Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1011: Ayan, I'm pregnant

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

He let her go and he went down to find her mother.

An An's feet were so heavy that he couldn't keep pace.

At this moment, there was a "bang", and a lightning flashed across the sky.

A heavy rain is coming.

"Head," Li Si took a step forward and whispered, "Tornado is already landing. Don't delay time."

Just now, a fierce battle has won the confidential secretary. Chen Jing took the confidential secretary first and returned to his superiors. After all, this was a problem left behind when he was in office.

These jeep are now blood pupil special forces, a total of 12 people, except for the stones killed three years ago, there are many.

This innocent team all jumped off the jeep. They put on equipment and were ready to go. They had bright and clear eyes. They looked at An An in excitement and shouted loudly. "Good bitch!"

Although Lu Yan is their commander, in private, Lu Yan is their elder brother.

--- Xunzi, don't worry, we will bring your aunt out!

--- Xunzi, let's go, there is danger here, listen to the words of brother!

The stone was replaced by a 20-year-old little hairy monkey scissors. The elites were picked up layer by layer, but they were honest and kind. They hadn't seen a woman very much. Scissors scratched their heads. Pretty girl, like ... like a fairy in the sky. "

Lu Yan went up and stomped his **** with a kick.

Scissors hurt tooth, "Report to the head, I don't understand, what's wrong?"

Looking at the thick-looking scissors, the other blood pupils laughed. "Scissors, don't stare at the sister-in-law."

Scissors thought, not even a glance, why, he didn't understand the whole operation of the chief.

Those who serve as soldiers will always be the cutest person in the world, An An shook his red lips lightly, but smiled.

There was another thunder at this time, and the branches around it had been blown over, and then the raindrops of beans fell down.

The rainstorm came on schedule.

Fu Qinglun propped up a black umbrella and propped it on An An's head. He whispered, "An An, no one here can bring Aunt Lu back except Chief Lu. Let's leave first, don't share Chief Lu's heart."

This is the coolest and most sensible arrangement.

An An was standing under the black umbrella, and her delicate body was wrapped in the military coat he gave. Even her little hands were shrunk inside. It was a stormy weather, but she was protected from dripping rain.

But why, she couldn't feel the slightest warmth?

She looked at Lu Yan ahead. Lu Yan was covered with an army green poncho, and the rainstorm was so blurry that his face was blurred.

"Fu Shao, An An is entrusted to you." Lu Yan looked at Fu Qinglun.

Fu Qinglun nodded, "Relax."

Lu Yan glanced at An An and wanted to say something, but the thin lips tilted and said nothing. Then, he drew thin lips to her.

He smiled at her, so tender.

An An felt a pain in her heart, like something cracked.

Then Lu Yan turned around and left.

He opened his legs and disappeared into her sight step by step. An An's eyes became hot, and the big eyes fell down.

She always thought she was brave.

Actually, no.

She had no way to send him away.


She screamed, then rushed out from under the umbrella, rushed over, and hugged his healthy waist from behind.

Lu Yan stopped, his wide palms stretched out, tucked into his sleeves, mixed with rain and the warmth of his palms, holding her soft little hand, "You can't go like this."

There was a hint of helplessness and petting in his low voice.

"Ayan, kneel down and ask me to marry me!" The girl's soft choked voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Lu Yan froze and turned slowly.

An An reached out and pulled the red rope hanging from the pink neck, and the diamond ring on the red rope shone brightly.

She shoved the red rope into his palm. I wonder if it was rain or tears that blurred her vision. She raised her head and looked at the man. Now. "

Lu Yan's eyes darkened, and she was at a loss as to what she was doing. He cursed lowly, "Well, little girls!"

The next second, he knelt down on one knee with a diamond ring, "An'an, marry me, I will treat you with my heart and heart, if you dare not agree, see me kill you!"

This is the proposal of Chief Lu's proposal. There are no sweet words, some are just bandits.

An An chuckled, and smiled and burst into tears. She often dreamed, and her dream became his wife.

This way, she came to an end, and at this moment she was successful.

"I promise!"

Simple words, she rejoiced.

Lu Yan put the diamond ring in her finger.

But An An retracted her little hand and didn't let him wear it. "You keep this diamond ring and put it on when you come back."

Lu Yan raised an eyebrow. "Alright."

He stood up and put the diamond ring into his pants pocket. "Let's go."

"Well, I'm leaving."

An An looked at his face, her hands curled up, how she wished to stroke his face at this moment, but she didn't.

She turned directly, opened her legs, and walked forward.

He said, look forward, don't look back.

Fu Qinglun personally opened the rear door. Lu Yan watched An An's delicate body lowered and was ready to get on the car.

"A Yan." At this moment, An An suddenly made a voice and called him gently.

Lu Yanying's sword eyebrows were picked. Although his face was dark, the whole man's eyebrows fluttered. Little girls, such ink, there are endless and annoying.

He didn't speak, but his gaze was slowly lowering, because he saw her little white hand reaching out slowly on her flat belly.

Lu Yan's heart tightened, and the raised man's throat knot rolled instantly.

What is she doing to touch her belly?

Is it?

An An didn't look back, she just said softly, "A Yan, I forgot to tell you one thing, I'm pregnant."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yan's black pupils contracted suddenly. What was she talking about?

She is pregnant?

The brown eyes were stained with scarlet, and the muscles in his body were as hard as iron. He immediately pulled his legs and ran towards her.

"Ayan, my baby and I are waiting for you, you must come back."

An An got in the car and the luxury car galloped away.

Lu Yan ran halfway and failed to catch up, watching her leave.

Alas, little girl, don't say it!

Conceived of his seed, terrible, right?

He turned around with his hands on his hips a few times, then reached out and touched his head. Why was he pregnant?

For just a few nights, she was so cute, she refused to give it again.

But pregnant!

He was already forty, even thinking that she couldn't bear melons in her stomach, it was good to raise her as a daughter.

But I didn't expect her to give him such a fight and give him a long face.

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