Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Suddenly fell on his pants

Biquge, the fastest update warm wedding like fire: Gu Shao, pet the latest chapter gently!

She borrowed cigarettes from him.

Lu Yan squeezed her thin lips, a little displeased. When did she even smoke a cigarette?

An An looked at the man, he moved, reached out his palm and held the cigarette packet.

She quickly reached out her little hand to pick it up.

But next second, the cigarette packet was rubbed into a ball by the man's palm, and the driver's window slowly slipped down. He directly threw the crushed cigarette packet into the trash can on the roadside.


He did it on purpose!

An An's ice-cold eyes were suddenly cold, and she said, "Why, because I didn't show you the thighs, you threw the cigarettes out. You can't see the temper, the man is very."

Saying An An sneered again, she glanced at the man's empty right leg. "Even if I show you the thigh, what can you do, can you ... do it?"

She accented the word "do".

Lu Yan's dangerous brown eyes narrowed suddenly, and the rough big palm rubbed the steering wheel unconsciously twice, and she was laughing at him for not being able to do it.

The atmosphere in the carriage quickly became depressing, and the sword was tense.

At this time, a string of melodious ringtones rang, and An An called.

Bai Nen's little hand took out the mobile phone in the bag. It was Huo Yanmei's phone.

She pressed the key and said, "Hey, mom."

Huo Yanmei's voice was clearly transmitted because the carriage was quiet. "An'an, are you home? Mommy prepared you your favorite dishes. You dress well, and you have relatives and the son of President Hua."

An An immediately raised her eyebrows. "Mom, I said N times. I don't want to go on a blind date. I already have a boyfriend."

An An took the plastic bag in his hand.

Lu Yan looked at her through the rearview mirror and naturally saw the plastic bag in her hand. There were two boxes in the bag.

The largest.

It's his size.

She said she already has a boyfriend.

Lu Yan retracted his gaze lightly, as if a knife was inserted into his heart and stirred, he felt aching.

But the more it hurts, the less expression there is on his handsome face.

He glanced at the neon lights outside the city through the car window, his mind was full of sweet pictures with her just a few days before he was released from prison three years ago.

She dropped her socks and he wore her.

Dinner was delivered and he was carrying her to eat.

She was angry and kicked him away, he came back angrily and kissed her ...

Every picture seems to have happened yesterday.

He and she have known each other for so many years, and the truly sweet time is only a few days.

Is her boyfriend good to her now?

Does she love her so much?

Huo Yanmei's reprimand came over, "An'an, don't make a fool of yourself. So many things happened three years ago. Later, I didn't stop you when you wanted to enter FIU, but the mother must take the lead in marriage!

"The last time you went on a blind date, you were messed up. What was your muscle boyfriend last time, and he told your blind date that you can do it eight times a night. This time, what have you changed? boyfriend?"

An An felt irritable, her mother was pressing hard, and she had pushed her to the edge of the cliff. Mother should know that everyone knew that she could not forget Lu Yan.

She feels pain.

"Mom, this time I found a disabled boyfriend." She whispered.

At this moment she felt the glance in front coming and landed on her small face secretly.

Huo Yanmei on the other side took a breath, "What are you talking about? Disabled?"

"Mom, don't be nervous. My boyfriend has only one leg missing. In fact, he is strong. The biggest one is applied. One leg is several times stronger than a normal man ..."

Before she finished, Huo Yanmei screamed, "Gu Anan!"

An An ticked her red lips. "Mom, don't force me, press me again, next time I will find a sick boyfriend."

"An'an, you have been destroyed, you have been destroyed, is ..."

Huo Yanmei snarled, but An An hung up the phone.

She knows what mother wants to say, mother wants to say --- An An, you are destroyed, you have been destroyed by Lu Yan!

In this case, my mother would say it several times when she saw her, and her mother really hated Lu Yan.

Of course, she hated it too.

If he is still alive, she thinks she will hit him first.

But he died.

An An hangs a butterfly-like cicada-like feather in her cell phone and puts it in her bag. Her eyes become wet and red, but no one can see it.

No one could see the wetness in her eyes.

Three years have passed and she will still cry.

Easily wept by the name "Lu Yan".

The van stopped slowly, and Champagne Mansion 1 arrived, and she should get off.

An An reached out her hand and hung a strand of hair from her cheek to her ear. When she raised her eyes again, her delicate little face had become faint and lazy. She opened the rear door and jumped smartly.

She pulled her thin legs and came to the driver's seat door. She raised her hand and knocked on the window, meaning he slid the window down.

A few seconds later, the window slid down, but only a little, she could only see his peaked cap outside.

Who is he covering his face on purpose?

Looking ugly?

An An opened her bag, took out two grandpa Mao and passed it, "This is your fare."

A large, rough palm came out of the car to pick up the money.

But didn't receive it, An An gave a lip smile, then put two red tickets in the palm of his hand and crushed them, leaving them on the side of the road.

This movement mimicked him, and he did not smoke her.

Lu Yan in the car crossed Jun face, and those brown eyes hidden under the peak cap looked at the little woman outside the window, why did she become so owed?

Dare to challenge him.

An An knew that he was looking at her. She picked up the delicate willow eyebrows and swept over the plastic bag on the back seat. "I left you two boxes, just as your fare. If you ca n’t use them, give them away. also."

After that, she turned and left.

Gu Anan!

Lu Yan in the car glanced at the dangerous brown eyes, he twitched his thin lips, and opened the driver ’s door with a “brush”. A rough and wide palm protruded out with a lightning bolt. Lived in An An's slim Hao wrist.

An An was very alert. When he clasped Hao's wrist, her wonderful eyes instantly became cold. She lifted her legs and wanted to do a backflip to lock his throat and break his neck.

But the man had already seen her movements. Several long and powerful fingers strongly tied her two bright wrists behind her, and then pulled hard, and her small face fell to his pants unexpectedly.

His skill was like a sharp arrow out of the sheath, and he easily held her.

An An slaps her small face suddenly cold, her skill and FIU are top-notch, so far there is no opponent.

The man caught her in a few moves.

She was vulnerable to him.

Then she suddenly found that she was buried in the wrong place. She was buried in his cell!

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