"Chu Yichen, I think we need to have a good talk."

Going out to see Chu Yichen's first glance, Gu Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"Okay, come back to talk at night." Chu Yichen did not reject or refuse to talk to her. The two temporarily reached a preliminary consensus. After going out together, Gu Xiaoxiao always had the illusion that it was the person here. Looking at her eyes, it seems that they are all different.

It is also excusable after another thought. She has lived here for so long and has never had a boyfriend, even few male friends. Moreover, they all seem to think that she and Ito Rie are that kind of relationship, so seeing Chu Yichen bringing a few children to her now, it is impossible not to be curious and wonder.

Gu Xiaoxiao was not hungry at all, and she was just shocked enough to eat for two days. After driving away, Gu Xiaoxiao was very quiet except for a few words with her children. At the place, got out of the car. Chu Yichen seemed to have already booked a seat.

"Uncle, when will my mother be back?" An Jingyan looked at both Chu Muqian and Gu Xiaoxiao, thinking about Chu Xiaoxi in his heart.

"I'll be back tonight. Tomorrow Uncle will take you to Disney. Didn't you have enough time last time?"

"Yeah!" Nodding, An Jingyan glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao timidly, and then asked, "Will the aunt go?"

"Yes! Mom will go!" Chu Muran took the initiative to help Gu Xiaoxiao answer this question, and then turned around and smiled at her, leaving Gu Xiaoxiao completely unable to fight back.

Chu Muqian didn't like to eat carrots since he was a child. If anyone dared to force him to eat them, he would throw them off the table.

Now, he sat beside Gu Xiaoxiao properly, his eyes fixed on the plate of food delivered to him, his expression changed immediately.

"Don't eat!" Little brow furrowed, he looked at Chu Yichen on the opposite side, and said unhappily.

"What not to eat?" Chu Yichen asked knowingly.

"This, this, and this, don't eat it!"

After speaking, he started directly and threw out all the dishes he didn't like.

"Chu Muqian." Chu Yichen looked at him coldly, calling his name. "What did we say before we came, did you forget?"

Hearing what he said, Chu Muqian trembled.

"How did you throw the dish out, how did you pick it back into the bowl."

Chu Muqian has recently reached a certain level of picky eaters, making Chu Yichen totally unable to stand it. When I was at home, I just didn't eat carrots. Why didn't I even eat other vegetables after I came out?

"I don't want it." Chu Muqian is also a stubborn boy, and Gu Xiaoxiao is by his side now, so he speaks very confidently, thinking that Chu Yichen can't do anything to him.

"If you don't eat vegetables, don't eat anything at all." Chu Yichen happily took the plate in front of him away without looking at his unhappy appearance, turning his head to talk to An Jingyan.

"See what you want to eat? Uncle feed you."

The different tone and different treatment made Chu Muqian feel that he was left out.

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