"I hate your domineering." Gu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes in desperation and whispered unwillingly.

"As long as I can keep you by my side, even if it is annoying, I don't care."

"Is this interesting? Isn't it torture to keep someone who doesn't like you? Or is it that you have a tendency to self-abuse and like to play this routine?" Gu Xiaoxiao snorted and asked mockingly.

"My dear, I really hope you can maintain this aggressive attitude after returning to China." Chu Yichen was not provoked by her words when she turned her head and kissed her.

After sighing, Gu Xiaoxiao stopped talking. Although she closed her eyes and rested her mind, she was so close to Chu Yichen, her sleepiness disappeared.

Chu Yichen's gaze couldn't help but glanced at her wrist.

Suicide? What was she thinking at that time?

The plane arrived in City B safely. As soon as she got off the plane, Gu Xiaoxiao felt a sense of fear inexplicably.

The pace of advancement slowed down unconsciously. Chu Yichen noticed her strangeness, so he took her hand and calmed down in a low voice: "Think about what to eat at night."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him, took a deep breath, and pulled the corner of his mouth far-fetched. Then he retracted his hand, took out his mobile phone, thinking about calling Su Zuonan.

"Your job is over for a while, there is no need to contact him." Stopping Gu Xiaoxiao's movements, Chu Yichen met her unhappy gaze, "Your time now is mine."

"Chu Yichen, I won't go to see your family with you." Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know what he wanted to do, but she was worried that he would take herself home.

"If you don't want to see it, then you won't see it." Anyway, there will be time and opportunity in the future.

Chu Yichen was quite easy to talk, but the more he was like this, the more disturbed Gu Xiaoxiao was.

There has always been no shortage of paparazzi reporters in places like airports. Especially after learning about the itinerary of certain stars, they rushed to run here.

Today is the day when top celebrity groups from China, Japan and South Korea came to China to record variety shows. So many fans came to pick up the plane, and many reporters came to take pictures.

Gu Xiaoxiao's plane was more than two hours later than Su Zuonan and the others. She did not expect that there would be reporters squatting here when she arrived. I didn't expect that as soon as she appeared, she would be photographed by reporters.

After taking the luggage, Gu Xiaoxiao walked towards the exit of the airport, feeling a little at a loss.

Where can she go without following Su Zuonan to work?

For her, City B is already a strange city. She is standing here now, looking around. There are many people passing by, they are in a hurry, but they all know where they are going and have their own destinations. She is the only exception...

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Muqian looked at Gu Xiaoxiao, who was standing there, looking around, but refused to go any further, and ran back to her.

Gu Xiaoxiao looked down at him, smiled slowly, and shook his head.

"Mom, hug." Reaching out for a hug, after Gu Xiaoxiao satisfied him, Chu Muqian hugged her neck happily, and kissed her face with a small mouth.

"Chu Yichen, where are you taking me?" Gu Xiaoxiao caught up with Chu Yichen's pace and asked cautiously. "What the **** did you ask me for? If you cancel my job privately, then I have no reason or reason to come here."

"If you want to work this way, I will take you to work. I will give you ten times the salary according to your standard in Japan."

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