Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1024: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (287)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng didn't move. He just crossed his long, sturdy legs and leaned back on the back of the chair at will. So he looked at her with a lukewarm look: "How long have you been in this Budokan?"

Feng Ling took the water cup in his hand and drank the water slowly, disapprovingly, "Did you not already investigate? What else do you not know? Need to ask me?"

"I really don't know when you will work here." The man didn't hide it, still calm in her half-mockery tone.

"A year and a half," Feng Lingdan said, taking another sip of water.

"A year and a half? Such a small martial arts hall, where you can work for so long, shows that in this martial arts hall, what you say and your existence have already had a certain influence, such as recruiting a trainee coach or Assistants or whatever, should they be able to decide for themselves? "

Feng Ling's eyes narrowed, and then he suddenly raised his eyes to look at the man sitting there with Erlang's legs and a pair of young masters in the same posture: "What do you mean?"

"The XI base will not be under my control recently. A Feng will do it alone. I am basically a semi-unemployed person now." Li Nanheng said while raising a handsome brows: "How about leaving you as an assistant? ? "

Feng Ling: "..."

Ren Shiling felt that his heart was too high for defense, and he was caught off guard by this remark.

The XI base is not under his control for the time being. Half of the unemployed are working as assistants and asking for retention?

His sentence seemed to include several levels of meaning, but she didn't understand, she held the water glass for a while and didn't speak, just looked at him strangely.

At a glance, Li Nanheng could see that her little head in the world hadn't been able to turn this bend, and then she lowered her legs and sat down in the chair leaning forward to get close to her desk, resting her hand on her desk. She raised an eyebrow at her: "Isn't this place the same routine that teaches melee combat? You learned all this about me. I should be qualified as an assistant coach. Ok?"

Feng Ling still couldn't reflect it. After looking at him for a long time, he put the water cup down with a cold face, and the body made a crisp sound on the table.

"This is not where you mess up, Mr. Li, please respect my work."

"I'm asking you to keep me. Where's the respect?"

Feng Ling frowned: "You boss of an XI base, what coach did you run here to?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lips: "You are an excellent sniper from an XI base, the national champion of the melee combat women's group, what coach do you have here?"

"I was desperate and always looking for a job that suits me. You think everyone is like you. Even if there is no XI base nearby, there is Li family behind you. Even without Li family, you have Dr. Qin and Mr. Mo in Behind. "

Li Nanheng remained calm, but still smiled faintly. Although it seems that the little girl can't see anything on the face, in fact, many things are in my heart.

Even his frequent exchanges with Mo Jingshen and Qin Shiting in private and the additional underground army. The fire business can be seen, but she probably does not understand what business he is doing, just know that he is not short of anything.

Li Nanheng is still following the topic just now: "I'm also desperate now. Several old men in Li's family were annoyed by me and kicked me out of the base to sever the relationship with me. I am also a poor nobody who wants it, just Know if Coach Ah Ling wants to keep me. "

Feng Ling is inexplicable: "Isn't the XI base already handed over to you in the first place? How could they have the ability to drive you out of the XI base, in addition to squeezing your arrogance as an elder?"

Li Nanheng didn't explain, just looked at her: "Don't say those who are useless, have known each other for so long, you and I are not so many nonsense people, let's just say, accept or not?"

Feng Ling's eyes did not shake at all: "No."

"You are so busy every day that you don't need an assistant or something?"

"Lack." Feng Ling looked at him calmly: "But what is missing is the assistant, not you."

"I don't seem to qualify? Where is it not?"


"For example, which point?"

Feng Ling's patience is approaching the limit. Why didn't he find out that Li Nanheng was so embarrassed, knowing that it was impossible to challenge her bottom line?

"It doesn't match anything. If we have to say one thing, the staff of our entire Budokan are unmarried. You are just married and it is not suitable enough. Our boss said that people with marriage and family are not suitable. This kind of work is too frequently focused on martial arts, because there is no way to go all out, and you will be blamed and overburdened by your family for some injuries and crimes. "

"Well, I should be standing within the scope of the standard, I did not marry anyone." Li Nanheng looked straight at her.

Feng Ling's eyebrows were stunned, and her eyes became even colder at once: "Li Nanheng, shameless and shameless, does not mean that you can lie in order to mix in here! Even if you don't like Feng Mingzhu, she It ’s also your wife. You do n’t think it is shameful if you kill her like this and gossip outside? ”

"I said the last time, I didn't marry Feng Mingzhu, I did n’t marry anyone, I never married anyone, okay?" Li Nanheng's hand was still resting on the table in front of her, looking directly at her: "I am now Where is the death, there is no so-called wife who will come out to settle accounts, of course, if you are willing to be my wife to play this role to trouble others for me, I would be happy. "

Feng Ling cold-eyed: "Have you never married anyone? Do you want to say that the news of the major mainstream media in Los Angeles two years ago was fake?"

Li Nanheng: "Give me another year, and when the time is up, you should know what you should know."

"I don't want to know." Feng Ling intercepted him directly: "I'm not a three-year-old child, so not so easy to cheat."

"Like you, love you, you will be coaxed as a three-year-old kid." Li Nanheng's patience is surprisingly good now: "I don't like you and don't love you, you're afraid you can't even see my face, You ca n’t feel such a clear distinction, or do you deliberately pretend to be bad? ”

Feng Ling did not change his face: "Whether you are married or not, these have nothing to do with me. Li Nanheng, in my world, something is over, then it is over, no matter whether the cause is because of misunderstanding, the truth, or being driven away. Or what is it, there is nothing to look back on. I can sit here and talk to you now, instead of annoying people to kick you out, it shows that I am very calm, so please leave with calmness, please? "

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