Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2066: You are my hot sun (72)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

When Xia Xiaodie saw her mother standing with Yang Kai, she had already guessed what it was. She just didn't expect that her mother was still so disregarding her wishes, forcing her and Yang Kai together.

At this time, Xia Mu held Xia Xiaodie's small hand and gave her to Yang Kai.

Yang Kai really liked Xia Xiaodie, so he took Xia Xiaodie's hand, "Little Butterfly ..."

Yang Kai wanted to talk, but then the hotel manager ran out, "General Manager Gu, I don't know if you're here, welcome and welcome."

President Gu ...

Xia Xiaodie quickly raised her eyes, and saw that a handsome and upright body was added to the hotel lobby, and Gu Yelin came.

Gu Yelin just entered the hall, followed by his personal secretary, housekeeper, and several company executives. He took off his black coat and handed it to the secretary. Now he is wearing a fine black suit, cut below like a knife. In black trousers, he walked in with a steady step. The vitality of the business elite was dazzling and charming at every step.

As soon as Xia Xiaodie stagnate, she did not expect to meet him here.

Gu Yelin glanced politely and faintly at the hotel manager, and then, as if he had a rhinoceros, he turned his head, and looked narrowly.

With four eyes facing each other, Gu Yelin's eyes darted across Xia Xiaodie and Yang Kai's faces, and then fell on the hands that were still held by the two.

Gu Yelin's narrow brows suddenly frowned.

Xia Xiaodie's butterfly Feather trembled, and she almost pulled back her little hand.

"General Manager Gu, please here."

The hotel manager made a "Please" gesture and wanted to take Gu Yelin and his party to the luxury box.

Gu Yelin did not move, a few seconds later he turned to the side and went to Xia Xiaodie.

he came.

Xia Xiaodie's heart was tight, and her mother was here. She knew how much her mother rejected Gu Yelin. Now that her mother is better, she ca n’t stand the stimulus. Come together.

"Mom," Xia Xiaodie quickly hugged Xia's arm, "Let's stop talking here, go to the box."

Mother Xia glanced at Gu Yelin in front of her, then nodded, "Okay, Yang Kai, let's go."

Three people went there.

Gu Yelin took a footstep and stopped where he was. He watched Xia Xiaodie Qiaoyan's figure disappear into his sight. His eyes were darkened, and a bit of cold broke out for no reason.

"Gu Gu."

At this time, someone came again. It was President Chu. This time Gu Yelin came to discuss business with this President Chu, so they met here.

"General Manager Gu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long." President Chu apologized.

Gu Yelin turned to look at President Chu, who also brought her own baby daughter, Miss Chu Jin, who was the last of the meeting with Gu Yelin.

Chu Xin looked at Gu Yelin with shame and admiration, her voice was tender and soft, "Gu Gu, hello."

Gu Yelin glanced at Chu Xin's beautiful little face, and then looked down gently, Chu Xin put on lipstick, which was also masculine.

Gu Yelin didn't show anything on his handsome and handsome face, but just slightly twitched his thin lips. "Mr. Chu, Miss Chu, let's go in."

"Gu, please."

Under the leadership of the hotel manager, a group of people went in arrogantly, and President Chu whispered, "Xinger, this time it's too long for you to make up this time, which caused me to be late. Next time you can't make a fool, you Who is this Prince Gu's? "

Chu Xin began to try on clothes and make-up from the morning, and continued to grind until the afternoon. In order to meet Gu Yelin, she jumped for a long time.

"I know Daddy." Chu Xin smiled sweetly.

At a glance, President Chu saw the thoughts of his own daughter. The crown prince of the Gu family, the pride of heaven, which girl can resist his charm?

President Chu, of course, is happy to see that he can marry his daughter to Gu Yelin, which is probably the wish of the father-in-law to the meteor.


In the box.

Mother Xia looked at Yang Kai, "Yang Kai, why hasn't your mother come yet? I looked at the calendar. The third day of next month is Zodiac Day. Why don't you and Xiaode get engaged first on that day?"

"I ..." Yang Kai wanted to speak.

But then Xia Xiaodie spoke first, "Mom, I know that no matter how I say it, you won't listen to it many times, anyway, I won't get engaged."

Mother Xia's face changed, and she quickly threw the tea cup in her hand on the table. "Little butterfly, do you want to be angry with your mother?"

Xia Xiaodie drew down the butterfly feather.

Seeing this from the mother and daughter, Yang Kai quickly said, "Aunt, I will be engaged on the third day of next month. This date is too late, and Kocho is only 19 years old. She is still studying, and my company is also busy with business. In terms of staffing, I may have to travel frequently, so let's talk about engagement more slowly. "

As soon as Xia's mother froze, she did not expect her daughter to be disobedient, and even Yang Kai disagreed with the engagement now.

Xia Xiaodie looked up and looked at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai smiled gently at Xia Xiaodie, soothing, "Auntie, the affection of the two of us will not change, and Xiaodie and I will not change. If this hurts Auntie's body because of this, let It's not worth it for your mother and daughter to become born. "

Said Yang Kai got up and said, "I'll go out for a while, talk to you."

Yang Kai went out.


Yang Kai answered a phone call in the cloister. Actually, he really liked Xia Xiaodie. Although he knew that Xia Xiaodie had no love for men and women, he was willing to wait until Xia Xiaodie's love was a long time ago. The body is getting worse, even if there is a case, their Yang family will always be Xia Xiaodie's home, it is her dependence.

In recent years, Yang Kai has not only loved Xia Xiaodie, but also watched and helped each other with affection.

Yang Kai calculated the time and was probably able to enter the box. He lifted his feet, and suddenly a handsome figure stood up ahead.

Gu Yelin is here.

The two men faced each other and ran into each other.

Gu Yelin is the pride of heaven, with noble blood flowing in the bones and blood, and Yang Kai, a wealthy family from Shuxiangmen, is also a young talent. He is also the same tall and erect. There is a string of splashes between the two. spark.

"General Manager, are you looking for me?" Yang Kai spoke first.

Gu Yelin copied his trousers pocket with one hand, and his narrow narrow eyes narrowed for a moment. The retro palace lanterns on the corridor gave him a handsome sculpted profile with dazzling gold rims, and it was mysterious and charming. Lip, "Say, what will happen if I leave Xia Xiaodie?"

Yang Kai laughed, "Gu Gu really jokes, why should I leave Kocho?"

Gu Yelin drew a careless arc of thin lips. He took the first two steps and came to Yang Kai's side, then whispered, "She is not what you can think of because she is me Gu Yelin. Fancy woman. "


More finished.

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