Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: She cured his body

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xiao Meimei is very obedient and soon entered a dreamland.

Xuan Ying covered her with a quilt, printed a kiss on her forehead, and got up to take a shower in the bathroom.

A few minutes later, he took a cold shower and came out wearing a black pajamas.

At this moment, Xiao Meimei on the bed turned over, slanging, "Mummy ~ Mummy ~"

Xiao Meimei misses Mommy.

Xuan Ying quickly hugged her, and patted her back with a big palm, "Mei Mei, do you miss Mommy? Daddy wants to miss Mom now too."

In the silent night, Xuan Ying's thoughts were like the tide, which drowned him instantly.

He has too much to say to her.

All this is like dreaming, everything he wants is at hand, so unreal.

He wanted to see her, rubbed her fiercely into his own blood, and never separated from her again.

Alas, his alas.

"Meimei, Daddy will never leave you again, leave my sister, leave Mommy, our family of four will be together forever and ever." Xuan Ying murmured.


Early the next morning.

Xuan Ying almost didn't fall asleep at night, and he was looking forward to the early morning, so that he could see He and Mou Mo.

Dress Meimei, wash well, and Xuanying went out holding Meimei, "Meimi, shall we pick up mommy and sister now?"

"it is good!"

When the father and daughter left the door and turned a corner, a soft voice rang out in their ears, "Mou Mu, run slowly, be careful not to fall."

"Mummy, I really miss Daddy and Meimei. I want to see Daddy soon!"

Xuan Ying is dead, is it ... Momou?

At this moment, two figures appeared in front of him. Xia Xie returned with Mu Mou, followed by his assistant.

Yesterday's new season's single product launch conference had a bit of a tricky problem, and Xia Xi dealt with it.

The assistant had great eyesight and saw Xuan Ying and Mei Mei coming from the front. She smiled, "Angel, I'm going back to the room first."

The assistant left.

Xia Xuan and Mu Mo stopped and the family of four met in the corridor.

Xuan Ying's eyes quickly fell on Mu Mou. She hadn't seen it for three years. Mou Mou was six years old and she became more and more watery. She and Mei Mei wore sister dresses and a custom dress with a small fragrance. Her beauty has been inherited from Mommy Xia, who is a beauty embryo.

Mumu saw Xuanying's eyes light up, "Daddy!"

Mu Mou happily ran over to Xuan Ying.

Xuan Ying squatted down and took Mu Mou into his arms.

He hasn't seen Momo for three years. The last time he fled in the airport, he didn't even dare to look at Momo.

Mu Mou is back!

He has Meimei again!

Just a big winner in life!

"Daddy, I miss you so much." Mu Mo kissed Daddy's face.

Xuanying's dark-colored eyelids had bloodshot eyes. "Mumou, Daddy really misses you. Sorry, Daddy didn't grow up with you in the past three years."

As a father, he was full of guilt.

Mu Mo laughed, "So I and Meimei want to punish Dad, and then they will accompany us forever!"

"That's right," Xiao Meimei nodded like a smash, "and Mummy, I'll stay with Mummy all my life!"

Xiao Meimei held Xia Ye's hand.

Xuan Ying looked up at Xia Yang, his heroes!

"Well, I ..."

Xia Yun ignored him at all, she held Meimei back to the room.


In the room, Xuan Ying asked Mu Mou to play with Mei Mei for a while, and then he entered the cupboard.

Xia Ling organized her clothes in the hat room. This time Mu Mou and Mei Mei came over and brought a few small skirts.

At this moment, two healthy arms hooped from behind, gently hugging her soft waist, Xuan Ying buried Jun's face in her hair, sniffed deeply, and whispered to her, "Well."

Xia Ling twisted, and her soft voice overflowed with Jiao Yan, "Let go, Mu Mo and Mei Mei will come in."

"Let me hug for a while." Xuan Ying hugged her hands, very sticky.

Xia Yan ticked her red lips, and those beautiful eyes moved forward with hope, and the spring was infinite.

"Well, why did you have a daughter for me again? I didn't dare think about it. I hurt you like that before, and you still wanted me, oh, thank you for not abandoning me." Xuan Ying kissed emotionally. Her hair.

Xia Ye was angry, "I have two daughters, of course, I have to maintain my face and figure, otherwise you will be hooked by other beautiful young girls when I get old, so you I also said that I was restless, that I missed men, and that I found a biracial guy who wanted to grow up with him! "

Xuan Ying knew that she was about to turn over the old account, and he quickly grasped her willow-like soft waist and pinched it hard, "How can I be hooked by another woman-lead, hey, I can only react to you! "


Speaking of this, the two naturally remembered the lingering the night before, and Xia Yu was a little worried, and her soft body twisted in his arms, "Are you really good? Would you like to let the Doctor Sikong check it again, I'm afraid ..."

Xuan Ying turned her back, then leaned down and kissed her red lips. "I'm okay, feel for yourself."

A bright little face of Xia Xie steamed out two smears of red, looking at the lively and fragrant, two small hands pressed against his healthy chest to push him away, not let him kiss, "You go away."

Xuan Ying mentioned her arm and hugged her on a counter. Then he pushed her thin legs with his knees and squeezed his three-dimensionally tight waist into his posture. Angry? Give me an hour and I promise you won't be angry. "

Give him an hour?

Xia Ye knew what he meant, but she pretended not to, "What do you want to do, don't touch me."

Although Xuan Ying was a little straighter, she was clever. Her face was crimson and her voice moved softly in his arms. It seemed to make him play.

He enjoyed it in his heart and liked her charming look like a cat. He held her firmly with his big palm. He kissed her everywhere and rubbed the scum on his jaw against her delicate skin. "You said I want to dry Well, I can't do it the night before, someone has to ... "

Xia Ling quickly put out a small hand to cover his thin lips, and he was not allowed to talk anymore.

Xuan Ying's ink eyes looked at her fiercely, without concealing her own joy and joy, as well as her pity for her.

She cured his body.

She is his panacea.

Xia Yi jumped in her heart, knowing that he was now obsessed with her, and she wanted to be with him, some half-pushing.

Xuan Ying kissed her red lips and drank her sweetness like a wolf that had been gnawing for a long time, catching the tip of her little tongue.

When realizing that he had pushed her half-step skirt up, she quickly sobered, "Xuan Ying, not now!"

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