Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 943: Ito Rye is coming to see Chu Yichen?

Chu Yichen's words contained a bit of dissatisfaction. When he said this, Gu Xiaoxiao remembered that he hadn't called Ito Lie yet.

"Ah yes, Ito Rhee." Nodding thoughtfully, Gu Xiaoxiao looked back at the door, and then told Chu Yichen to wait here. Then I went to look for a cell phone and called Ito Rietsu.

Chu Yichen directly opened the door to listen to the movement inside. He followed Gu Xiaoxiao, watching her behavior, he felt like lifting a rock and hitting him in the foot.

He grabbed Gu Xiaoxiao's cell phone and prevented her from contacting Ito Riehe. Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and refused: "Chu Yichen, don't make trouble, I have to make this call, otherwise he will blame those people."

"I don't even know his name, but I can figure out his temperament." Chu Yichen snorted displeased, and then returned her mobile phone.

"I don't know his name?" Gu Xiaoxiao blinked, a little bit ignorant of what Chu Yichen meant. But she didn't think much about it. After getting the phone, she ran to make a call.

Chu Yichen put his hands around his chest, standing still listening to what Gu Xiaoxiao was saying. The more I listened, the more I felt that she could no longer contact that person.

"Well, I saw your people, but I wanted to live here for the time being, so I didn't go with them. I have to start working the day after tomorrow. I will be busy and will not live here often. If I need to move out. , I’ll find a place by myself. If I can’t find it, it’s not too late to ask you for help.”

"You always said that you would ask me for help when you need it, but after so long, you haven't asked me." Ito Ryul knew she was perfunctory, somewhat helpless. "Xiao Xiao, I don't want you to be polite with me."

"I have looked for you, but you forgot it yourself." Gu Xiaoxiao retorted: "And I really don't want to trouble you with such a small matter."

"Well, you must pay attention to your own safety. Remember to lock the doors and windows. I will go there if I have time in the past two days and meet the new boss there."

Gu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer...

Ito Rye is coming to see Chu Yichen?

Imagining the scene for a moment, Gu Xiaoxiao felt she couldn't bear to look straight.

"Then...I'll go to bed first, good night." After finishing the conversation quickly, Gu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief when she pressed the hang up button.

"Since talking to him is such an unpleasant thing, don't contact him at all." Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's behavior, Chu Yichen was a little happy. Although his little wife is not interested in him now, it is the same with other men.

"It's my business to contact me, don't care about it."

"I'm your husband, who cares about me?"

"Why are you so thick-skinned? I don't remember you anymore, you still said that." Gu Xiaoxiao took two steps to sit down by the sofa, and a little bit angry and clicked on the game on the phone.

Thinking of the unpleasant conversation between the two yesterday, Gu Xiaoxiao was a little sad. Thinking about what Chu Xiaoxi said to herself last night, it was even more unpleasant.

It's been three years...Has he been unable to accept the fact that he was "dead"? Is he really that important to him?

Gu Xiaoxiao lowered his head to play the game, and Chu Yichen was watching her by the side. Even if Gu Xiaoxiao didn't look directly at her scorching gaze, she still felt it.

He looked a little uncomfortable, Gu Xiaoxiao sighed and looked up at him.

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