Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 982: Why does she look down on herself?

The clothes were wet and clinging to her body, which made Gu Xiaoxiao a little uncomfortable, and it was a little bit cold.

She squatted on the ground and took out her mobile phone. She was boringly playing games to pass the time, waiting for Chu Yichen to contact herself when she arrived.

The rain kept falling, and the sky seemed to be leaking. Gu Xiaoxiao squatted for ten minutes, her feet were almost numb, she stood up and jumped and called Chu Yichen.

"I've arrived, where are you?"

"There are still ten minutes. Xiao Xi should be there. I will let her go and find you."

When Chu Yichen was speaking, Gu Xiaoxiao could still hear the two children calling her. The corners of her mouth rose involuntarily, Gu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, squinted her eyes to look outside, and then burst into a rush to the hotel over there.

In two or three minutes, Gu Xiaoxiao was about to cry after being poured. When the heavy rain turned into hail, Gu Xiaoxiao's back hurt.

"Get out of the way, who is it, don't you have eyes? Standing here in the way?!"

Gu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by the sound coming from behind, and when she turned her head, she saw a somewhat familiar face.

Xiao Yiren? Why is she here?

The one who just spoke was the assistant next to Xiao Yiren. It can be seen that she is also very irritable under the rain, so her tone of speech is particularly bad.

When Gu Xiaoxiao looked over, several people were stunned. Judging from Xiao Yiren's reaction, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that she should know herself.

"Sorry." With a slight smile, she moved to the corner of the wall to make way for the big star.

Xiao Yiren looked at her dress up and down, a little unsure of her identity.

Is it the woman named Gu Xiaoxiao? If so, why did you come here in this way? If not, this face looks a bit too similar.

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned against the wall and lowered his head to send a WeChat message to Chu Xiaoxi, waiting for a reply. She felt that Xiao Yiren was looking at herself, but she was not in the mood to look at her.

After Xiao Yiren looked at Gu Xiaoxiao a few more times, she felt that she might have admitted the wrong person. So he left and walked to the banquet hall.

Gu Xiaoxiao was relieved to see her leaving. Chu Xiaoxi didn't reply for a long time, and he was probably busy socializing.

Gu Xiaoxiao waited and waited, not in a hurry, and went to a slightly remote place to continue waiting.

If Chu Yichen arrived, he would definitely pass by here. She waited here, there would be no mistake. But she didn't expect that the first person she waited was not Chu Yichen, nor Chu Xiaoxi, but the assistant of Xiao Yiren.

"Are you Gu Xiaoxiao?"

She walked back to Gu Xiaoxiao again and asked straightforwardly.

Gu Xiaoxiao was a little unhappy listening to her unceremonious tone. He raised his eyes to look at her, frowned, and asked, "I know you?"

"Oh, it's really you."

The woman looked up and down Gu Xiaoxiao several times, her eyes quite disdainful. Gu Xiaoxiao could see the ridicule in her eyes, but she didn't understand why she looked down on herself?

"Didn't you have been away for several years? Why did you come back again? Isn't the man looking outside as rich as Young Master Chu, so he has such a thick skin?"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her intently, and after she finished speaking, she stood up slowly.

"Do I know you?" Repeating the question she had just asked, Gu Xiaoxiao slipped her phone into her pocket.

"You don't know me, but I know you." The other party replied very pleasantly, "You didn't come to see Young Master Chu?"

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