Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 935: Only you can make him so obedient

"Let them be here." Just when Gu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed, Chu Xiaoxi's voice came from behind her.

"Can I talk to you?" Chu Xiaoxi smiled uncomfortably as Gu Xiaoxiao turned around. "I want to talk to you."

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded hesitantly, made tea and took a snack, and sat face to face with her at both ends of the table. Looking at each other, no one knew what to say.

After hesitating for a long time, Chu Xiaoxi pursed her lips, and plucked up the courage to speak.

"Are you Xiaoxiao?"

"My name is Gu Xiaoxiao, that's right. As for whether it is Xiaoxiao as you said, I'm not sure."

"Why are you here? You don't remember me?" Chu Xiaoxi became more and more nervous, and his emotions began to agitate. "What's going on? How did my brother find you?"

"I do not remember."

After listening to Chu Xiaoxi's several questions, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that he only had this, and he could answer them.

"I know, you may have a lot of questions. But sorry, I can't give you the answer."

Gu Xiaoxiao's alienated tone and the look in her eyes as if looking at a stranger made Chu Xiaoxi's eyes red.

Don't remember... Can she treat them like strangers so easily if she doesn't remember a sentence? Does she know how difficult it was for them to live during her absence?

"You... don't cry." Seeing Chu Xiaoxi's tears rolling in his eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao panicked. The child cried so much, but she is such a big person, how can she coax if she cries?

"It's too much." Chu Xiaoxi lowered his head and muttered to herself: "Gu Xiaoxiao, you are too much."

"Perhaps." Gu Xiaoxiao pulled the corner of her mouth far-fetched and apologized. "I'm sorry to cause you some trouble, I don't want to be like this, but..."

Seeing Chu Xiaoxi's raised head and the projected gaze, Gu Xiaoxiao paused, then changed her words and said, "Forget it, nothing. I'm sorry if I don't remember you. If I can, I will try to remember. "

"Why do you apologize?" Chu Xiaoxi frowned. "You don't need to apologize to me."

Not knowing how to pick up Chu Xiaoxi's words, Gu Xiaoxiao had to keep the smile on the corner of his mouth as much as possible to keep it from getting cold.

In the bedroom, several children are happily playing and laughing. In the living room, two adults sat silently and looked at each other.

Chu Xiaoxi suddenly got up, walked to Gu Xiaoxiao's side, and hugged her. Holding her stiff body, Chu Xiaoxi sniffed, but still couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes.

"It's great that you are not dead. You are still alive... great."

The clothes were wet with her tears, Gu Xiaoxiao listened to her crying and sorted out her mood.

"We all miss you, and I still wonder how my brother always ran to Japan recently. It turns out that you are here... and yes, only you can make him so obedient. I should have thought of it."

"Don't cry." Taking a tissue and wiping her tears, Gu Xiaoxiao said honestly: "Although I don't remember you, but seeing you crying makes me feel very uncomfortable. Chu Yichen seems to want to bring a few tomorrow. If the child goes to the amusement park, you should go back and have a good rest. Mu Qian and Ranran, let them sleep here. I will send them there tomorrow morning."

"I want to sleep here too!" Chu Xiaoxi didn't follow the routine at all, "I haven't slept with you for a long time, let me stay too!"

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