Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 2113: You will be mine sooner or later

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Fu Shu stood outside the kindergarten door, holding a delicate gift box in his hands, watching the men and women embracing in the garden.

It is already late autumn, and Song Yi is standing behind but sweating. Young Master has flew to several countries these days, his work schedules are upside down, and he can only take a few hours of rest every day. Today is Miss Si ’s birthday. The Lord personally picked the gift and rushed over, but he did not expect to see it.

Sometimes Zhou Tong is right. The young master's thoughts on Miss Si Yi will be full of joy on any woman. If ... Miss Si Yi can be less true.

In fact, love is a luxury, and many women will not get it after they have finished their lives, or the love that they got a little while will gradually fade away in the long years in the future. This man Fu Shu is deep and self-disciplined, a handmade His formal attire walked on the top of the right pyramid every day, and he was as absent from abstinence. He was like a magnet, destined to have no shortage of women around him.

But the more such a man, the more able to keep the bustling and tempting, to take a step back and say that even if he had a woman outside, he would never take it home without children, or even let the future young lady know.

This woman happened to be Gu Siyu.

The arrogant girl Gu Siyi's life is unwilling to give in.

Song Yi coughed quickly as a reminder.

Hai Lan heard this, and she turned around and quickly saw Fu Shu outside.

Why is he here again?

Hai Lan didn't want to see this man. He hadn't been here for a few days. He didn't expect to see him now.

"What's wrong?" Asen asked at this moment.

"Nothing. Someone is looking for me. I'll go." Hai Lan let go of A Sheng.

"Would you like me to accompany you?"

Aquamarine drew beautiful red lips, "No need."


Hai Lan came out of the kindergarten and came to a remote alley. She didn't want Assun to know the existence of Fu Shu. Assun was simple and clean. It was not the same type as the cold and expensive Fu Shu. She didn't want Fu Shu to What trouble does Aso recruit?

Fu Shu came over and looked at her. Today Hailan wore a black sweater, a red and black checked shirt outside, and the shirt tied a knot between her waist and arms. The black pencil pants below were simple and pure. She has a big sense of high-level dress on her, which makes people look away.

"happy Birthday."

Fu Shu passed the box in his hand.

Hai Lan doesn't know how he knows his birthday, but think about the things that can be found by checking it as his identity. In fact, she doesn't know when she will celebrate her birthday, but A Sheng sent her on the same day as him. A birthday gift is that her birthday is right.

"Fu Shaozhu, thank you. If you look at this box, you know that the price is expensive. If you remember correctly, this top luxury brand is made of diamonds, so my birthday Fu Shaozhu should have given me diamond jewellery and the like. I ’m not too fond of it. Thank you again for your kindness. Once you receive your heart, you will not accept the gift. Good-bye.

Hai Lan turned and left.

But Fu Shu's low-pitched voice came from his ear. He tickled his thin lips. "You don't like diamond jewelry, but do you like a cheap pen?"

He was talking about the pen that Ashen gave her.

Hai Lan stopped and turned around, "Yes, Fu Shaozhu, compared to diamond jewellery, I prefer the pen that Asang gave me."

Fu Shu stepped forward and came to her, "It's like I asked the secretary to take you to a candlelight dinner, but you like to eat Asheng in a street that is dirty and messy without a health permit. What's your meatball? "

Fu Shu reached out and pinched her Yingrun's shoulder. "Do you know what you are? Don't you be afraid to dirty your hands when you touch these things?"

Hai Lan's face was cold. "Fu Shaozhu, things are not expensive, but if you like them, there is so much prosperity in this world. There is no such thing as a cloud, and you are so noble as you, and you are going to worship Vanity Fair every day, you will be happy ? "

Fu Shu ’s pair of cold black eyes fluctuated slightly. In fact, Gu Siyi and he are people of the world. They are both from a noble birth and have wealth and status. Gu Siyi grew up from a big name. He is very particular about personal life and taste. She is a qualified Madam of Gutenberg, and only she can match him.

However, Gu Siyi is so different from him.

Hai Lan pushed Fu Shu gently away, "Fu Shaozhu, I don't know if we knew each other before, but you look at my eyes and tell me all the time, I am in your eyes a high-level and expensive canary, you If you want to raise me in captivity, you may be nice to me, rich and rich, but these are not what I want, and I do n’t like it either. "

"Fu Shaozhu, don't come to see me again, I and you are impossible."

Fu Shu ’s pair of cold black eyes were as dark as ink. Like two small abyss, he could **** human soul. He tickled his thin lips, and with a little pity in his pampering, "You should learn to be good Because I don't want to force you. "

Hai Lan was on alert quickly, and she knew that the man would do whatever he could, "Fu Shaozhu, let me go!"

She didn't want to talk to him.

Fu Shu looked at her stubborn eyebrows, and brought the woman's natural seductive charm. He hugged her slim waist and kissed her.

Hai Lan Tong Ren shrank and hammered him quickly.

Fu Shu pushed her to the wall, and trapped her in her savvy chest, so that she wouldn't have half a struggle.

Then Hai Lan felt his resentful anger. He was angry without knowing why. Now he was forcing her completely regardless of her feelings. Every inch of his breath was like a dormant fierce beast, and he vented his temper with unscrupulous feelings.

"Fu Shaozhu, let go!" Hai Lan pushed him away.

Fu Shu opened her eyes, Jun face fragrant her long hair, and held her in her arms. "Fu Shu, my name."

Hai Lan was so angry that he bit his arm.

Fu Shu was in pain, but the handsome face with a crown like jade had returned to normal. He looked down again and kissed her face, "You will be mine sooner or later."


Hai Lan scolded him in his heart. At this moment, a clean and moist voice came from his ears, "Fu Shaozhu, hello."

Hai Lan pushed Fu Shu away, and A Sheng was out. His unfocused black eyes looked at her and Fu Shu's direction. The clean and bright eyes seemed to be able to see.

"Asheng, why are you out?"

Hai Lan quickly ran to Ashen's side.

Aseng said, "Go ahead and I will chat with Master Fu Shao."


And one more later

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