Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 941: Habits and preferences will not change

Gu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief after sending Ito Rye away, and opened the door to go back to the house to rest.

"What are you still doing here?" Chu Yichen stretched out his hand to hold Chu Xiaoxi's collar, and saw that she was following Gu Xiaoxiao's **** as she was about to go in, and said, "Go back to your own room and sleep!"

"Xiaoxiao doesn't bother me, why are you so good with me?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him unconvinced, snorted, hugged An Jingyan and said, "Go back, what's so great? Anyway, I slept with her yesterday..."

The two of them were arguing about Gu Xiaoxiao three years ago, and it is still the same three years later. But because he hadn't held his wife in three years, Chu Xiaoxi let him do it this time.

"Baby, I'll go back first, and I'll come to see you again tomorrow morning!" After talking to Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Xiaoxi took An Jingyan away. After she left, Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to quickly lock the door to prevent Chu Yichen from entering. No matter how strong he was, he broke in.

The two were at the door. Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to push him out, so he hugged her backhand. The two were entangled, in the eyes of the two children, as if they were playing, they laughed idiotly.

"Take my sister to hide, and Dad will look for you in a while." Chu Yichen glanced at Chu Muqian and wisely pushed them away. These two little guys like the game of peekaboo most, so they will definitely hide themselves very seriously.

The two ran away happily, leaving only Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen in the living room. Gu Xiaoxiao turned his head away, did not touch his sight, spoke in a cold voice, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Chu Yichen didn't speak, and walked towards the sofa hugging her. Hugging her tightly without letting go, buried her head on her shoulders, smelled the scent of her body, smiled bitterly and said, "You still like to use milk shower gel."

Gu Xiaoxiao stiffened and said nothing for a while. In this way, Chu Yichen held her quietly for several minutes before she remembered the child who didn't know where to hide.

"Aren't you going to find them?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice, and Gu Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look in the direction of the bedroom. "They waited."

Without Gu Xiaoxiao, Chu Yichen almost forgot. Rubbing her hair, he stood up and walked in the direction of the bedroom and study.

Opening the door of the study, Chu Yichen looked upright at the room where Gu Xiaoxiao lived. The rows of books on the bookcase are neatly placed. Chu Yichen glanced at the books quickly and saw a few familiar ones. If he remembers correctly, Gu Xiaoxiao had seen these a few years ago.

On the desk, lay her computer and some paper notes. Chu Yichen picked up one casually and glanced at it twice, then raised his eyebrows and smiled silently.

People, even if they forget something, the habits and preferences formed over the years are not so easy to change.

He knows that Gu Xiaoxiao is now working as a translator, and the profession of translators needs to be exposed to many industries, which is not as simple and easy as people think. For example, the medical profession has medical professional terms, and the legal profession has legal professional terms. These cannot be translated casually. So if Gu Xiaoxiao wants to make more money, he will naturally have to work more.

But... now it seems that besides making money as a translator, she is also doing other things.

There were no signs of the two children in the study. Chu Yichen took a look, then went out and came to her bedroom.

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