Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 973: Don't want to waste time on unnecessary things

After hearing his question, Gu Xiaoxiao knew he had returned to the apartment.

"Where are you?"

"You are working with a colleague, you don't have to wait for me." Gu Xiaoxiao replied calmly: "I won't go back to live there, they have arranged the hotel for me."

"Didn't we have already said, have you all lived here lately?" Chu Yichen frowned, unexpectedly she was still angry. "Don't worry, I won't touch you, you come back now, and I will leave as soon as I see you."

"Chu Yichen, I am no longer a child. I am responsible for my safety and I know what I am doing. I need to work. I just come back from work. I can't waste time on other unnecessary things. Above."

"You mean, being with me is a superfluous thing?"

"It's okay if you want to understand it this way. Anyway, I want to work." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled indifferently: "I have something to do, hang up first, bye."

A little anxiously, she hung up Chu Yichen's call, and Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her phone for two seconds before turning it off.

Anyway, no one but him would contact him, and it was useless to turn on the phone.

When Chu Yichen called again, he couldn't get through. Annoyed, he threw the phone aside, he stood in the living room and sighed heavily.

Gu Xiaoxiao ate hot pot for dinner, and her stomach was a little struck. After returning to the hotel, she looked at herself in the mirror and then turned to go out again.

The outfit on her is totally incompatible with her work. How can an errand assistant wear such good clothes and shoes? Besides, after stepping on high heels for a day, she was so tired that she almost cried. She didn't want to continue to wear this dress tomorrow and run around with them. So while it was not too late, she wanted to go to the mall to buy two clothes and some skin care products.

All of her luggage is on Chu Yichen's side. Since she doesn't plan to go back, she can't get it back.

"It's so late, do you have to go out?"

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao left the room, she met Keita Takemoto. He looked at her direction in confusion, and asked in a low voice.

"I want to go out and buy something useful."

"It's too late, you are not safe."

"It's okay. The shopping mall is very close here. I just looked at the map." Gu Xiaoxiao quickly laughed and said, "You are tired all day, so rest early. There are still many things to do tomorrow."

"Then you pay attention..." Jingtai frowned and looked at her. After she took two steps, she was still a little worried. So he asked: "Would you like me to accompany you? I haven't been to China for a long time, and I want to go for a walk."

"It's just going to a mall. Do you think you would like to go shopping with women?" Gu Xiaoxiao stopped and looked back at him. "It's boring. If you want to go out, we have four hours of free time the day after tomorrow. , You can drive out for a drive."

"You remember the schedule so clearly."

"My job, it should be. I'm leaving now, bye."

Saying goodbye to him, Gu Xiaoxiao walked away quickly. Keita Takemoto has always been polite, so he suddenly cared about himself today and surprised Gu Xiaoxiao.

It is a happy thing for someone to care, Gu Xiaoxiao raised her mouth slightly and turned on her mobile phone.

She is very new to this place, for the sake of convenience and safety, it should be turned on.

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