Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1042: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (305)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Reza glared at him: "Yes, it's my life of choice! But if I didn't show up in your life, it wouldn't be ruined like it is now! Even if my husband is gone, my child, my Two children are still so young, how can you return their lives to me! "

Li Nanheng said indifferently: "You shouldn't give birth to children knowing that you are walking on the edge of darkness. It is your own choice to let the two children follow you. Is n’t it? It is clear to me that the XI base is just a sharp sword in front of the military and the police. Without me and without the XI base, there will be other people responsible for hanging you. As for the two children, our people should not have touched them. How you died, you should look for your own problems. "

Reza dragged his clothes tightly: "They died under the bombers of the war-torn country! The flesh was blurred! The eyes were not closed when they were dying !!!"

"If it wasn't for being hunted down by people at your XI base, if it wasn't for nothing, we wouldn't have escaped to that dangerous country, it's all you, and you blame you-"

Just as Reza was roaring madly, a burst of noise came from the window on the balcony. Li Nanheng's action, which seemed to be pressed against the wall, suddenly turned to raise her hand to clasp Resha's wrist. Pushing her forward hard, Risha grabbed the gun in her hand in a moment when Reza was too late to guard, and raised the gun directly to her forehead, looking at her coldly: "You are in Haicheng When I was still young, I had assassinated a lot of young and beautiful girls in the Overnight Club. Do you think I do n’t know about this? There is a fierce woman in the bones, so do n’t show the affection of the calf in front of me. If you really feel bad about your two children and husband, you won't follow the traffickers and drug gangs after you knowing that everything has been destroyed! "

Reza looked at him with red eyes. Because of his words, the tears in her eyes dried almost instantly. She sneered and reached for the gun. Li Nanheng's hand just lifted up easily, and then from behind the balcony again When the Asian man who broke in rushed at himself, he turned back and hit a gun directly on the opponent's hand. The gun landed instantly, and the Asian man also reflected that he rolled backwards quickly and one knee. While kneeling on the ground, he picked up the gun and rushed straight up again.

The woman named Lisa in front of Li Nanheng has been mixed in Hei Dao for more than ten years. He left at the age of seventeen and followed others from Haicheng. Now she is thirty-two years old. She has absolutely no skill or condition in all aspects. Lost to any female soldier who has been training for many years, she also reported that she shot quickly, the gun was not in her hand, but a dagger in the cuff flashed at him with cold light.

Li Nanheng blocked Ruisha's dagger with one hand, and turned back at the moment when the Asian man rushed over, raised his gun directly on his forehead, and while the other was careful to avoid his muzzle, he lifted his foot and placed the next downlight lamp stand. He slammed and slammed into the face of the Asian man.

However, even though her hand was confined, Resha exerted the force of a woman's entanglement, holding her arm firmly with one hand, struggling with his other hand, and lowering her head to bite he.

Because of her entanglement, Li Nanheng suddenly felt a severe pain in his back injury. He frowned and looked at the mad woman beside him, slamming her wrist directly, and the dagger in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. Then, he caught the dagger with his instep, and rushed towards the Asian man who was just struggling from under the lamp stand. The blade of the knife pierced the Asian man's calf directly, and blood bleed instantly.

"He doesn't have a gun! Hurry!" Risa saw his arms and body flash quickly, she couldn't trap him at all, and entangled him with hands and feet, and found that he seemed to be injured, and Shouted: "He has injuries on his back!"

Hearing the news, the Asian man, bearing the pain in his calf, bent down and pulled out the dagger, and stood directly away from Li Nanheng and Ruisha, and accurately aimed the muzzle on Li Nanheng's head.

He clearly knew that he couldn't be too close to Li Nanheng, and it was impossible to beat him in a close-up situation.

Now that Reza is tangled in him, standing in this position, she can definitely explode his head.

Li Nanheng's face was cold and ugly. Because of the back pain, he failed to swing away from her. Although it was only a two-handed attack by a man and a woman, the two clearly knew his path, and now he also Finding out that he has an injury to his back, and now that he can't free his arm smoothly, he is likely to avoid the opponent's gun at any time because of Reza's entanglement.

When Li Nanheng suddenly raised his leg, bent his knees and hit Ruisa's abdomen severely, she pushed Ruisa just a few feet away, and was about to take out the muffler gun hidden in the trouser bag, two meters Kaiwai Asian men have pulled the trigger.

Just at the very moment, a bottle of shower gel suddenly flew over in the direction of the bedroom door, smashing the hand of an Asian man severely. The shot that the opponent was about to fire was just because the bottle of shower gel was smashed. Suddenly missed, the bullet hit the wall aside, making a loud noise and the smell of smoke from the bullet grinding on the wall.

Li Nanheng turned his eyes suddenly, looking at the Feng Ling that would suddenly appear in the direction of the bedroom. At the same time, he saw the corner of the curtain that was floating in the bedroom because the window was opened. She was instructed by a sight line signal dedicated to the XI base that only Feng Ling could understand.

Feng Ling didn't speak, only looked away from him with cold eyes, there was nothing else in his room, and she had a bottle of shampoo in her hand, which was enough for her to use temporarily, and only approached the Asian man to take him away. With the weapon in her hand, she has more opportunities.

Li Nanheng gave her a look that told her he had a gun on him.

Therefore, the newly dropped gun on the ground is about to become her weapon.

Because of Feng Ling's sudden invasion, Ruisha and the Asian man glanced at each other. Before they came, they did not think that there would be foreign aid here in Li Nanheng, but it seems that this woman should also have some skills. The base is not very well understood, the purpose of this visit is also directed at Li Nanheng, and also because they knew that Li Nanheng always acted alone outside this time, they came to see the timing.

So what happened to this sudden woman?

How did she come up? !!

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