Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1114: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (377)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that he hadn't moved, he just stood there watching her, and the pestle looked like a stone stick.

Wen Leqing was really fed up with his tepid attitude. Angrily stretched out his hand to push him hard. Pushing and pushing became hard. He cried and said, "You go! Go! Go out! Wen Yanhan, don't show up again, I don't love anymore ... "

Suddenly, behind the waist, Wen Leqing was crying, her hazy eyes could not see everything, and she was suddenly pulled into her arms. The man suddenly raised her hand and held her back to take her forward. She bowed her head and kissed her lips fiercely.

The touch on her lips was a bit horrible, and the intensity and speed didn't give her a chance to reflect, and she was kissed unguarded.

She was petrified all of an instant, and her tearful eyes were open, but there were countless shocks and sorrows hidden under her eyes, and she never understood what had happened from beginning to end.

Wen Yihan is kissing her?

For almost a decade, this has never happened before ...

Except that she had secretly leaned on the bed and kissed him secretly while taking care of him when he had a fever and sickness, it was still careful that he would not be found.

Or she tried to pinch his face when he was coquettish with him a few years ago, and hugged him in his arms, burying his face in his neck socket to touch him from time to time with his lips His throat was knotted, but he was pushed away.

Or, the lip-to-lip touch once collided accidentally, although most of the time it was a little deliberate.

But in any case, Wen Yihan never kissed her, and every time she accidentally kissed him, he would avoid expressionlessly, and warned her not to be too obsessed.

He never did.

Never kissed her.

Kiss her like now.

Even the man ’s kiss seemed to be complaining about revenge and ruthlessly ravaging her lips. The petals lost the calmness and gentleness that she usually had, and she also lost the grace that should belong to Dr. Wen, so entangled fiercely She tangled deeply between her lips and tongue. Before she had any preparations and withdrawing her mind, she directly forcibly opened her teeth and entered the deep kiss without convergence.

Wen Leqing didn't slow down at all, and his brain seemed blank. The whole person was shocked and could not move. He felt that the woman in his arms had not been able to return to the state of God for a long time. Soft, holding her tighter in her arms, holding her tightly in her arms, sucking her lips and petals, from intense to gentle.

Until her eyes gradually regained focus, her consciousness gradually resumed, and she suddenly raised her hand to push him. Wen Yuehan's hands clasped her waist, and she bowed her head to increase the intensity of the kiss. Wen Leqing's Out loud, his body is struggling, but he still does not let go, until she struggles fiercely, Wen Yihan suddenly bit a bit on her lips, warning dumbly on her lips: "This is not what you want Exhaust all methods, just want to break through the obstacles to stay with me, since what you want is this, you do n’t have to toss yourself like this in the future, you can directly say what you want, from childhood to age, I have nothing to give you, Since you only want me, OK, I'll give it to you. "

Wen Leqing didn't understand what he meant. The man in front of him looked down at him with deep eyes. She only felt the pain on her lips. She frowned, her hands were dead. Arrived on his chest, trying to push people away, trying to break free, but was suddenly hugged by his backhand.

At the moment of being held up, Wen Leqing got free on her mouth, busy and struggling, she said, "Wen Wenhan, what are you doing? Let me go!"

"What else do you want?" Wen Yihan's complexion could not see what he was thinking, but there was a deep coldness in his eyes. He hugged her all the way to the bedroom, and the gentle and calm man kicked his eyes. The bedroom door, hugged her in, and threw her onto the bed with a moment of panic, Wen Leqing, and then suddenly bent down without any tenderness and pressed her under her body. She held her hand above her head with only one hand, from the beginning to the end, without a touch of tenderness.

"You, you let me go ..." Wen Leqing was really panicked after being pressed on the bed. She had never seen such Wen Yuehan: "Let me go ... you let go ..."

The man held her tightly, looked at her condescendingly, and said incisively: "I will give you everything I want, and I will satisfy you the same way, and force me to this point is also your Wen Leqing It is true that Xiaoqing, you have been jumping around in front of my eyes for more than 20 years, you are really kind!

"Wen Wenhan, you get up! You ... Ah ..." The man suddenly clenched his wrists firmly. She felt only the pain of the two wrists being coerced, and her eyes became red, but the man was fierce at this moment. She closed her lips again, and at the same time she pulled her hand and forcibly dragged it to the neckline of his shirt: "Come, get what you want."

Wen Leqing was completely shocked, and her body trembled a little. Her hand trembled and stayed at his neckline. She felt that the man's hand pressed her hand there, but she didn't dare to touch it like she was shocked. She wanted to pull her hand out and wanted to avoid it, but he still grabbed it firmly and pressed it to his neckline again.

"I don't want it!" Wen Leqing desperately struggled under him: "You let go of my hand, you get up, Wen Youhan get away, I don't want this, I want ..."

At this moment, the man leaned in her ears and breathed, with a certain kind of warning in the hoarse voice and the icy strength she had never seen on him: "The chance is only once, Xiao Qing, since you have been entangled in me for nearly ten years , I am not satisfied with you once, it really makes you always have regrets, people ca n’t let go if they ca n’t say it, I let you get it once, do you really learn to be good? What you want is not me Man? Come on, I'll give it to you, you come to get it, I'll give it all to you, eh? "

Wen Yanhan said as she pulled her hand again, one hand was not enough to pull her both to his neckline, and at the same time dragged her hand directly to force her to pull the delicate button on his shirt neckline. .

Wen Leqing was lying there stiffly because of his peace and movements. His two hands were controlled by him. She couldn't resist, and couldn't say almost a word until the man just pulled the neckline apart. Min, seeing that the man's collarbone and chest were all under his eyes, her red eyes were panicking, she was about to pull her hand out, and shook her head vigorously.

"no, do not want……"

not like this.

She didn't think so!

She didn't want to force him to this point!

This is not what she wants!

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