Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1028: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (291)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Hearing him out, Feng Ling directly raised his eyes to see him.

The man's eyes were very calm, as if he had just gone in and was working seriously, there were no other thoughts at all.

She frowned coldly and coldly: "What on earth do you want? I said this is not suitable for you, and I don't plan to keep you, so you put your hand on our boss, right? Li Nanheng, don't you Lack of money, you lack time, do you need to waste time on me? "

"Coach Ah Ling." Li Nanheng said: "Isn't it what you often say now, during class time, sure to discuss these insignificant things with me at this time?"

Suddenly he was blocked back with what he said, Feng Ling's tone was a pause, then his eyes stared at him fiercely: "Don't call me coach A Ling!"

"What's that name?" Li Nanheng smiled with a smile, his voice was a little mute, and he seemed inexplicably confused: "Or, I'll call your boss instead?"

Feng Ling: "..." looked at him with the same look as neuropathy.

"How is your body feeling? Is it a headache?" Li Nanheng shifted the topic in a timely manner before she was about to get angry.

Feng Ling didn't look at his concerned eyes, turned away with no expression, took a step back, sat in the chair behind him, and said coldly, "It's just a cold, I can't die."

"Then sit down first, and teach me this lesson today." The man said to turn around and go back.

"You wait." Feng Ling stopped him suddenly: "I'm sure I won't let you stay. If you want to take a lesson for me in this class, then you take it, just as you owe Mine, but I warn you, they are all my students and there is no unnecessary relationship with me. Don't be angry with anyone because of your personal anger! "

As if she didn't hear it, Li Nanheng only slowed down a moment when she spoke, but only for a moment, and went straight in without looking back.

Feng Ling sat outside and raised his hands and rubbed his aching head.

The boss must be crazy, how could he really accept him!


For this group of students, for this group of students, it can hardly be described by the words deep and hot.

But since all of them came to study at the Budokan, of course, they still have a hobby in this area. I must have seen various related learning materials and videos. The new assistant coach's skills can be seen at a glance. It ’s just that I do n’t know who is sacred. Although everyone thinks that his requirements are too strict and harsh, he does teach them well and is standard.

Coach Ah Ling is already the best in the whole martial arts hall and teaches the best.

But the arrival of this new assistant coach ...

Only then did they soberly know that someone could be more indifferent, harsher, and more terrible than coach A Ling, and also faster and better and more powerless to resist.

It is precisely because Li Nanheng is fierce but also very standard. Although this group of students complained after class, they still secretly asked Li Nanheng's phone number to want to have a good relationship with the new coach, so as not to be like Chen Bei during the later class. It is targeted like that.

Alas, speaking of Chen, the experience tonight is simply inhuman torture ...

The half-hour balance support training that was forced, and other difficult movements and ups and downs, were all guilty of picking his bones, but couldn't refuse, and had to listen to the coach Li Command, and finally at the end of class, let alone think about what coach A Ling, just call the name Ah Ling with no energy to call out, the whole person lay on the ground suddenly, too lazy to move again.

The key was finally kicked by coach Li, warning him that this lying position was too easy and twisted the waist. After a large training, lying on the ground in this way will only distort the tight muscles and joints, let him Either get up and leave right away, or stand up and stand beside the wall.

Chen Beiqing's anger and rare temper that erupted just now are gone, and he doesn't want to say a word.

Today is also the first time. After having Beibei's class, he was not invited to eat.

Although she refused every time, he used to send someone to send flowers before coming, and asked if he wanted to have a meal together before leaving, even if it was rejected, it became his habit.

Then this evening, the office door that should have been knocked before work ended up being pushed directly open by another man.

The person who came was not Chen Beiqing, but Li Nanheng who had changed back to his black casual sportswear.

"Boss Feng, come home from work, I'll send you back?" Li Nanheng stood in front of the door, and looked like a serious life in Meiyu.

People look like humans, it really looks like that.

Feng Ling didn't want to talk to him because he was the boss of Feng, but this man's resolute and irresistible all-pervasive approach in her life now really made her wonder what he would still do next. What do you want to do.

"I'll go back to myself, I'll take a taxi back." Feng Ling lowered his head to sort out the lesson plans on his desk and the CD-ROMs of the class videos, and said, "Besides, please move me from next door."

Within a few days after finding this man, this man had almost occupied all her living space.

She was really caught off guard.

I don't know how to respond.

"I know I live next to you. I drive or take a taxi as well. What kind of taxi do you own?"

"I still have something to finish." Feng Ling didn't look at him.

Li Nanheng took out the cigarette from his trousers bag and said calmly, "You are busy with you. I will take you back when you are busy."

After that, I went out and lit a cigarette.

Feng Ling was sitting in the office, and the man smoked a cigarette near the outside toilet. About ten minutes later, the man returned, and Feng Ling was still sitting behind his desk.

He took a chair and sat down without speaking.

She didn't speak.

Time passed by minute by minute, everyone else had already left, and only two of them were left in the entire Budokan.

Feng Ling saw that he really didn't leave, raised his eyes and looked at him, but at the moment when he raised his eyes, he suddenly met the sight of the man.

He has been watching her.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, Feng Ling's mind suddenly reflected many images in the past.

Who would have thought that the person in charge of the dignified XI base would run down to a place like Boston to live in a cheap rental house, and also go to such a small martial arts hall to ask her to be her assistant, even when she claimed to be busy, Sitting so quietly and obediently waiting patiently for her to finish her work without saying a word, like a child doing something wrong and trying to make up for something, waiting for an adult to forgive her.

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