Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Feed him cookies

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

An An was taken away by Lu Yan, Tang Moer and Lin Shizhen glanced at each other, "It's just us two, or should we have fun together?"

Lin Shizhen raised Liu Yemei, "Okay."

As soon as the voice dropped, two car whistle "ding" and "ding" came, and two luxury cars followed.

Gu Mohan and Fu Qinglun came together.

Gu Mohan just got out of the international conference. The secretary Yan Dong drove the extended business luxury car, and the rear window slowly slipped down, revealing Gu Mohan's handsome face.

He wore a handmade white shirt with a tie around his neck, a dark blue business vest and a dark blue stern suit. A shiny silver brooch on the suit exuded the charm of the senior elite.

Ying Ting's back arrived lazily in the seat, and a document was placed on her knee. As the window slowly slid down, Gu Mohan lifted his eyelids and looked at Tang Moer outside, "Get in. "

Simple two words, simply overbearing.

Tang Moer, "..."

Lin Shiyi covered his mouth and grinned. "Mor, your family Mr. Gu is the endorsement for the overbearing president."

Mr. Gu is really a classic in the domineering president.

Under the men's deterrence, Tang Mo'er surrendered unsurpassedly, "Shi Ye, I'm leaving now."

"Let's go." Lin Shizhen waved a small hand.

Tang Moer got on a business luxury car, and the luxury car galloped away.


Tang Mo'er left, a soft waxy voice sounded in his ear, "Mum."

Lin Shizhen glanced at the door of the luxury car, Fu Qinglun holding the small lemon down.

"Little lemon, why are you here?" Lin Shizhen's delicate eyebrows quickly overflowed with the softness of motherhood.

"Mum, I'll pick you up with Daddy."

Lin Shizhen looked at Fu Qinglun, different from Gu Mohan's dress, Fu Qinglun was more casual.

Inside he was a white V-neck sweater and a black quilted jacket outside.

Fu Qinglun's dark eyes also fell on Lin Shizhen's clear face, his eyes burning, gentle and hot, "Poetry, let's go home."

"Okay." Lin Shiji nodded.

"Daddy, Mommy, can I have a matcha-flavored cookie?"

Little Lemon pointed to an old-fashioned dessert shop nearby. She had been receiving treatment for months, and she wanted to eat a biscuit.

Looking at the eager look of Little Lemon, Lin Shizhen was distressed. "Okay, Mommy bought it for you, but you can only eat one piece."

"Thank you mommy, mu ~ ma ~"

Lin Shizhen lifted his feet to buy.

But the next second, a big, clean palm came over, and wrapped her slightly cold hand in her palm, "Go together."

Lin Shiyi's puffer-like feather quivered, her heart was a little sweet, "Oh."

Fu Qinglun held little lemon in one arm and held her in one hand, and a family of three walked into the dessert shop.

Little Lemon had felt the pink bubbles in the air and said happily, "Daddy and Mummy are in love."


After buying a box of matcha-flavored cookies, the family of three returned to the luxury car while Fu Qinglun was driving.

The mother and daughter were sitting at the back, Lin Shizhen fed a cookie to the little lemon, "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. Mommy also eats one."

Have something to share.

At this moment, Little Lemon suddenly said again, "Daddy is eating a piece, but Daddy is driving. He can't eat it. Mommy feeds Daddy."

Feed Fu Qinglun for cookies?

Lin Shizhen jumped in her heart, she looked up at the man in front.

Fu Qinglun lifted his eyelids and looked backwards through the rearview mirror.

The eyes of the two men collided in the air.

Lin Shizhen was a bit unnatural. She was cold-hearted. When she was at school, there were many lovers around her. She often saw lovers feeding each other.

She and Fu Qinglun have come along this way and got married twice, but she has never really fallen in love.

She can't do it.

He would rather throw him over in bed.

Little Lemon looked at it with jealousy, Lin Shizhen raised his tiny white hand and pinched a strand of hair on the cheek behind her ear. She looked at the man, "You ... don't you eat?"

She meant it clearly, and refused.

Fu Qinglun looked at her, and the car was heated. She took off her coat. Inside was a bright yellow lazy windbreaker, a floral dress underneath, and wavy curly hair scattered casually. Her little The face is beautiful and stunning.

Now she looked at him with a hint of shame in her hinted eyes.

Fu Qinglun slowly evoked the scarlet lips, then nodded, "I want to eat."


Does he not understand her hint?

She saw him on purpose!

Lin Shizhen squeezed a cookie and handed it to the front. "Here you are."

Fu Qinglun didn't answer. His low-alcoholic voice echoed in the silent compartment. "I'm driving, Shi Shi, you feed me."

"Mum, hurry up and feed Daddy."


Lin Shi trembled, and her delicate body slowly moved forward. As she approached the driver's seat, she smelled the clean and masculine breath on him.

Her eyes saw the big palm he pressed on the steering wheel, his fingers were long, his bones and joints were beautiful and white.

Lin Shizhen admits that Fu Qinglun is a very charming man. He is not as brave as Lu Yan and not as strong as Gu Mohan. He is full of noble blood, and is a gentleman to a woman.

There was a scene in her mind that she threw him. When she rushed, he quickly stretched out two strong arms to catch her firmly, and the two fell on the big bed.

His fine bangs covered Jun Mei's eyelids, and when she came, she narrowed her eyebrows lightly, revealing some charming and weak cowardice.

"Here you are." She handed the cookie to his lips.

A chuckling whispered in his ears, "What do you want?"

Lin Shizhen looked up, and the biscuit in her hand passed to his head.


Lin Shizhen steamed two blushes with a clear little face, so she wouldn't tell him that she was trying to knock him down.

She adjusted her position and she fed him cookies.

But then Fu Qinglun turned a corner, Lin Shizhen slipped, and the cookies fell off.

She glanced down at the cookie and fell into an awkward position, the middle of his strong thigh.

This one…

"Pick it up," Fu Qinglun said.

He let her pick it up.

Lin Shiquan ticked her red lips. "Who makes you make a sharp turn, you pick it up."

She wants to return.

But then a large, clean, big palm came over, grasping her little boneless hand, and pressed it down.

"Fu Qinglun!" Lin Shizhen flushed with a small face, reminded whispered, "Where is the little lemon in the car?"

Fu Qinglun picked a good-looking sword eyebrow, "I asked you to pick up cookies, what's so unsightly?"


Lin Shizhen nibbled his lower lip with fine white teeth, "Oh, let me pick it up, but where is the cookie?"

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