Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2085: You are my hot sun (93)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Xia Xiaodie rang the doorbell, and soon the door of the villa was opened.

Not Gu Yelin, but grandma.

Of course, Grandma knew Xia Xiaodie. The little girl also ran like this on a rainy night. At that time, the young master went to see her in spite of the heavy rain, and took her to her room. But later, Grandma heard that the young master broke up with the girl, and the name of Xia Xiaodie has become taboo ever since.

"Girl, it's you, why are you here this rainy day?"

Xia Xiaodie looked at Grandma, "Grandma, how are you, Mr. Gu? I want to see Mr. Gu."

"The young master is here, but ... the young master may ... do not want to see you."

"Ama, can you please come in and say something, I really need to meet him urgently."

"Well then, I'll go in and tell the young master, girl, wait for a while."

Grandma returned to the villa and went up to the second floor. "Hum," she knocked on the door of the study.

Soon, a hasty, low-alcohol voice came in, "Come in."

Grandma pushed in the door, Gu Yelin was sitting on the office chair, holding a pen in his hand, "swipe" on the document, signed the name, and focused on reviewing the document.


Grandma stepped forward and stopped talking.

Gu Yelin didn't look up. He wore a white shirt with two loose buttons on his shirt, exposing his delicate man's collarbone, and the sleeves rolled up two times, each detail highlighting the high-quality life of high-class people, "Ama, is there something wrong?"

Grandma stubbed her neck and said boldly, "Master, Miss Xia is here, just outside the door, she said she wants to see you."

The pen in Gu Yelin's hand was stunned, then he looked up, and his narrow eyes fell on Ah's face.

When he didn't speak, Grandma was horrified to see, "Master, this Miss Xia ..."

"Let her go, I won't see her." Gu Yelin said coldly.

"Master, it's raining outside ... and it's dark, and Miss Xia's girl ran over in the rain. I looked at it ... It's pitiful. She said that there must be something urgent to see you. It's better to let Miss Xia come in It can't be delayed for a few minutes, you see ...

With a slam, Gu Yelin threw the pen in his hand on the desk. He looked at Grandma, "Grandma, you talk too much today."

Grandma's face turned white. "Yes, master, I will let Miss Xia leave now."

Grandma is gone.

Gu Yelin leaned his stiff back into the seat, and raised his hand to pinch his tired brows. He got up and came to the balcony.

He copied his trousers pockets with both hands, and he looked down. There was a slim Qiaoyan figure in the cloister below, where Xia Xiaodie was.

Tonight is a bit cold, and with this autumn rain, it is even colder. She wore a long black T-shirt over her knees. Pure black hair spread down her shoulders softly, her face was as white as jade, clean and bright, Watching is still exciting.

I saw Grandma opened the door of the villa, "Girl, master is working now, but you are not welcome, you might as well go back and come again someday."

Xia Xiaodie stood there, refused to leave, and her soft and nice voice came, begging with a little bit, "Ah, I really need to meet Gu Gu with urgent matters, I know he doesn't want to see me, I I don't want to make Grandma embarrassed. I'll stand here and wait for him. When he goes out early tomorrow morning, I should see him. "

Grandma has never seen such a dead-headed girl, she can only sigh, "Girl, I advise you to go back. It's rainy and windy this night, don't catch cold."

Grandma closed the door of the villa.

Gu Yelin looked down at Xia Xiaodie below. She still didn't leave. Standing alone in the rain, the drizzle drove more and more, wet her clothes and long hair.

Not seen for many days, her black long T's body was much thinner.

Gu Yelin stood tightly for a while, then returned to the room. He took out his cell phone and dialed the number of his personal secretary, Li Fan.

"Hey, president, what's the order?"

Gu Yelin copied his trousers pocket with one hand, holding the phone with one hand, and said quietly, "Check out the recent developments at the Yang family."

"Yes, president, wait a minute."

Soon the reply from secretary Li Fan, "President, checked it. Recently, someone manipulated the Yang family. The Yang's capital chain was completely disconnected. The bank did not give a loan. I heard that the court would seize Yang tomorrow. 'S. "

Gu Yelin's face had no expression on his face, but his narrow narrow eyes narrowed for a moment, "who found out who did it?"

"Yes ... Nan Shao, Nan Shao also invited Miss Xia to meet with him in 1998. I want to sign a three-year agreement with Miss Xia. These three years ... these three years ..."

Li Fan didn't want to say anymore.

Gu Yelin's handsome brows frowned, and his breathing was a bit cold, and Li Fan, who was so scared, held his breath.


Gu Yelin hung up the phone directly.


Xia Xiaodie was standing in the rain and waiting, she was wet with rain, and even her breath was cold to no temperature.

She must wait until Gu Yelin.

Now, besides Gu Yelin, she doesn't know who she can find.

I don't know how long after that, the front door of the villa suddenly opened, and the bright yellow light inside was plated out, accompanied by a tall and tall body.

Gu Yelin appeared.

Xia Xiaodie's eyes lighted up. She wanted to come forward, but she stood too long, her legs were numb. With such a movement, she fell directly on the lawn.

At this time, a low-alcoholic, slightly sarcastic voice rang over his head, "I didn't expect you to see the truth about Yang Kai in distress."

Xia Xiaodie raised her eyes, and Gu Yelin stood on the steps of the corridor with his hands in his trouser pockets, and those deep narrow eyes hugged her, detached and indifferent.

Xia Xiaodie pinched her white fingers and put her nails in her palm, "General Manager Gu, can you ... can you ... please help ..."

Gu Yelin looked at her in the rain, her eyebrows bowed, her humility, and she really looked like a man. He tickled her thin lips, "When did you get in with Nancheng?"


He already knows?

Gu Yelin crouched slowly on one knee. He was stretched by the long fingers wrapped in a white shirt, and gently pinched her small jaw. The thin lips traced a sarcastic arc. Man, although I used to be passionate on my own, but how did you ever kiss me in order to cooperate with my acting, now you are with Nancheng, don't you feel appetite? "

Xia Xiaodie's white eyes slowly turned red, and the butterfly Yujie trembled a few times. When she raised her eyes again, she raised her red lips. "So, between President Gu and Nan Shao, I still have no hesitation. I chose President Gu because President Gu is more powerful than Nan Shao, isn't he? "

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