Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2106: You are my hot sun (114)

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Gu Yelin returned to his presidential suite and took a shower in the bathroom.

Soon he came out. He wore a white shirt, black trousers, and the shirt was not tied into the trousers. He was handsome and straight, and his wet short hair was covered with cold water mist. Now he is a little more handsome and handsome, making people look red-faced.

Gu Yelin wiped his short hair casually and threw the towel on the sofa. He came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the agreement on the desk.

This is the agreement she signed six months ago.

The time is three years. If she wants to end early, she needs to compensate him for a huge liquidation penalty, but now it is his initiative to end first, and she naturally does not need to pay compensation.

Gu Yelin suddenly wanted to smoke, her heart was upset and depressed, and she needed to use the taste of nicotine to suppress paralysis.

When I first went to get cigarettes, footsteps came from the living room outside and someone came in.


Is it Xia Xiaodie?

But how did she get a room card and how did she get in?

Gu Yelin opened the door of the room and walked out. Soon he saw a pure and beautiful figure, a girl.

This girl was the girl in the bar that day, that is, the **** the headlines of major entertainment media who reportedly ambiguous with Gu Yelin.

The girl was born beautiful, pure as water, and now she looked at Gu Yelin, her shy little voice, "General Manager Gu."

Gu Yelin frowned slightly for Yingqi's sword eyebrows, and ran his hands against the wall lazily in his trouser pockets. "How did you get in, who asked you to come?"

The girl looked at the man. Gu Yelin's handsome face didn't have many emotional waves, but his magnetic voice was lowered, revealing a bit of unpleasant oppression, this powerful aura made people scalp numb .

"I ... I ..." The girl was frightened, and stuttered, "Guo Gu, yes ... it was Nan Shao who asked me to come ..."

It's Nancheng again.

Gu Yelin tickled her thin lips boringly, then took out her mobile phone from her pants pocket and dialed it directly to Nancheng.

Soon the call was connected, and Nancheng's voice passed over, "Hey, Ye Lin, what did you call me for? Do you want to thank me?"

Gu Yelin copied his trousers pocket with one hand, and pushed his right cheek with the tip of his tongue. "Come here and get me away."

"Why? Ye Lin, you don't like this girl, but the last time she gave you a massage at the bar, you gave her a generous tip. I thought you were looking after others. After all, you are by your side these years. There is also no opposite sex. "

"Ye Lin, you are also a big brother. Except for Xia Xiaodie, you have never been with anyone. The best way to bid farewell to the past is time. The second is to start a new love relationship. Ye Lin, you do n’t want to refuse. Send people over, look around. "

Listening to the noise there, Gu Yelin's look remained faint, but the handsome eyebrows were cold. He hung up the phone directly, then turned to look at the girl, "Go out."

Go out.

Two words, simple and powerful.

The girl froze.

Gu Yelin looked at her, "Why, don't you want to go out by yourself and ask me to drive you out?"

The girl's face was white and her eyes were red. She turned and flew out.

Gu Yelin went to the door and wanted to close the door.

But the next second he saw a pretty girl in the corridor, and Xia Xiaodie came.

When Xia Xiaodie came, she saw a girl running out of Gu Yelin's room. Her dark apricot eyes looked at the disappearing figure of the girl, then she turned her head and landed on Gu Yelin's handsome face. .

Gu Yelin looked at her, too, facing each other. After a few seconds of silence, Gu Yelin released the doorknob, "Come in."

Xia Xiaodie went in.


In the presidential suite.

Gu Yelin handed her the agreement, "Look at it."

Xia Xiaodie stood next to him and took out the white hand to take over the agreement. This relationship ended early. He even gave her a lot of material compensation. Several villas in the downtown area, famous cars, private yacht planes, and There are many, many ...

Xia Xiaodie raised the butterfly Yujie and looked at Gu Yelin, "Why did you give me this?"

Gu Yelin copied his trousers pocket with both hands, his voice was indifferent, "It's a compensation for your abortion. After all, that child is mine too."

Xia Xiaodie lowered the butterfly Yujie and handed him the agreement in his hand, "Retract, I don't want to."

She said she didn't want to.

Gu Yelin tickled her thin lips, revealing a bit of irony, and he looked at her with Yingqi's sword eyebrows, "how, feel less?"

Xia Xiaodie threw the agreement in his arms into his arms, and a pair of black apricot eyes met his unsightly eyes, his voice was cold, "I don't want anything, wait for you to delete all these material compensations. Come again and get the agreement. "

After speaking, Xia Xiaodie turned and left.

But Gu Yelin stretched out his big hand, clasped her slender wrist, and his somber voice sounded in his ears. "Xia Xiaodie, what trick do you want to play? You do n’t want to be with me, you have to think carefully, just tell me. "

Xia Xiaodie shook off his big hand vigorously, "General Manager Gu, I have a self-knowledge, you still have a long time with your new love."

This time Xia Xiaodie didn't know where the strength came from. She really dropped Gu Yelin's big hand. She went to the door and wanted to leave.

Gu Yelin looked at her Qiaoyan's figure, her handsome eyebrows were overcast. A few steps forward, when Xia Xiaodie's little hand had been put on the doorknob, he caught Xia Xiaodie's weak shoulder and light With a slight twist, she pushed her directly to the door panel.

"What are you doing, let me go!"

Xia Xiaodie struggled hard and wanted to push him away.

Gu Yelin looked at the bright little face with a big slap in his arms, and raised his eyebrows in anger. "Speak clearly, where's my new love, eh?"

Xia Xiaodie couldn't escape, and he was trapped in the wall and his iron hoop-like chest. "What do you want me to say, isn't it your new love that just went out of your room?"

As soon as these words came down, Gu Yelin's face was already ugly, and his thin lips drew a cold whitening curve. He sneered, "Who told you it was my new love? I went to the bar to drink a little headache, She pressed my head, and I tipped it afterwards, and never saw it again, no story. "

"Xia Xiaodie, in your heart, I am this kind of person? Or do you say that you are such a person, as you are in the dark, so you also think of me as you and stigmatize me ..."

Before Gu Yelin's words were finished, Xia Xiaodie poked her toes.


More finished.

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