Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 964: Can I live by myself?

He was speechless when Chu Yichen asked. After holding the chopsticks and looking at Chu Yichen for a few seconds, Chu Muqian snorted and ignored him.

When Chu Yichen is not at home, Gu Xiaoxiao is naturally happy. After eating and waiting for him to leave, Gu Xiaoxiao called Su Zuonan and asked him if he needed help from the past, and if necessary, call her at any time.

"Xiao Xiao, where are you now?"

Before hanging up, Su Zuonan asked concerned.

"At his house, I don't know where this is." Gu Xiaoxiao answered truthfully.

"Do you remember some of the past?"

"No." Gu Xiaoxiao shook her head and smiled bitterly. "Maybe I don't think of it anymore."

"Don't worry, this kind of thing can't be anxious. If you have any need, you can call me anytime. If you are unhappy over there, tell me, I will pick you up."

"How do you know I'm not happy?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked jokingly, "Big stars must have the consciousness of big stars. You are a public figure. Don't just walk too close to us little people, otherwise it will affect you."

"Your voice does not sound like a happy one. As for the celebrity, I have been enough for a long time, just make an excuse for being inappropriate." Su Zuonan chuckled softly, and Gu Xiaoxiao listened to his words, inexplicably kind of him. It's not like joking. "Well, you can coax the kids first, I will come to see you when I have time."

"Ok, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the phone, thinking about Su Zuonan's remark just now. She didn't recover until the two children pulled at her clothes.

Taking them to sleep upstairs, Gu Xiaoxiao listened to them in their immature voices, speaking not fluent English, telling stories to herself, and her heart was warm.

When Chu Yichen went home after five o'clock, the living room downstairs was empty. Going upstairs and looking around, I found three people in a certain bedroom.

Gu Xiaoxiao lay beside the two children, sleeping deeply. Chu Yichen stood in front of the bed and looked at her quietly for a long time before waking her up a little bit reluctant.

"Baby, wake up." He whispered, and after Gu Xiaoxiao slowly opened his eyes, Chu Yichen continued. "Don't sleep, or you won't be able to sleep at night."

Gu Xiaoxiao slept well and was suddenly awakened, feeling a little bit angry. She rubbed her eyes, looked at Chu Yichen displeased, and sat up.

"Can I not go to the company with you tomorrow?"

Chu Yichen did not expect that the first sentence she would say after waking up was this.

"What do you want to do without going to the company?"

"Go for a walk." She came back to find memory, not to work for him in the company.

"You can go to the company for a round trip. You used to work overtime in the company most of the time." Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's thoughts, Chu Yichen continued to coax. "There are also houses over there, if you want, you can live there."

"Then can I live by myself? I don't want to live with you." Gu Xiaoxiao's words were very straightforward, and the straightforward Chu Yichen regretted mentioning it to her.

"Yes, I'll take you there tomorrow." After thinking about it, Chu Yichen still agreed to her request. Seeing a flash of surprise under her eyes, he leaned over to pick up Ranran.

Chu Muqian got up more angry, so he left the awkward kid to Gu Xiaoxiao, and went downstairs with Ranran.

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