Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1106: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (369)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

There are too many people, walking fast and bringing a gust of wind, the man's hair slightly moves, like the silent and turbulent trees in the dark, and the snow falling when the mountain on the Rogers Pass is turbulent, making people inexplicable Followed a little bit.

"It's better not to keep it up. Short hair looks good. If you keep your long hair someday, I'm afraid I don't even know where to put it."

The man's words are ambiguous.

Did he say that he didn't know where to rest on himself, or where to rest on her?

There is too much rice noodles in this pot. Li Nanheng is not very interested in such things that girls like to eat. After eating less with her, she got up and went out to buy things.

Feng Ling focused on drinking soup, leaving him alone.

After a while, Li Nanheng came back with a thing.

She looked up at him: "What did you buy?"

He didn't say, only tossed the bag to her: "Go back and see."

Feng Ling saw that the bag was a rectangular box and didn't know what it was, but it seemed that he had bought it intentionally.

What will it be?

However, when the man came back and saw that she had not finished eating, it was estimated that it was really cold outside. He took a clean bowl again and sat opposite her slowly eating rice noodles and drinking soup. He took a pinch in the air from time to time. Swaying in the middle, it looks pretty good.

Feng Ling asked him, "How long will you stay in City T this time? There is no need to go back to the United States?"

Li Nanheng replied, "You are surrounded all around now, how can I go back?"

Feng Ling snapped the rice noodles next to her mouth: "How many days can these people be solved?"

"Two days."

It takes one day to solve the problem, and one day to solve. The style of doing things that Li Nanheng has always been fiercely popular can be solved within two days.


After dinner, Feng Ling ate too much and really didn't want to go back by car. Li Nanheng accompanied her to walk back in the T city at night in early winter.

Passing downstairs, Feng Ling hesitated. Li Nanheng seemed to know what she was thinking. On the way back, because she ate rice noodles, it was all hot and she did not hold her anymore, but suddenly stretched her arms at this moment. Carry her into her arms, and just carry her directly into the hotel's main entrance, while walking: "At this time, whether you go to Ji Nuan or Wen Leqing, you are letting others ignite. The only one who is in trouble is me, and the only one who can help you deal with those people is me. Why do n’t you know how to deal with this? I do n’t know that the first task now is to hold my thigh tight? ”

Feng Ling: "..."

She glanced down meaningfully at his thigh.

The sight of the woman's sight was a profound sweep. Although she only looked at her own legs, Li Nanheng found that she was ashamedly hard. After a moment, he looked at her: "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at Boss Li where there is a place for you to hold me. There are too many people who want to hold your thigh. I'm afraid I can't hold my head." Feng Ling said as he walked towards the elevator. And at the same time withdraw from his arms.

The man clasped her with a backhand, lowered his head to her forehead and said dumbly, "It depends on whether you want to hold it. As long as you want to hold it, all the pendants on my legs can be thrown away, only for you. Hold it alone, eh? "


What about his wife?

What about the little daughter-in-law in her mouth?

Feng Ling ignored him and just entered the elevator.

I just ate a lot of food outside. I thought it wasn't long before, but when I came back, it was already over seven.

It's eight o'clock to change the dressing.

Feng Ling went to the bathroom for a simple scrub and showered himself. There was no way to wash it, so he could only wipe it. Li Nanheng smiled and came in to ask for her washing, but Feng Ling rushed out without expression. Outside the bedroom door, by the way locked inside.

Although he knew the lock could be easily opened if he wanted to open it.

But the premise is that Li Nanheng can afford the price of Feng Ling being really messed up.

Li Nanheng can't be sure what is the bottom line of this little woman who may explode at any time now, as long as she doesn't touch her bottom line, she will be fine no matter what, but the door is already locked and the door can be broken. Open, otherwise it is estimated that the girl really broke the connection when she was angry, and it is estimated that the nine cows could not pull back.

Although you've cast a net, take your time.

After scrubbing, Feng Ling came out and changed her clothes. When she walked out of the bedroom, she saw that Li Nanheng had already prepared the medicines that she had bought back.

She walked over, avoiding the injuries, and slowly sat on the sofa.

The man looked at her exposed arms and legs, as well as those injuries on his face and neck. The swelling had been swollen, but the scars were still there.

Then I glanced at the bruises around her neck again. It wasn't particularly noticeable in the afternoon. It was especially noticeable just after scrubbing with hot water.

"Bad by those few kings and babies?" The man looked down at her as she applied the medicine to her hands.

Feng Ling saw him staring at his neck, raised his hand and touched the trace on his neck: "Yes."

Li Nanheng's gaze was a bit colder, and there was a clear intention to kill, but the killing was definitely not directed at her. He lifted her chin and directly covered her hand with the medicine on her neck. I applied the medicine slowly to the traces of this circle. The ointment was a bit cool and comfortable. Feng Ling saw the man's lowered body and the face close to him when he lowered his head to help himself. , Simply closed his eyes and let him paint.

However, she didn't know it at all. The girl who had just taken a bath had some wet hair, red marks on her face and everywhere, and her white skin was even more so because of the water vapor she had just taken. White and transparent, so slightly raised his head and closed his eyes in front of the man, and he looked awaiting someone to kiss him hard.

Li Nanheng depressed the fire that was stabbed in her heart, looked at the bruises on her neck, and looked at her face while painting.

You can see clearly when you are so close.

The light and shadow under the light leaked to the ground and fell on her face.

The girl's face was white and clean, so delicate that she could not see her pores, her eyes closed, and her eyelashes fluttered like wings of a butterfly.

He looked at her slightly pale lips, inexplicably thinking of the white frost flowers on the wall of Rogers Mountain that looked like they were not frosty. The frost flowers would only grow in the bitter cold, and in some warm places, Rotten, even if it is transferred to the home to take care of it, it will not survive.

That kind of frost is the only comforting place in the bitter cold. It is clean and transparent, but it grows on the cliff. People who have no skill can't even touch it, let alone want to take it off and take a look.

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