Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 946: If you speak more, you will lose

"You were very excited at the time. Every day you looked at documents at home and told me that you would come to work here in the future. You have always liked Japan. Every time you watch Japanese cartoons at home, you will laugh like a child. I am I really didn't expect that you would be here..."

Chu Yichen started to blame himself a little at the end. If he could be firmer then, would he be able to see her sooner?

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him sideways, and when she saw the pain in his eyes, she didn't feel well.

"how did you find me?"

"I sent someone to Japan to investigate something. He accidentally met you in a bar and took a picture of me."


Gu Xiaoxiao has been to such a place a handful of times, and the most recent one was the one dragged by Su Zhiying not long ago.

She remembered meeting a Chinese person that day and calling her wife boss when they met... It turned out that it was his.

"Even if there is no Huang Xing, we will meet soon." Chu Yichen said with certainty, "I originally planned to shift the focus of work here in the past year. The new company needs someone to take care of it, and I also need Change the environment and let yourself go. I know... Ito Rietsu, and he and you know each other again, so you think, if there is no Huang Xing, when will we see each other at the latest?"

"It won't be long. If I were his girlfriend and he took me to the dinner reception, it should be easy to see."

"Girlfriend?" The smile on the corner of Chu Yichen's mouth was a little dangerous. After Gu Xiaoxiao saw it, she patted her forehead with regret.

If you talk too much, you will lose, this is really the truth...

"I'm tired, go to bed." After getting up and walking towards the bedroom, Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly speeded up after feeling Chu Yichen had also stood up. It's a pity that short legs can't match people with long legs after all, so she caught up with her without any effort.

"Shhh, don't wake them up."

Threatening Gu Xiaoxiao with two children is the simplest and most effective. Gu Xiaoxiao shut up immediately, frowning.

"I won't do anything to you, at least not tonight."

She gently assured her, Chu Yichen hugged her and lay down on the bed.

After three years, the arms that had been empty for three years finally hugged her again. This contented mood really made Chu Yichen unable to fall asleep with excitement.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't sleep last night. She was very tired, but lying beside Chu Yichen, she didn't want to sleep.

A month ago, they were still "strangers" separating the two places. If he hadn't found himself, if his memory couldn't be restored, Gu Xiaoxiao thought, she would never stand with him in her life.

In just a few tens of days, they have become this kind of relationship that is constantly arranging and chaotic. Gu Xiaoxiao was resting on Chu Yichen's arm and was firmly embraced by him, nervously tense and not knowing what to do.

"Why are you still so thin, I'm not by your side, I'm not full?"

"I'm poor." Gu Xiaoxiao casually made up a reason and said jokingly, "Where can I get enough food."

"Poor?" Chu Yichen was amused by her, "Twenty percent of Fengyang Group's shares are in your possession. Do you know that you are a rich little woman?"

"what did you say?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by what he said. She suddenly raised her head to look at him. The bedside lamp was on, so she could clearly see that the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and his eyes were smiling.

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