Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1018: end

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

An An sat on the bench of the bus stop, and stretched out her cold little hand slowly touched his lower abdomen, Xiao Xiaoyan, are you just like your mother and you can't keep it up.

I used to look forward to every morning light today, and today I am afraid of every dawn.

There is no mottled color in the world without Ah Yan.

An An gently hooked the corners of her lips, then slowly raised her eyes.

In front of her, a bus whistled past, and she saw the tall, strong body on the opposite street.

The slender feathers of the butterfly cicada trembled suddenly, and the clear pupils contracted sharply.

What did she see?

Is it a dream?

Day and night, the nightmare people are standing opposite her road.

An An stood up quickly, and the cold winter wind moved her floral skirt and made a ripple.

Time slowed down, any time hurried away, her eyes filled with the reflection of that person.

If it was a dream, she would rather not wake up.

Big tears smashed down, and she hooked her lips in her tears, crying and laughing, like a fool.

Opposite, Lu Yan is waiting for the car.

He wore a gray shirt, black trousers, and trousers tucked into black boots, still tall and strong.

However, he hadn't shaved for a long time, his face full of dregs, eagle-eyed brown eyes glanced at the bus, and before he was waiting for the bus he was waiting for, he frowned deeply and thinly.

At this moment, a slender and pretty figure suddenly broke into Yu Guang's eyes, and he raised his eyes.

On the opposite street, the girl wore a long dress like a water lily just blooming in the pond.

An An.

Alas, the small package on his hand fell to the ground.


The muscles under the gray shirt bulged piece by piece, like a copper wall and an iron wall, and he stared tightly at the witty shadow.

With almost a look, he rubbed her into his own blood.

The next second, he pulled his leg and walked towards her.

Harsh horns sounded, vehicles on the street were forced to stop, and a driver slid down the window, "Hey, you are dead!"

Lu Yan glanced sideways and glanced at the driver.

When the driver's scalp was numb, he narrowed his neck and got into the car.

"Oh my God, look at that, it seems like Chief Lu."

"Really, really Chief Lu!"

"Great, Chief Lu is back, Chief Lu is home!" ...

All the vehicles stopped, the busy streets were slowly quiet, and everyone was watching.

A sharp brake sounded, and Li Si stopped in an emergency. He rubbed his eyes. "Scissors, who is that in front?"

Scissors lie on the car window and look, "Yes ... is the head! Really the head!"

Li Si's tears came down all of a sudden, and he always swears at Swen, "mmp, I know that Yanzi's life is hard!"


Lu Yan calmly crossed the road and stopped in front of An An.

He first glanced up and down her eyes, and unpleasantly pursed his lips, losing weight!

She had tears on her big slap, and he smashed Yingqi's sword eyebrows into a "Chuan" word, "Don't cry, not dead, good people!"

An An didn't listen, but she cried.

Disobedient little things!

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and reprimanded Shen, "What are you still doing?"

Afraid she didn't understand, he added, "Come here!"

Simple two words, domineering.

An An pulled out his thin legs and came to him step by step.

She reached out her little hand and touched his handsome face.

Is he ... really?

However, her little hand stopped at his face, and she didn't dare touch it.

Big tears smashed down, and she choked, "I often dream of this encounter, but in the dream, when I touch you, you disappear ..."

"I dare not touch it, as long as ... I can look at you like this, Ayan, don't go away, my baby and I can't hold on anymore ..."

Her weak fragrant shoulder was shaking, and the wind ran away. Lu Yan suddenly stretched out her wide and rough palm, grasped her cold little hand, and then pulled her in her arms.

Arms stretched, hugged the delicate and small skeleton in her arms, and her thin, thin lips stuck to her hair, sniffing the aroma of her body, he cursed, "Little girl, cry cry, take my My heart is crying. "

"What are you afraid of? I'm back and I won't go away again. These days, I want to die."

An An smiled and broke her face. It was really A Yan, it was really her A Yan.

His strong chest, warm body temperature, and low ears were the same as before.

Nothing has changed.

An An slowly stretched out two small hands and hugged him, smiling silly, good, he finally came back.

It wasn't too early and too late, and when she and the baby were about to persist, he rushed home.


When An An was three months pregnant, Lu Yan returned from the army in the evening to make dinner.

An An ate two bowls of millet rice, and her belly was fed round. She was lying on the sofa, Lu Yan leaning lazily on the top of the sofa, holding a military map in her palm, looking at An An's small head. Pillow on his belly.

She stretched out her tiny white hand and touched his abdominal muscles. One, two, four, five, six, seven, eight packs. Is it too luxurious for her to sleep on these eight packs every day?

She raised her small head to look at the man. He looked down at the military map with brown eyes, and it looked like the majesty of the chief.

The military uniform on him had not been taken off, the military uniform was stiff, and the walking hanger was just rolled up the sleeves when cooking.

"Ayan, if you feed me like this, will I be fat like a ball in the future?" She asked softly.

Lu Yan's gaze moved from the military map to her powdery face, then stretched her palms and squeezed, "No."

An An quickly became full of energy, so he was sweet.

At this moment, the man made up a sentence, "The ball will roll, you won't even roll."



What did he say?

An An looked up at him, and his eyes turned to the military map again.

"Lu Yan, can you tell me clearly, are you too disgusted that you are fat?" Two little hands lay open on the military map of his palm, she turned over and sat on his strong thigh, still akimbo, and never vowed Look.

Lu Yan glanced at her with brown eyes, patted her little **** with the big palm of the military map, "No rules, let me go down."

"I do not want!"

She didn't go down.

Lu Yan glanced down at her figure, the small waist at the mouth of the porcelain vase, the extreme S-shape, but the little belly in front protruded a little bit, and the more cute the more cute, he looked up again, Well, it's a little bigger.


"Just don't go down!"

As soon as the voice dropped, Lu Yan shook the military map on his hand. Two big palms clasped her small waist and directly lifted her. He kicked the room door and threw her on the bed. .

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