Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1008: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (271)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Who else want to come? I think you are all very confident, come and try again?" Feng Ling looked at the students who got up from the ground and turned to look at the others.

This time a group of people did not dare to move any more, hesitated for a long time, then came out again.

Everyone saw that this is Chen Beiqian who brushed the presence in front of the coach every time he took the opportunity to attend the class. It is said that the family opened a bank in Boston. It is definitely a rich young man who is studying business in Harvard. The Department of Management, who has graduated from senior year, has been chasing Ah Ling instructor for a whole year here.

However, this year, A Ling instructor completely ignored it for a year, did not give any chance at all, and even asked her to have a meal without getting consent.

Alas, are the students from Beiqing actively begging?

Treating guests is n’t working. This time I want to be beaten to a halt and then use bitterness or something?

Feng Ling looked at each other, his eyes calm and indifferent: "Mr. Chen, are you sure?"

Chen Beiqian is currently 23 years old. He is studying at Harvard University, which is close to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. He has not graduated yet, but has obtained a master's degree in business management. He is a very white and gentle man. He and Feng Ling have a deeper relationship than others.

The reason was that when Feng Ling first came here to work, Chen Beiqing was tried to kidnap by a group of Hei Dao here because of a family bank accident.

Feng Ling was passing by the parking lot outside Harvard at the time, and she noticed that those people were sneaking in the direction of the white car. Based on her keenness to these black people, it was not difficult to tell what they wanted to do.

She recognized the license plate number of the white limousine. It was the car of Mr. Chen, who had just registered at the Budokan to learn some kung fu. I drove directly in front of those people, then parked the car next to Chen Beiqing's car, dropped the window, and turned to look at Chen Beiqing, who was not aware of the danger, and he saw it through the rearview mirror. After those people behind, immediately resolutely reversed the car with her, speeded up, bumped those who walked behind the parking lot, and then left at a speed of absolute dust.

On the same day, a limit chasing car was launched on a road nearby, and those who were black and stubborn were not so easy to get rid of it. Although Chen Beiqian had no skill, he had good driving skills. It was most implied by Feng Ling's eyes He hesitated at first, because she couldn't leave her alone, and it seemed okay to see her later. Then she was asked to cross the car in the middle of the road to stop the group of people. He drove away quickly and called the police quickly.

However, it is indeed a few underworld princes, and it is indeed impossible to be blocked.

By the time the police arrived with Chen Beiqian who had returned and returned, those people were already lying on the ground with blue eyes and bells, and even the guns in their pockets could not be pulled out in time, and Feng Ling had unloaded the bullets. Tossed aside.

However, it was just a case of abduction and reprisal by rich people. The police took the person directly after they understood the situation. After Chen Beiqing and the police passed through, he saw Feng Ling said he had turned on his car and was going to leave. Before she drove away, she suddenly opened the door of the first officer and sat in.

Feng Ling looked at him strangely at the time: "Is something wrong?"

"Why help me?" He asked.

Feng Ling said indifferently as he fastened his seat belt: "Did you just register at our Budokan? I have some impressions of you, but I still know you. I can help you when I see it."

"Do you help when you see it? Do you know how difficult these people are? I am not familiar with you. In case something goes wrong, I will not admit it or be responsible. What will you do if you ignore him?"

Feng Ling sneered: "Children, if you don't have full confidence, you won't care about this kind of shattering. The dangerous people I have faced are much more fierce than this small role. These people will not let me go wrong, nor will I. I need you to take charge. Get off the bus. I'm going back. "

Chen Beiqing raised her eyebrows and looked at her, and suddenly smiled: "Children? How old are you?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Although he is not sure how old he is, the students who can study at Polytechnic and Harvard are mostly more than 20 years old, and they are all older than her.

Feng Ling looked expressionless: "Twenty-five."

Chen Bei tilted his eyebrows: "Not like it."

"Don't worry about it, get off the bus! I still have something to do. Your danger has been lifted. What should you do?"

Seeing her impatient, Chen Beiqian didn't say more anymore, just opened the door with a smile, and said the next sentence: "What martial arts museum to report to was just passing time, and I may not really go. Now I change my mind. , Starting today, I will report every class with you, and I will never be absent. "

Feng Ling ignored him until he got out of the car, closed the door, and drove away.

This matter is just a small matter for her. She has experienced too many fighting scenes, but she just saved a student by herself and did not take it seriously.

However, Chen Beiqing really did as he said. He would definitely come on time for three lessons per week. In the first few months, he just honestly came to class on time, and then suddenly one day began every time. He would bring roses to her, and every time Feng Ling refused, he simply asked someone to put the flowers on the desk where she usually rested, and then went straight to class without saying a word.

Over time, Feng Ling has also become accustomed to his stubbornness. The key is that he is stubborn in silence. He will not entangle more in language and do nothing more. Everyone is telling him that he likes her and he is after her, but he doesn't talk about what is boring, so she refuses until the end, from the flowers to the table to the door. , And then directly sent directly to the trash can, he still delivered correctly.

For a long time, she was too lazy to care about it. Anyway, when the flower was put there withered or withered, it had nothing to do with her. Only the cleaning aunt who came in to clean the office every day would be excited and said, "Oh, there are new flowers. Are we almost unable to insert the vases in our house? The last ones are still fresh. It seems that we need to add two more vases! "

What's more, she occasionally said that she was going to be invited to dinner. She didn't take care of it. She asked her to watch a movie. She didn't take care of it.

Feng Ling has always paid no attention to this, and Chen Beiqian didn't say much, and those were things outside the class. During the class, he was honest and obedient so that she couldn't fault it.

The cry, "Mr. Chen, are you sure?", Did not make Chen Beiqing's expression change too much, just slightly hooked his lips, reached out and made a please gesture.

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