Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: Monthly ticket plus

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Seeing that he was really moving, Lin Xuan and Tong Ren shrank. His face flushed and bleeding was coming. "Lu Jinwen, how dare you!"

She wanted to express that she was angry, but then she found her voice soft and tender.

She suddenly felt complacent and shameless. She was so big.

Lu Jinwen raised her thin lips, and even the low voice was dyed with a bit of joy, untied the pajamas, and he bent down again and kissed her red lips. "Think?"

"I don't think!" She pushed him.

In the sight is the magnified handsome face of the man, handsome and perfect, the pajamas straps spread out, revealing his superb chest. The 50-year-old man is really glamorous, the muscles are undulating and the waist is tight. Narrow, perfect inverted triangle.

"Think about it, and no one laughed at you. I missed you for a long time. When I was young, I squandered spontaneously, but then I have been separated for almost 20 years. I touched you once at the Qingshui River four years ago. I'm thinking about your taste. "He pressed her and said lingering love words.

Although it was always wind and rain and ups and downs in his youth, he was also happy, and he wanted to consume each other's young body and beauty.

She didn't feel enough then, and suddenly one day she disappeared.

According to the number of days he knew, he rarely touched her.

Lin Xuanchi also remembered that when she came to a small day, when Huai Moer Huai Chenyi, he did not let her go.

If she didn't want to, he tied her directly.

For a while, he also fed her the medicine, and she became his slave completely.

The past is like a dream.

Lin Xuanchi buried her face, and her blushing face was slightly white.

In fact, there are some things that you will never forget.

"Mr. Lu," Wang Yanran's voice was passed over before the phone hangs up. "Your wife has heart failure. Can you do it with you? Look at you, it must be terrible in bed. Your wife can satisfy you." ? "

Saying Wang Yanran smiled confidently and proudly, "If you come to my room now, I promise to serve you comfortably."

"Mr. Lu, Yan Ran had just taken a shower, and it was so fragrant. I wore a suspender nightdress. It was so hot. I'm going to blow the straps now ..."

Wang Yanran's charming snoring came clearly.

Lu Jinwen ignored the woman on the other end of the phone. He reached out and dragged Lin Xuanyu's skirt in his palm. With such a pull, Lin Xuanyu even let go.

He stagnated and quickly realized that she was wrong. "What's wrong?"

Lin Xuanchi was weak and pale, and she shook her head. "I feel pain."

"Mr. Lu ..." Wang Yanran was still calling, and the scale of calling was getting larger and larger.

Lu Jinwen picked up the phone and smiled quietly, "Can I satisfy myself, can't I meet? How many men will I send you?"

Wang Yanran at the other end snorted quickly.

"Don't make any waves in the future, and send you to the kiln if you bark again."

Lu Jinwen lost a word, hung up the phone directly, he dropped his cell phone on the table, and then held Lin Xuanheng horizontally.

Several walked to the bed, he put her gently on the bed, "Where does it hurt, let me see, is it my heart?"

He reached out to press her heart.

Lin Xuanyu stopped it.

Lu Jinwen raised his handsome eyelid, "Fool me?"

"Lu Jinwen, she's right. With my current body, I can't satisfy you."

Listening to this, Lu Jinwen's eyebrows tightened, and he sat down beside the bed, two proud long legs stretched forward lazily.

The tip of his tongue pressed on the right cheek, and he slowly lifted his thin lips and smiled coldly. Heavy, will be willing to do you? "

"As long as you are willing, I naturally have a way to make you and me happy, Qingqing me and me, you Lennon, but you still refuse."

His eyes were very good, and he pierced her like an X-ray.

Lin Xuanxuan opened his eyes.

Lu Jinwen's handsome facial features can be considered calm, but the whole person is very cold, "Xuan Yuan, still love me?"

"A year ago, you came back from country Z. When I got married, I didn't dare ask, do you still love me?"

Does she still love him?

He had endured this question for a year and was afraid to ask.

Lin Xuanchi closed her eyes gently and did not answer.

Lu Jinwen stood up, took off his pajamas, changed a black shirt and trousers, and then turned to go out.

"Boom", the door of the room was closed.


Lu Jinwen is gone.

It's so late that he went out.

The knock on the door rang, and the maid outside said, "Madam, it's time to take medicine."

Lin Xuanzhang sat up, "Come in."

The maid came in, Lin Xuanzhuang squeezed his nose and drank a bowl of Chinese medicine.

"Ma'am, this is the sugar Mr. gave you."

The maid passed a piece of candy.

Lin Xuanyu took the sugar, as he always did, peeled off the sugar coating and stuffed the candy into his mouth.

But today's sugar is not sweet anymore.


In the company.

Lu Jinwen was sitting in a black leather seat, smoking a cigarette between his long fingers.

The office was smelling of tobacco, and a layer of cigarette butts fell in the ashtray.

He has been smoking for a long time.

"Sir," but the housekeeper came over and handed a small packet, "This is what you want. As long as you eat this, you will be burned. Unless you do that kind of thing, there is no cure. "

Lu Jinwen raised his eyes and glanced at the packet in the blue smoke.

For decades, Mr. Ye butler has landed with Jinwen. At a glance, he can see that his own husband is dissatisfied, and his wife has never let him touch him.

The housekeeper Ye speculated that this packet should be for the wife.

This behavior is extreme, but like what Mr. did.

However, Mr. Ye had some doubts, "Sir, with the current body of his wife, he really can't take this medicine. He also asked his husband to think twice before the heart-change operation, and wait for his wife to recover, and then take it no later.

Lu Jinwen took a sip of cigarette, then slowly spit out, "Pour a glass of water."

"Yes, sir."

Ye Butler turned around and went to do it.

But after taking a step, Ye Steward's footsteps were stagnant. He looked back and looked at Lu Jinwen in shock, "Sir, are you going to ... eat yourself?"

Lu Jinwen tickled his thin lips, and tonight he must have asked for an answer.

He knew he was getting greedy, and when he got married, he just asked her to stay with him.

But now he wants to own her with all his heart.

If he doesn't force her, she can never take this step.

Ye Steward handed a glass of water, Lu Jinwen spilled the medicine powder in the packet and drank it all.

Picking up the car key, he got up and now returned to the manor to find her.

He wanted to see what kind of heart she was to him?

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