Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1104: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (367)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When the man was domineering, he couldn't refuse any of his decisions. Feng Ling didn't want to get in the car and couldn't help it. He just sat in.

I was about to raise my hand to close the door. I don't know if the man sat in directly instead of going to the front passenger seat.

"..." Feng Ling wanted to ask him why he didn't sit in front of him, but when he came to his mouth, it seemed to be too cumbersome, and it was all nonsense, and he didn't even say it.

The man did not go to see her expression either, only after telling the driver the destination, looked at the time on his wrist, and at the same time handed his wrist to her.

Feng Ling couldn't figure it out, and she saw the watch on the man's wrist. There were a few small letters on the shiny dial. She didn't understand many things when she was at the XI base. Later, when she went to Boston, she often listened to the family history. Good international students talk about various luxury goods, and they know that the black watch worn by Li Nanheng is a sporty watch in the Patek Philippe worth more than 10 million yuan. This sporty style is a limited edition.

She thought that the man was demonstrating his aesthetics on the watch, or simply looking for a topic to avoid the cold field by using the watch, she stubbornly said, "It's pretty."

Li Nanheng: "..."

I really want to open her head and see how the things in her head grow.

"It's five o'clock, and you will come back after dinner. Your current situation is not suitable for walking around for a long time." Li Nanheng glanced at her, explaining the meaning of just showing her watch.

Feng Ling froze for a moment, realizing that he had misunderstood what he meant.

She said "um" without saying a word.

However, although it is really close to the food city she wants to go to, this traffic jam often has traffic jams. After five o'clock is already considered as the rush hour of every city in China. The grand situation of such a large traffic jam is estimated to continue to six After half past, the taxi was stopped at the intersection for more than ten minutes.

Feng Ling was sitting in the car and heard that Li Nanheng was answering the phone at this time. Although he was in T city, there were a lot of things in the United States, and he often received calls from there.

She then turned to look at the man next to her. At such a close distance, she could see that the man's eyes were deep and clear. When she answered the phone, she didn't know what was happening. She seemed to groan for a moment, and then continued lightly. She said something to her because she did n’t know what was going on, so she did n’t listen carefully. She just sat next to her at such an angle and watched the street lights reflected in the window, standing tall and straight in him. A shadow of a lamp fell under the bridge of his nose.

After another ten minutes, the car finally reached the opposite side of the intermittent traffic and stopped at the main entrance of the food city.

Li Nanheng opened the door and got out of the car. When she was ready to go out, she reached out to help her, but Feng Ling didn't hold the hand. She leaned on the electric power behind her left hand which was relatively lightly injured. A little bit moved out.

Watching her action that she didn't even want to touch her hand, Li Nanheng stood outside the car door and hugged her calmly.

After getting out of the car, Feng Ling looked up at him: "Go in, go back after eating, I won't be too long outside."

Although I did n’t know what he answered the phone just now, I heard Li Nanheng said that he would go back at night to talk about it. It is estimated that he would be busy in the study for a while.

He hummed and watched her turn into the food city. Although she was injured, her back was still standing upright, probably because she had been training in the base for many years. Feng Ling twisted and twisted compared to many young people nowadays. Twisted, or some hair-like steps, should be straight and steady, and the back looks stunned.

After entering the food city, there are a lot of people in this time. Compared to the various restaurants and small restaurants outside, this place looks a bit messy and noisy. People are all around, so it's hard to find an empty seat to sit Next, Feng Ling's face became white because she had just been squeezed by two passers-by, but she did not speak, sitting there looking around, and looking for rice noodles that Ji Nuan had eaten before looking for herself.

Li Nanheng didn't see that she was pale after being hit just now. After making sure she was safe here, she said, "Which rice noodle do you want to eat?"

Feng Ling looked back at him, and saw Li Li, who was in and out of major hotels and even the United Nations State Banquet Hall, standing in this food city with many people. He actually stuck some of the fireworks on the earth, just Standing in the crowd like this, he looked as if he had lost a lot of high cold, and when he looked at her, he seemed to smile with a little pampering.

As if not to say that she just wanted to come to a small food stall to eat rice noodles in this crowded food city, even if she wanted to go out and plan a dirt pit to eat chicken, he could take her to find a place to plan a pit.

Feng Ling glanced backwards and pointed to the rice noodle stall with a lot of people in a queue in front of the corner: "The last time Mrs. Mo took me to eat was that house, and the taste was pretty good."

I saw a lot of people standing in line there, and the team was the longest and the longest in front of all the stalls in the entire food city. There is no doubt that the taste should be really good.

"But there are too many people waiting in line. If you can't, just eat something else." Feng Ling's eyes glanced at the other stalls, and he didn't know what to eat for a while.

Seeing her hesitation, Li Nanheng went straight to the stall of the noodle shop without talking.

When Feng Ling looked back at the man again, he had already gone there.

People like Li Nanheng, from a young age, have always been Li ’s parents and grandchildren even if they train all day in the XI base, and later they are the bosses. No one dares to make him line up. ... Will he go to the queue or something? Or maybe with his impatient temper, he might simply wrap the rice noodles of those people behind him, and let them wait behind him.

Feng Ling didn't like either way. Before, she had little contact with these places with fireworks. She had never expected that Mrs. Mo's wife, the president's wife, and the money of Ji's family, would find this. There are all kinds of delicious places, and the price is not expensive, as if everything is delicious, Feng Ling fell in love once.

So she didn't want anyone to break the balance in the fireworks.

Just when she was wondering if Li Nanheng would do that, she turned her head again, but saw the tall and tall man who was outstanding in the crowd with only a glance, stood behind the crowd, and was patiently and patiently There was a long line.

It seemed that he didn't have any impatient expression. He looked at the other stalls next to him while queuing, as if he was afraid she was sitting here waiting for boredom. By the way, he bought some other small snacks. Give it to her.

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