Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: SMS from Feng Sinan

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Su Xiaoying didn't look up at him, but she heard the sound of dressing, and Feng Sinan stood tall beside the closet, and picked a black shirt and black trousers.

His short hair was still a little wet, and now he was all over his head, exposing that handsome face, an expensive black belt was tied to his strong waist, and he restored the appearance of the business man Feng Sinan , The innate sense of the emperor.

Feng Sinan dressed his clothes elegantly, then glanced at Su Xiaoying, "You go to bed first, I'm going out, I won't be back tonight."

Su Xiaoying didn't open her eyes and ignored him.

Feng Sinan came over by herself, a big palm rested on her side, then leaned down and kissed her little face, "You just rely on me now to spoil you, so just ignore me, okay, you Really. "

Su Xiaoying trembled and Yujie Jie said, "Feng Hao fed me medicine, I wonder if it will affect the baby in my stomach?"

"Feng Hao scares you, and you still believe that it is a medicine that heats the body and has no effect on the fetus."

That turned out to be the case.

Su Xiaoying's little white hand put a gentle rub on her belly, and her little belly has been slightly raised these days, and the baby is getting bigger and bigger in her belly.

"I'll go first," Feng Sinan said again.

This was the first time he said he was leaving, but he had not yet left.

Su Xiaoying doesn't look at him.

Feng Sinan thought it was funny, he drew thin lips, "I'm going out so late, you're not afraid of which fox is out-lead me, I went to another woman's bed? After all, I was just cool, but not Enough. "

Su Xiaoying opened her eyes, and her cat-like eyes glared at him. "I wish you would never come back. I hope there will be girls who are more beautiful than me, smaller than me, and more refreshing than me, please. Hit me into the cold palace! "

How eager is she to get rid of him?

Feng Sinan was not angry. He reached out and touched her delicate little face. "That really disappoints you. I like you now. I only like you."


With a "snap", Su Xiaoying directly knocked his big palm down, preventing him from touching it again.

"I'm really gone." Feng Sinan stood up, still not whispering, "Lao Tzu went out in the middle of the night to make money for your mother-in-law. Someone would not even give me a smiley face, I really don't know what to do!"

Su Xiaoying Quandang did not hear.


Early the next morning.

Su Xiaoying was too tired. After Feng Sinan left last night, she even fell asleep quickly, and slept well all night.

She got up and took a hot shower in the shower.

The feeling of Feng Sinan remaining on her last night is still there, he kissed her, the lingering kiss all the way down ...

Su Xiaoying quickly held a handful of hot water with her two little hands and drowned her own face, interrupting her memories.

What he did to her last night really refreshed her perception of men and women.

How could he ... like that?

Su Xiaoying got dressed and went downstairs.

In the living room downstairs, an LCD TV broadcasts a financial news, and the host broadcasts it in fluent Mandarin.

--- It is reported that Feng Hao, the youngest son of Feng Family who disappeared a few years ago, suddenly returned to Feng Family. Feng Hao is the half brother of Feng Sinan, the helm of today's business empire. Will not have any impact on the status of Feng Sinan.

--- We also heard a news that Feng Lao loved and spoiled his little son very much. This time Feng Hao returned, Feng Lao was ready to lead Feng Hao Jin to the Feng Group ...

Su Xiaoying watched this news, she did not expect Feng Hao to be so fast, she had returned to Feng family.

Yesterday Feng Sinan brought her back from the Emperor's Mansion. Did he promise to give Feng Hao half of the equity?

Although Su Xiaoying doesn't like Feng Sinan now, she doesn't like Feng Hao even more.

This Feng Hao's psychology is a bit distorted. He has been standing in the dark, step by step, trying to calculate and destroy Feng Sinan.

At this time Wu Yan came over, "Young grandma, have breakfast."


Su Xiaoying walked into the restaurant, she looked at Wu Yan, "Wu Yan, you change your mouth later, I have divorced Feng Sinan, you can call me Xiao Ying directly."

"That's not good?"

"Wu Yan, just call me Sakura. I feel uncomfortable when you call me grandma."

Wu Yan could only change his mouth.

At this time, "ding", Su Xiaoying's cell phone rang, and a text message came.

Su Xiaoying opened it, it was a text message from Feng Sinan--woke up?

He even texted her.

Su Xiaoying has known him for so long, and this is the first time he has received his text message.

Su Xiaoying didn't return.

At this time, a "ding" sound and a text message came again.

--- Why not speak? speak!

---what are you doing?

--- So you ignore me?

--- Su Xiaoying, you are too fat!

--- When I go back at night, I must pack up!

--- Su Xiaoying, I won't scold you anymore, send me a text message!

--- What the **** do you do to get back a text message?

At this time, Feng's.

In the president's office, Feng Sinan was sitting on a black leather office chair with a layer of cigarette butts in the ashtray. He worked overtime till now and has smoked a lot of cigarettes.

The buttons on the black shirt were loosened two or three loosely, revealing his delicate man's collarbone and a piece of healthy wheat-colored skin. He just put down his pen and fumbled with his cell phone to send her a text message.

But who wants Su Xiaoying to return to him without a text message?

Feng Sinan all felt that he had humiliated himself.

He raised his hand and wanted to delete the mobile phone in his hand, but after thinking about it, he threw the mobile phone on the desk again with patience.

He was so strong that he threw the phone on his desk and made a loud crackling sound.

Putting Ying Ting's back into the seat, Feng Sinan raised Jun Mei's hand and pinched his tired brows. He didn't close his eyes overnight, and he was tired. Now, a narrow layer of scarlet was falling in the narrow eyes.

Su Xiaoying!

Feng Sinan gnashed her name several times in her heart and meditated on her name several times. She really wished that she would return to Luoshuiwan Villa now and press her under her head, relax first, and then hold her for a while.

Think about Feng Sinan's bones.

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and the secretary Jin Zhe walked in solemnly. "President, I heard that your father Feng Lao will give all his equity to Feng Hao, plus With half of your equity, Feng Hao's equity is greater than yours. This Feng's really has to change hands. "

Feng Sinan narrowed his eyes narrowly. His father wanted to give equity to Feng Hao?

Actually, he had already guessed.

Feng Sinan stood up and said, "Let's go back to Fengjia's old house to see how they are now filial piety, and weep with joy."

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