Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1006: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (269)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

There is something at the bottom of another trunk.

Feng Ling was about to put away the box, and suddenly remembered what was there, opened the bottom curtain directly, and took out the piece of jade that had been inside.

She wears this piece of jade on her from an early age. Other things can be lost, but this one cannot.

She sat on the ground for a while and remembered the jade ring that she had picked up at the banquet last time, but she did n’t have much time to pay attention when she returned to the base. It seemed to be stuffed into the box after returning. Which box is it in?

At the time, outside the base hall, everything that had fallen to the ground was picked up, and none of it had fallen, so it was impossible to lose it.

She reached up to the trash can and took out all the clothes that had been thrown away. She opened the same and looked until the round jade ring fell out of the pocket of one of the clothes.

Feng Ling held jade pendant in one hand and jade ring in one hand, and looked at it for a while, then put the two things in front of her eyes and put them together, and finally stuck them together, pressing her fingers gently ...

Seeing that Yu Pei fits perfectly in the middle of the jade ring, and even seems to be integrated, it should have been a pair of Pei Yu.

Looking at the two things that suddenly merged into one, Feng Ling, who had been in a squatting position by the trash can, suddenly sat directly on the ground.

At this moment, the emotion that the old lady looked at every time reflected in the old lady, and the emotion that Madame Feng Qin Qiu occasionally stumbled while looking at herself.

She did n’t know about the Feng family. She always thought that the Feng family was only a young lady named Feng Mingzhu, but it seemed that she had forgotten it. Listening to the meaning in the dialogue between their mother and daughter, it seemed that Qin Qiu had been thinking about another dead Daughter.

Thinking of this, her mind suddenly opened up suddenly.

The old lady and Qin Qiu stared at her face at that time, asked if she was male or female, and asked her age.

After hearing that she was a male, the two had disappointment in their eyes, and even more disappointed after hearing her age.

But her gender is fake, and she is not sure of her own age.

Would she be the daughter that the Feng family thought was dead?

But whether she is or not, the Feng family is alive now, the only one is Feng Mingzhu, a young lady.

Li Nanheng's marriage, after all, will only be Feng Mingzhu.

What does this have to do with her own life.

If, just because of this pair of Yupei, she can assume that she is the daughter of Feng Family, does that mean that when she sees Li Nanheng in the future, she will call him a brother-in-law?


It's ridiculous.

Feng Ling indifferently put the jade in her hand back into the trunk, facing the possible life that may soon be revealed, and the so-called dead daughter in their mouths, indicating that she was not abandoned, but must What happened.

But she found out that she didn't want to pursue the truth of her life at this moment, and she didn't want to find her parents and family.

Who can she be?

And Feng Mingzhu hated her.

If she really shows up with Yupei, she doesn't seem to be more than a family.

Children raised by wolves are not welcome anywhere.


Feng Ling has no trace.

It's like the world has evaporated.

A person who has never been in contact with someone outside is really hard to find her.

After she left, she did n’t turn on her cell phone again, could n’t find the GPS location, and did n’t use the money in her bank card. I did n’t know where she appeared. Even, they also contacted Qiao Fei to ask if Know Feng Ling's recent track, because Feng Ling doesn't know anyone outside.

But obviously the result is the same, no one knows where she is.

Li Nanheng's car found the wilderness that day, and then sat in the car for one day and one night. The base member who was searched out the next day found that the boss Li was unconscious in the car and rushed to the hospital. Only then did he know that from the day Li Nanheng got married, Li Nanheng has n’t eaten much. The two days in the shrine were only morning and morning, and he did n’t eat anything. He also drove all day and night because of the Feng Ling incident, and the impact of the car when he stopped suddenly in the wilderness. And the coldness caused by the lack of heating and air conditioning in the car all night led Li Nanheng to be in a coma for a long time.

It stands to reason that Qiao Fei has left the base and can no longer have any contact with the base, but he still drove back to the base because of Feng Ling's incident. He originally wanted to settle the account with Li Nanheng, but when he found Li Nanheng, others were working. The hospital hadn't woke up, and the fist he wanted to swing back couldn't fall. He just threw the English paper with the two big marriages on his bed, and turned away with a cold face.

Only Wen Leqing knew Feng Ling was gone.

But she promised Feng Ling that she wouldn't say anything.

If Li Nanheng isn't married, maybe he will be a peacemaker in the middle to help spread a message quietly.

But the fact is that Feng Ling walked before she left here.

Li Nanheng is married, no matter from the perspective of reason and emotion, there is no reason to disturb his life, and he is not qualified to disturb her future life. In the future, there is no need to meet again.

When Feng Ling left, she put her own card with a deposit of more than 300,000 dollars in Wen Leqing, and then took 50,000 yuan in cash in Wen Leqing's hands. Let them discover where she has a record of withdrawing money.

And her expenses are not large, this money is enough for her to live well outside, find a stable job, and stay away from everything in Los Angeles.

Of course, Feng Leqing will not touch the card left by Feng Ling, even if Feng Ling said that she can use the money in it at any time.

But Wen Leqing is not short of money. She can feel Feng Ling's sincerity, so she likes Feng Ling very much.

She prefers Feng Ling's sincerity when feelings are strong, and decisive when feelings die.

People who shouldn't see can't see, people who shouldn't think can't think.

If she could fully appreciate the incident one day earlier, she would not have those disputes and stories between her and her brother, and would not have so much persistence.

Feng Ling said that she was particularly envious of her beautiful and gentle female doctor. She has a good family background, an excellent education background, and a good education. She is gentle and kind in treating people.

In fact, what Feng Ling doesn't know is that people like Wen Leqing are more envious of her decisiveness and ease.

In life, people who have everything just seem to have everything. What they have will become an inevitable burden in the future, and no one's hopes can be disappointed.

But Feng Ling is different.

The only thing she had to do was to live up to herself.

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