Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1444: One or two sweet things outside the warmth (3)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

The entire army knows that Captain Lu's family has Xiaojiao's wife, holding it in his hands, hurting, and loving him beside him.

An An raised her red lips, like a blooming Zhengyan mimosa.

Lu Yan kissed her face, "Let's eat, look sweet or not."


An An broke free of him and ran to the dresser. She opened the bottom drawer. The drawers were all the gadgets he gave her in the past three years. They were rare, precious, ordinary, and everything.

Fanfen is bluish yellow and filled with a large drawer.

It was all he gave her ... girly heart.

An An has not been out of work for the past three years, but worked as a primary school teacher in a school in the military district compound, and spent time with those innocent children, teaching and educating people.

She will rush home after class to cook for Lu Yan and the children. He is at the base at night and will go home whenever he is busy. This is like a tacit understanding between the two. No matter how late he goes home, she will leave him a lamp.

Before An An, Lu Yan had no home.

After An An, Lu Yan had a home.

An An has changed from the most flamboyant 21-year-old to 26-year-old. She never thought about going out again and never leaving him. She gave him all his youth, and lived only for him.

He also spoils her, loves her, and loves her. The little gift in this drawer is the princess he pets her.

An An sweetly put the little sugar man in.

Lu Yan reached out and squeezed her little face. "Reluctant to eat? Eat it soon, I will buy it for you when I have time."

"No, one is enough."

An An closed the drawer, and she took off her cardigan. "I'll get you bath water."

Lu Yan had just returned from the base. He had a green uniform, black boots on his feet, and a rough man in the dust.

An An entered the bathroom and said, Lu Yan's eyes narrowed quickly. Just now she wore a cardigan and he didn't see it. Now she took off the cardigan and exposed the black skirt inside her.

Although the skirt is not short, over the knee, but because of the slim-fitting oblique shoulders, her graceful figure is perfectly outlined. The most important thing is that this skirt has a diamond-shaped hollow design on the waist. She is flat and tight. The white skin on the waist and abdomen is looming.

She rarely wears such a **** dress now, first in the army, and second he is not allowed.

Today she wore this black dress in order to participate in the remarriage party of Gu Mohan and Tang Moer.

Lu Yan opened his long legs and followed into the bathroom.


In the shower.

An An adjusted the water temperature. "Master, the water temperature is just right, you can wash it."

She went out.

As soon as she stepped out of the frosted glass door, she saw Lu Yan. Lu Yan was standing on the washstand with her legs tall and her clothes had been taken off. Then she lowered a pair of military pants and pulled the belt off.

An An quickly looked away, afraid to look at his chest-like chest muscles and the fatal eight-pack abs.

His body is awesome, and the tight waistline can make girls face red and red.

At that time, the "aphrodisiac of walking" was a male hormone.

She wants to go out.

"An'an." Lu Yan quickly clasped her slender wrist.

An An stopped and looked back at his brave face, "Master, what's wrong?"

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows. "Wash together."


An An took a sip of air-conditioner, and when he rubbed a towel with his little hand, he threw his face hard, "During the day, shameless!"

It's afternoon and he's back from vacation. The soldiers outside are still training, one by one.

He's ashamed of an adult leader?

Lu Yan didn't avoid it. The towel fell on his handsome face and fell off quickly. He hooked his thin lips, looked at her with hot eyes, and said thickly, "I don't want to face!"

this person!

An An's face was hot and her breathing was a little chaotic. "Master, don't come here, Mo Er is still waiting, and the sons and daughters are outside, and they will come in at any time."

She shook his big palm firmly and ran away.

Within two steps, Lu Yan grabbed a long arm, and her soft body fell into his chest.

Lifting her arm, she lifted her off the ground, and he walked down to the shower.

"Pop", the warm water suddenly poured from overhead.

"Ah!" An An called out, "My skirt! My skirt is wet! Did I mean that you meant it?"

Lu Yan held her incense shoulders, lay her on the wall, covered herself from behind, and opened the pants chain by hand, "Isn't this skirt for me?"

"... No!"

An An will also work hard, she is so angry that she wants to lift his feet and kick him.

But who is Lu Yan? His long legs and knees bent directly against her thin legs, leaving her unable to move.

Long tongue licked her dry thin lips, Lu Yan bit her white earlobe, and cursed, "I have warned you. Don't allow Lao Tzu to wear clothes that show thighs, chests, buttocks. Older men cannot stand this Excitement, mess with me, just teach you a good meal. "

"I didn't ... Lord Chief, you speak vulgarly, you have feudal thoughts, and you use violence against your wife. I want to report it to your superior!" An An bit her lower lip.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes, and a man in his forties was so stunned that his narrow eyebrows were all wavy. For a man who has been standing for so many years, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes are the most charming given by years. Charm.

"Okay, don't scare people, I'm not your student, Teacher An'an!"

He accentuated the words "Mr. An An", obviously in a ridiculous tone.

An An was even more angry. "Master, now add one more, you insult the people's teachers!"

Lu Yan drooped her eyelids, and her big palm came to the collar behind her, tearing apart from top to bottom, "Mr. An An, I just learned an English, what do you mean?"

Her skirt?

Gosh, just torn like this?

"Fuck? What does this mean?"

An An Yu Jie shuddered, what did he say?

Lu Yan raised her eyebrows and covered her ear with a low smile, "Teacher An'an, I want to **** you!" ...


The door of the room opened, and Xiao'an ran in. "Oh, numb?"

Xiao Xiao'an looked around, alas, why is there no numbness in the room?

Where has Ramie Ma been?

"Meimei, Ramie is busy, I'll take you out to play first." Xiaoxiaoyan took Xiaoxiao'an out.


after an hour.

An An changed a floral long skirt, and the fresh floral color lined her delicate little face like a rose, which was extremely moist.

An An was still angry and refused to ignore Lu Yan, but she still put on a black shirt for Lu Yan herself.

"Teacher An'an, ask you a question. Madam is angry. How can I coax?"

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