Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1066: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (329)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ak asked this question because in the jungle of Boston nine months ago, he saw Feng Ling's resolute decisiveness and his refusal to Li Nanheng and the XI base.

He had been worried that Feng Ling might not return.

After waiting so long, she finally hoped to come back, but instinctively felt that this matter would not be so simple, at least with Feng Ling's temperament, she would not promise to come back so easily.

"Yeah, you have been hired as an intern trainer all over our base. All the brothers who have dealt with you at the beginning have no excuse for you and are happy for you. Only those three teams The aliens who always do the right thing to me feel beaten, one by one, they look very stinky, our brothers really feel cool when they look at it, and have been waiting for you to come back! "Lin Cheng said, holding the seal forward. Ling's wrist came over: "Come here, I haven't got a sniper rifle for two or three years, come and try it, and see what our most proud proud Feng Ling is doing now, is there any degradation?"

"How could it be degraded? You didn't know that in the jungle of Boston nine months ago, Feng Ling was alone in front of a dozen people, and she was not afraid of it at all, otherwise, because of the sudden bombs coming down, she It is estimated that they can kill the dozen by one person. "A K said, looking at Feng Ling's direction with anticipation," You haven't been here for three years, and we have almost caught up with you. "

Feng Ling really missed the sniper rifle, Lin Cheng dragged her over, and she did not refuse.

I originally thought that I was just playing with their sniper rifles, but Tam received their winks from Lin Cheng, and immediately decisively turned to the nearby weapon rack, took out a new sniper rifle from the inside, and quickly Stepped over and handed it to Feng Ling's hands.

Feng Ling looked at the sniper rifle in her hand, then lowered her eyes, and saw her name written on the nameplate below.

She raised her eyes and looked at Lin Cheng a little bit puzzled.

"This is when our sniper team moved to the new training camp, the sniper rifle specially customized for each of us in the base, you also have, everything you should have, everything has not fallen." Lin Cheng said: " You have always been a member of our sniper team and have never left. The boss said at the beginning that you only temporarily took on an expatriate mission. For the time being, the person is not in the base, but everything that belongs to you still exists. The XI base has been Waiting for you to come back, we have been waiting for you to come back. "

Feng Ling held the gun in his hand and looked at the target in silence, standing there for a long time without moving.

"Okay, don't say these words, try your new gun." Lin Cheng said as he stepped back with a few others.

Feng Ling raised the sniper rifle in his hand, aimed at the target at a distance of 100 meters in front, and after a "bang" shot, he was ready to hit the bullseye.

The other four knew that her strength was not only here, even if she hadn't taken a sniper rifle for so long, but she would definitely not be too rusty.

Then, Feng Ling rotated the gun body forty-five degrees, fired a shot at the target 300 meters away on the other side, and hit the bullseye again.

At this moment, applause all around, and everyone looked forward to her next move.

Feng Ling aimed his gun at the almost unclear target center of the gun 500 meters away.

"I heard that when Feng Ling left the base, she was able to shoot a target at a distance of 500 meters, but I heard that she only tried it a few times by herself, and did not do it in front of us. After so long, I don't know if it will work ... "

"It will work."

Their voices had not fallen yet, and another gunshot was heard in the air.

Feng Ling was still holding the gun in her hand, but she was looking at the bullet that had not been shot. In a short period of time, she flew to a position 500 meters away, and suddenly passed by in the red center.

Not to mention the other four people were shocked, even the instructor who was sitting and drinking tea when he saw Feng Ling coming back and did not intend to disturb them for a while, was surprised, looked at the bullseye over there, and then looked calmly holding Feng Ling of the sniper rifle finally swallowed the tea in his mouth, and then secretly thought, no wonder Feng Ling could be qualified to be hired to return to the base as an internship instructor.

People like her who haven't touched a sniper rifle for two or three years, and this kind of unmistakable aim, even he may not have the calmness and confidence of her.

No matter what the XI base gave her, she is not deserving. She deserves it.

Feng Ling lowered his gun and looked back at them: "You continue to practice, I will not disturb your training process here."

"Don't bother, don't bother, all of these training processes should have your share, but you are already an instructor now, and you really can't train with us, right?" Lei Peng asked while helping her to shoot the gun Pick it up.

Feng Ling didn't explain, but only said, "I haven't eaten the meals in the base cafeteria for a long time. We have time to eat together at night."

"Will you stay at the base today? Will you stay?" Tam heard it and jumped over excitedly: "Where are you going to live? The original place of residence is our brothers' new place of residence? No, you are now It ’s a girl. Ca n’t live with us. The base should have a separate place for you because of your gender. Have you asked A Feng if you have arranged a place for you? ”

With so many questions, Feng Ling couldn't answer for a while. He only looked at Tam and thought for a while before saying, "Not yet."

She didn't say that she would stay, but Li Nanheng didn't know when she would return. Maybe she won't be back tonight. She is now in the XI base, and there is no need to toss out to live outside.

At present, the most important thing is to wait for Li Nanheng to come back and find him to sign for release, so she can go to Haicheng smoothly,

"Suddenly come back now, it is estimated that the side of the base has not prepared immediately. Maybe I should go back to the place where I was before?" They stood there and discussed directly.

"No, Feng Ling is no longer suitable for living in the same building with anyone in the base."

"Why not, she used to live next to Boss Li. Boss' room has not been changed. Her room is cleaned every day. It is always clean. Just take a new quilt and you can live there. , How can it be so troublesome? And living next door to the boss is taken for granted, right? "

A listened, didn't speak, remembering the scene about Feng Ling and Li Boss that he saw in the jungle at the beginning, and then thinking that Feng Ling seemed to have nothing to do with Li Bo in the past few months after returning to Los Angeles. When she reached her face, she wanted to see what she was thinking.

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