Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 932: I’m not good, don’t be afraid

"If I can, I hope both children will stay with me..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pushed to the ground by Chu Yichen. Leaning back suddenly, his head knocked on the ground, a little painful.

She looked at Chu Yichen who was pressing up with dull eyes, her heart aching was almost impossible to breathe.

"Gu Xiaoxiao, why are you in Japan? Why did you leave me and your two children? You don't want to know these things, do you? You just want to keep the status quo and don't want to go back to the past, do you mean that?"

Chu Yichen's voice was very soft, but it was not difficult to hear the anger in his words.

Gu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, and Qingyan nodded with a smile.

"Yes, that's what I meant. So Chu Yichen, let me go. Maybe you are right. I used to like you very much, but I don't like it now. To me without you, there is no distinction... "

Her hands widened in an instant, Gu Xiaoxiao did not expect that he would bite herself.

The shell teeth were pried away, and Gu Xiaoxiao whimpered and struggled, desperately trying to push him away.

He held his hands tightly, his strength was so great that he seemed to want to crush her wrists.

Hand hurts, mouth hurts, distressed.

Gu Xiaoxiao slowly gave up the struggle, and then tears flowed down her cheeks.

Seeing her tears, Chu Yichen breathed tightly, and realized what he was doing.

Loosing her, he watched her lying on the ground with messy hair and red lips. The button on his chest fell off because of his tearing, the neckline was slightly open, and the white underwear inside was looming.

She tilted her head, crying silently. When he reached out to wipe her tears, there was no response.

How long have you not cried? Gu Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully.

She hasn't cried for at least two years. The last time, it should be in the hospital...

"Don't be afraid." Chu Yichen regretted holding Gu Xiaoxiao's trembling body. "I'm not good, don't be afraid."

Being held in his arms made Gu Xiaoxiao feel more and more uncomfortable. She pushed him away hard, wiped the tears from her face, and opened her mouth.

"How on earth are you willing to let me go?"

"I won't let go. Gu Xiaoxiao, I will never let go of you or me." He stared into her eyes and said firmly. "I lost you three years ago. Do you really think that I will let you go now? If your relationship is gone, you can cultivate again. When you married me, wasn't it the same as now? I can make you fall in love. Once I am, there will naturally be a second time. I don't know what you are afraid of, but you have to believe that I will protect you well. I will not let you leave me again."

"But I'm afraid of you. Can you be satisfied with this answer?"

Gu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and made no secret of his fear of him.

"I'm afraid of you. Although I don't know why I am doing this, I still know how I feel."

Lowering his head and finishing her clothes, Gu Xiaoxiao was unwilling to look at Chu Yichen's injured eyes.

"Will you protect me?" She smiled and pulled her clothes, revealing the scar on her shoulder. "Then where were you when I was shot?"

The house was quiet, except for the sound of wind and insects outside. Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her head for a long time before she mustered up the courage to look at him again.

"How many years have we been together?" she asked curiously. After hearing Chu Yichen's answer, he smiled bitterly.

"Two years... But we have been separated for three years."

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