"What's the relationship..." Gu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to describe it. After thinking about it seriously, she gritted her teeth and said, "The relationship between husband and wife."

Whether she wants to admit it or not, she cannot deny this fact. She is his wife in name and in fact. Even the child is so old, how can she escape?

"Husband, husband and wife?!"

Su Zhiying stood up in shock and looked down at Gu Xiaoxiao with her head down. She never expected this answer.

"When did you get married? How did he come to you until now? How do you explain to Ito Rie?"

Su Zhiying raised a series of questions, causing Gu Xiaoxiao a headache.

Taking her hand to let her sit down, Gu Xiaoxiao lay down on her lap and closed her eyes.

"I don't know when we got married, you know, I have forgotten something that shouldn't be forgotten. I tried so long without any results. I don't know what to do. As for Ito Rie... Only tell the truth."

"Do you think he is so easy to deal with? Xiaoxiao, how do I feel that even if you tell him the truth, he might not let go?"

Ito Ryul was really unusual to Gu Xiaoxiao. His patience with Gu Xiaoxiao shocked many people. Su Zhiying didn't think that Ito Lie had been working hard for two years and was about to chase Gu Xiaoxiao. He would easily let go because of a man who suddenly appeared.

"Not necessarily, I don't deserve him." Gu Xiaoxiao didn't think she had such a big charm. "I think he is very talkative, not such an unreasonable person."

"That's for you, didn't you also fear him before? What happened recently? Immune?"

"Maybe, I won't be afraid if I see more." It may also be Chu Yichen who appeared, and she forgot to be afraid of Ito Riehe...

The two chatted, and Chu Xiaoxi brought An Jingyan over. The three children were having fun in the yard, and Gu Xiaoxiao sat and chatted together. At the end of the chat, everyone was holding a piece of watermelon in his hand and a spoon. The picture was quite funny.

The resort was suddenly bought by someone else, Ito Rie would naturally feel a little strange. After sending someone to check, when he learned that the buyer was a Chinese and the identity of the other party could not be found for the time being, he felt that something was wrong and worried about the safety of Gu Xiaoxiao who lived there.

"Prepare the car, I want to go out." Standing up from the sofa, Ito Rietsu went to change clothes. The housekeeper next to him looked at the clock on the wall, and it was already past eleven.

It takes at least an hour to travel from Ito Ryul’s residence to Gu Xiaoxiao. He did not disturb Gu Xiaoxiao's rest, but the next morning, he felt that Gu Xiaoxiao had almost finished eating, and when he was about to leave, he waited at the entrance of the resort.

"Mr. Ito?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was shocked and frightened when he saw Itore's car. Why is he here?

"Get in the car." Ito Riez smiled and opened the car door. "I will send you there."

"That, I..."

Gu Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked behind her. When she saw Chu Yichen walking slowly from a distance, she frowned, not knowing what to do.

Ito Ryul followed her gaze and saw the person. After seeing who it was, his eyes flashed, and then he smiled with interest.

Chu Yichen? Why is he here? He bought this resort, right?

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