Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 795: Three years later, Yan'an reunited (1) monthly ticket plus change

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen's eyes followed An An and fell on the cowboy.

The fancy cowboy jumped in his heart, and Jun's face was already happy, and he was flopped!

The boss lady immediately laughed, "Oh, this beautiful girl, you really have a good eye, this brother is the strongest in our body. I don't know if you have heard of a person, that is the big Emperor City three years ago. Lao Luyan, our elder brother has the same shape as that of Yan Ye. "

Speaking of Lu Yan, the proprietress herself was high, "when Ye Yan was still alive, he was fascinated by the capital city-women and rich women, but unfortunately later, Ye Yan died, but those rich men-women The rich ladies and grandpa still ca n’t forget Ye Yan, they order this brother in our club because he is as strong as Ye Yan. ”

Tang Mo'er looked at the boss, and she was probably Fan Ye's fan.

At this time Lin Shizhen said, "Madam, you have too much to say today."

The lady is aggrieved, "..."

She just introduced.

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen looked back at An An. Lu Yan, the man who gave An An the most pain in his life, the name "Lu Yan" is already a taboo.

In the past three years, no one mentioned it.

An An didn't mention that she lived well and lived well, and everything seemed to pass.

But she had a thin rose gold bracelet in her slender Hao wrist. This was Tang Moer's tailored king-back bracelet to cover the scar on her Hao wrist.

She cut her wrist in her bed three years ago. Although she was rescued, the scar was too deep and she could not remove the scar all her life.

Huo Yanmei distressed her daughter and used to bring her to remove scars, but all doctors were shaking their heads.

This scar is like the thick ink left by the man in Lu Yan in her life, how deep love is, how deep hate is, after years, still can't erase half points.

This bracelet is unique in the world. It is an exclusive design given to An An by Tang Moer. This bracelet is also known as an exclusive memory.

Soon after, King-Back was officially listed, and this exclusive memory became an exclusive out of print. Even if the rich merchants paid the highest price, Tang Moer never produced the second one.

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen glanced at each other. The boss lady is innocent, but she can't open any pot.

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "No, Lu Yan is a hundred times better than him."

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen glanced at each other, what An An said.

An An calmly looked at the strong cowherd, her red lips swayed slightly, her smile was faint and she didn't see her heart.

She said ... Lu Yan ...

As soon as this was heard, the boss lady sneered twice quickly, and she had never seen the legendary Yan Ye. As her identity, she had never seen her head before.

"This beautiful young girl, do you want to flip this brother's card?" The boss asked directly.

Tang Mo'er and Lin Shizhen looked at An An, but they didn't know how to choose?

After a few seconds, An An nodded, "I turned him over."

Other Cowboys: Envy ing, go fitness tomorrow!


Next room.

With a click, the door of the room was pushed open by a small white tender hand, and a beautiful figure came in.

An An stepped on stiletto heels. Although there were no noise on the handmade wool rugs on high-heeled shoes, this did not affect her writhing. Every time she walked, the slender waist was twisted away, and the black skirt was split below. The waves of demon's sorrow are really lonely and deadly.

An An sat down beside the bed, a slim arm propped up on the bed sheet, her graceful body leaned back, and her two long white legs cocked together, "Come here."

The little brother has been behind her, watching her crampedly and admiringly.

Hearing her call, the little brother came quickly.

The current posture is that the little brother is standing, and she is sitting, but the posture of raising her head to look up has fostered a sense of dominance. Instead of changing shoes, she is still stepping on those high heels and lifting her feet. She uses He stepped on my brother's pants with high heels, "Take off my coat."

Little brother Jun blushed, then reached out and took off his shirt, exposing his healthy upper body.

An An's snowy eyes wandered over his healthy chest, and then counted down, one abdominal muscle, two, three, four, five, six ...

Only six dollars ...

Also, in fact, men with six packs are quite good. Men with eight packs must be people who are engaged in some special occupations. They can only be found after years of fitness or work.

Lu Yan has eight pack abs.

An'an's delicate little face was always faint, "Those rich women often point you?"

The brother nodded, "Well."

"What are you doing?"

"Players ... There are usually a few rich women who like to play hide and seek with me."

Hide and seek?

An An raised Liu Yemei, "How to play?"

"It's just that they will blindfold my eyes and ask me to look for them, and they will flutter into my arms and call me Yanye."

An An had red lips, and he had been dead for three years. These women were not peaceful enough.

She has also heard that when he was young and entertained at the entertainment wine bureau, he liked to play hide-and-seek, catching one and catching one, making the women throbbed.

An'an's delicate face was a little colder, she stretched out Bai Nen's little hand, and caught her brother's belt with her index finger.

The brother's eyes brightened and he quickly pressed down.

An An was lying in the soft big bed, and all three thousand blue silks spread out, she looked at the little brother on her body.

Where could the little brother bear such a little beauty, he quickly kissed An An's lips.

An An turned away and did not let him kiss.

The little brother froze, he looked at the little beauty under him, and saw An An's delicate and lonely eyebrows faint.

"I'm going to buy a set." She pushed the brother away and got up and got out of bed.

"Don't buy it, here it is!" Cried the brother.

But it didn't work, An An's figure disappeared quickly.


After leaving the club, An An stood on the bustling street, pulled out her mobile phone, turned out the group of "women and I'm the biggest", and sent a WeChat message --- I left first.

Then she took the phone.

The capital city is so big, where does she want to go?

She didn't know where she wanted to go. She pulled her thin legs and walked forward. She suddenly stopped in front of a convenience store and went in to buy something.

The cashier asked, "Miss, what do you want to buy?"

An An glanced at the back shelf, "I want to buy a set, the largest one."

He used the largest size.

At this time, an ordinary van was stopped outside the convenience store, the rear door was opened, and the children from five or six mountains got out of the car with their suitcases. They looked at the man in the driver's seat, "Uncle, let's go Go to college. "

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