Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1102: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (365)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The Mo's and the "confrontation" in the kitchen heard Li Nanheng knocking on the wall with his hands.

"You two, don't go overboard! It's been so long since you went in, do I need to take Feng Ling away and give you the whole room?"

Ji Nuan blushed instantly in the kitchen, but Mo Jingshen pulled the little woman into her arms: "It's also a good choice to give the room to us."

Ji Nuan: "..."

When the two of them came out, Li Nanheng sneered and leaned against the wall outside the kitchen door. His eyes saw that Ji Nuan had already softened a lot of face, no need to guess that this little woman was probably coaxed by her husband.

Mo Jingshen stunned Ji Nun, and didn't let her go away. She looked at Li Nanheng and said, "They've circled such a big circle. The purpose is she or you?"

Li Nanheng: "They are all people working at the XI base. The biggest goal is me or her. What's the difference?"

At this time, Feng Ling suddenly came out of the bedroom, mainly because he heard Mr. Mo's conversation, and felt that he was not too hurt. It is not necessary for a person to rest in the bedroom.

She was just a bit sloppy, mainly because of the trauma on her body. As soon as she stepped out, she suddenly heard Mo Jing said indifferently: "Her own woman was injured into this virtue, and now she can't wait to go to the old nests of those wastes. He has been uprooted, but now he can lean on here with a smile, and Ji Nuan is not as big as you. "

Li Nanheng: "..."

Ji Nuan: "???" What does it have to do with her?

"Mr. Mo, I'm not his woman. Although you are my current boss, please don't give me a hat." Feng Ling uttered a voice, unpleasantly protested.

Li Nanheng didn't look at her, and temporarily accepted the lazy attitude in front of others, saying meaningfully: "This year, women are not easy to raise, it is wrong to lighten them, it is wrong to stay with them, and it is wrong to release them."

Feng Ling's expression was a lot colder.

Who said that?

Scolding her side by side?

Who gave his courage so shamelessly.

Li Nanheng took out the cigarette easily, but glanced at Ji Nuan and Feng Ling in the room. Two ladies were there, but they did n’t smoke, and they threw the cigarette back to the coffee table behind them. The look of laughter had been stunned for a few minutes: "The group intends to successfully whiten through the underground relationship. The smuggling cars intercepted by Feng Ling when he was on duty in New York had a lot to do with them. The connection between them is equivalent to Feng Ling's disguised evidence in her hands that can hold them to death. She is the most favorable witness. Now what they say is blocked by the existence of Feng Ling. She started her, but Feng Ling's skill and vigilance have always been good. In the United States, they did not have the opportunity. Now that they have the courage to reach into the country, it is also equivalent to blocking themselves on the retreat. "

Mo Jingshen's expression was faint: "The way to death is their own choice. It will not cost much to pull you to die before dying."

Li Nanheng froze his thin lips and brought out the cold radian: "I brought Feng Ling to China. It's impossible to just let her be a bodyguard for your woman. They want to come, and I promise they will die. One."

Mo Jingshen patted Ji Nuan's waist all at once: "Let your own woman be a bait. This kind of cold-blooded and ruthless thing is really only you Li Nanheng can do."

Li Nanheng: "..."

Of course, it is impossible to use Feng Ling as a bait. Mo Jingshen just coaxed his daughter-in-law and scammed him in a blink of an eye?

Feng Ling was awkward now!

However, at this moment Feng Ling said, "Mr. Mo, everything is my own choice."

Li Nanheng didn't speak any more, but suddenly narrowed his eyes coldly, and took a meaningful look in the direction of Feng Ling.

She knew that he didn't have the idea, and she could answer it smoothly and made up her mind to anger him?

Feng Ling didn't say any more, wearing the loose T-shirt belonging to the man.

People like Li Nanheng are the kind of people who do not care much in the XI base. They are indifferent and incompatible. They like to play pigs and tigers especially in the presence of good brothers. He and Mo Jingshen's belly Black is completely two extremes, one inward and one outward.

The person who can find her lost face step by step, he cannot possibly send her here as a bait, how could she be unclear.

But Mr Mo's sentence just reminded her.

No wonder Li Nanheng kept pressing the signature did not let her fly to Haicheng immediately.

I'm afraid he already knew that someone was staring at her, and whether she was in the United States or China, she would definitely follow her.

Either he was by his side or in front of Mr. Mo. In short, she could not be left alone.

Is that why he delayed to the end and accompanied her to Haicheng in person?


Ji Nuan was taken away by Mo Jingshen. Before Mo Jingshen left, he also told Li Nanheng to take good care of Feng Ling. As a result, Feng Ling wanted to say that he would go with them and drew in his throat.

In the evening, T City is also approaching winter, with short days and long nights.

Outside the window is the beginning of the lantern.

Li Nanheng called the base hall in the suite's living room.

"Find these people now in the domestic lair, and send someone to take care of tomorrow, so as not to stay in trouble."

A Feng said on the phone: "Okay, the people sent out by the base have already surrounded their place according to the route you set for the boss. What about Feng Ling? Is the injury serious?"

"Skin trauma."

"I knew she was going to have an accident, and she knew that she had a bad temper, and she couldn't harden her. She wanted to protect people well, but she couldn't say clearly," Boss, why do you say this?

Li Nanheng didn't respond, only turned to look at the closed bedroom door, and then said to the humanity on the other side of the phone: "What's happening in the past two days?"

"No, I haven't heard anything about Li's side, but I heard that Miss Feng frequently went to Li's house to see his father, but every time he couldn't sit in it for a long time, he left, and his face didn't seem to be the same every time he left. well."


"Do we need anything else to stare at?"

"No, don't worry about keeping quiet."

"... meaning that we called Feng Ling and talked about your good intentions, and we didn't need to talk good words for you?"

"No need to."

"... Boss, are you a **** now?"

"If it is clear, it will be useful. I still need to toss it like this?" Li Nanheng said lightly: "To deal with her, too rational is not very useful. People like her need stimulation."

A Feng: "?????"

"Isn't your old man afraid to run away?"

"My wife-in-law, where can I go?"


A Feng didn't understand.

Li Nanheng hung up the phone without explaining.

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