Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1187: Gently blow her forehead at her

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Heck, she shouldn't doubt her brother just now.

Tang Mo'er felt very guilty. That ... She hurt her finger, and Mr. Gu would also hold her finger for the first time. Her brother was a little abnormal just now, and she wanted to ...

My brother's temperament was indifferent, and his mother was worried before she died.

She still remembered that when her mother was dying, she once held her little hand and said to her --- Mo Er, after the mother left, Ye Ming gave it to you. He only listens to you. You must be good at guidance. Don't let him run wild and ruin himself.

Tang Moer still doesn't understand what her brother's demon is, and she doesn't understand her mother's words.

But her mother's life is clever and transparent. She respects her mother and loves her mother. She always puts her mother's words into her heart, and she never forgets it for a second.

She will take good care of her brother.

Eh ... Although my brother does not need her to take care of her at all, my brother has always taken care of her ...

Very shameful.

The big rock in Tang Mo'er's heart finally fell. She just came back secretly just now, just to see it.

Now that her brother is kissing Qingqing, she is relieved.

Although my sister came to peep at my brother, I was ashamed.

Tang Moer turned and wanted to leave.

Jun Xiqing didn't close her eyes, so she looked at Lu Yeming's handsome face near Chichi. The moment he kissed, she quietly hooked her lips, sneered, and directly opened her mouth to bite the corner of his lips.

Suddenly being bitten, Lu Yeming's handsome brows frowned.

Jun Xiqing resisted him with two small hands, trying to push him away, she shouted, "Sister Moer, come and save me!"

The words fell, Lu Yeming raised his eyebrows suddenly, and he drew a thin arc from his thin lips. "Forget what I said, huh?"

Jun Xiqing glanced at him and ignored, "Sister Moer, oh ..."

Tang Moer heard the voice outside, she stopped quickly, Qingqing was calling for help.

Tang Mo'er knocked on his own head. Really, half a month later, my brother was about to marry a concubine, and he didn't know where to place Qingqing. Now he even bullied Qingqing like this.

As an elder sister, she should take a good lesson from this scum brother.

Tang Mo'er turned around and ran in. Her voice was soft and soft, "Ye Ming, let go of Qing Qing!"

Hearing Tang Mor's voice, Lu Yeming's handsome eyebrows quickly covered with a layer of frost. He froze her coldly, like a Jun Xiqing, dare to bite him!

She would really surprise him.

He chose her as the surrogate mother of all sorts. In addition to her own excellent conditions, it was also so many years. She was the only woman who made him look straight.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Jun Xiqing struggled hard.

"Oh," Lu Yeming chuckled, "enough?"

Jun Xiqing ignored him at all, and now Sister Moer is her umbrella, "Sister Moer, he hit me! Come and save me!"


"Qingqing, I'm here!" Tang Moer rushed over, reached out and grabbed Lu Yeming's clothes, trying to pull him away.

However, the body of the man, who is as long as a jade, cannot be moved.

Tang Moer was so angry that he kicked Lu Yeming directly. "Yue Ming, let go of Qing Qing, or your sister will be angry!"

Lu Yeming's tailor-made trousers immediately added a footprint, but he didn't care much.

"Brother, this time you are too much. The girl is made of water. How can you treat it so rudely?"

"You like Qing Qing, then you cancel your big marriage first, and then pursue Qing Qing."

"I said so much, did you hear Ye Ming?"

Seeing him indifferent and indifferent and calm, Tang Moer couldn't bear it, and slammed his fist on his shoulder.

Lu Yeming quickly released Jun Xiqing and took a step back.

Seeing that Tang Mo'er's fist was about to fall on his slender chest, he reached out, clasped her slender wrist, and pulled it forward slightly.

Tang Mo'er took two steps forward unexpectedly and slammed into his arms.

The man's arms were like copper walls and iron walls, and her head bumped into a sigh of pain.

She raised her little hand and rubbed her forehead.

But a big palm was faster than her. Lu Yeming reached out and put her hand over her forehead, rubbing it gently, "Sister, you can't control yourself, do you care about others?"

His low-alcoholic sigh overflowed with sighs, and was extraordinarily petting.


Tang Moer knew that she was despised.

She quickly stood upright, took two steps back, and stretched out a small hand to pull Jun Xiqing behind her to protect, "Ye Ming, this time you are really too much!"

"Yes, Lord Xi, you are really too much!" Jun Xiqing echoed, hiding behind Tang Mo'er.

Lu Yeming looked at Jun Xiqing, her cold eyes were very deep, she was not careful enough for him to see, she dared to use his sister as a shield.

He wanted to step forward.

"Ye Ming, don't make a noise. From today on, Qing Qing lives in my room and sleeps with me. You are not allowed to touch her again until you have resolved your own business!" Tang Moer said solemnly.

Jun Xiqing rushed over and hugged Tang Moer from the back. "Sister Moer, you are so kind to me."

Said Jun Xiqing raised his eyes quietly, looked at Lu Yeming provocatively.


Lu Yeming's handsome face was dripping with somber water, and he gave Jun Xiqing a hard look, his eyes fell on Tang Moer's soft waxy face again.

Tang Mo'er's greasy forehead had already turned red, and just now she hadn't let her fist hit him, and her hand would also hurt red.

He reached out his slender finger and dialed the air bangs on her forehead, and whispered, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Really?" Lu Yeming stepped forward, blowing gently against Tang Moer's red piece.

Tang Moer's heart was warm, but her mouth was still angry. "Don't think that please your sister like this, my sister won't scold you. The men in our Lu family are obsessed with life. Both grandpa and dad are genetic mutations. A scum man. "

Jun Xiqing looked at this scene. This emperor-like man gently blows his forehead to his sister, and is careful to show the supreme love and sorrow. This world is so happy to have a woman so beloved by this man .

"How is that? In my opinion, Lord Xi is afraid of being the most infatuated of these three generations." Jun Xiqing laughed.

Lu Yeming tilted his handsome eyelid to look at Jun Xiqing, and Jun Xiqing's smart water eye also fell on his handsome face. Although she was laughing, her eyes were cold.

He slowly lifted his thin lips and looked at her with a smile.

This look was shuddering.

"Qing Qing, don't speak for him, let's go." Tang Mo'er took Jun Xiqing's little hand, and the two turned away.


Lu Yeming stood on the spot watching the figures of the two disappeared into his line of sight. At this moment, a charming voice sounded in his ear, "Lord West."

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