Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1116: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (379)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The knock on the door was getting more and more urgent, Wen Wenhan never wanted to let go of her, but oppressed even harder.

He pressed the woman's soft body under him, questioning himself again and again in his mind.

I want to see again and again, but I want to know her situation again and again.

She cried heartily in front of him, begging him not to get engaged with others, and the letters she left in the mailbox like a knife were tormenting his reason.

Who is crazy?

Wen Yanhan closed her eyes and once again took over her red lips which had been kissed red and swollen, in order to **** almost all her breath, and bite mercilessly.

Wen Leqing shivered helplessly under her.

When Wen Haohan's hand invaded into her open clothes again, Wen Leqing suddenly flinched and suddenly turned away, but the man on her body bit her ear directly at this moment, as if being To the extreme, it is like revenge when some kind of emotion is vented.

She didn't have the strength to resist, she could only red eyes, tears fell on the bed, and choked, "Why do you do that, why are you doing this to me ..."

Wen Yihan didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, he seemed to be reluctantly suppressed. Gu Gu, who was about to collapse in his body. Hope, suddenly, with both hands on both sides of her body, slowly raised her body, lowered her black eyes to see the obvious passing in her eyes. Frightened and sad, still lowered his voice coldly: "I should ask you, why do you like me? Why do you push me step by step like this?"

Wen Leqing twitched twice: "I just said, I will never force you again, I will be far from you in the future, I will never ..."

"It's late," the man said suddenly.

His voice was very light, making her think that he had heard it wrong, and staring at him suddenly, but he looked at her eyes, his voice was very low, even though the voice was light and low, he forcibly penetrated into her. In the ear.

Wen Leqing's breathing was stagnation for a moment, and he couldn't believe the emotion that flashed in his eyes.

"When you were eighteen, I could reasonably tell you that everything is impossible. When you were twenty-three, I told you to be rational. I will never fall in love with you and let you be my sister. When you were twenty-five years old, I was almost dragged into the abyss. Now you are about to leave me a letter so long as you are twenty-six-year-old, and you are cutting into my heart with one blade at a time. You want to retreat now, Do you think it ’s too late? ”Wen Yuehan looked down at her,“ I ca n’t give you a reason to hide and cry alone, and I ca n’t look at you knowing you are allergic or not drinking so much alcohol, You indulge your sinking, but I can't just watch you ruin yourself, if you really want to sink ... "

Wen Hanhan looked into her eyes. Although her face was calm and cold, she said seriously, "Don't hurt yourself any more."

Wen Leqing's tears fell down.

Stop hurting yourself?

So after all, it was because of her actions that forced him to this step. His heartache was in his words, but there was no positive response to her feelings.

After all, she was forced to do so.

Wen Leqing closed her eyes and suddenly thought of a Hong Kong and Taiwan movie she had watched as a child, Xiao Qing hooked up in front of the Buddha.

After all, it's just that she can't get her own, and he can't take it. What he is loyal to is still his inner reason, without any deviation.

She sucked her nose and wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, and couldn't cry if she wanted to cry.

"From now on, you give me a good job, don't make so much trouble again, the family already knows what you think about me for so many years, you don't let yourself be hurt anymore, work well, whether in the United States or China, They all live a good life. If you want to be with me in the right way, you should also make yourself stronger and able to withstand all the rumors of the outside world, instead of just like now, a little emotional frustration can bring you down. "

Wen Leqing opened his eyes to see him, but did not speak for a long time.

"Do you understand?" Wen Yanhan looked down at her, staring directly into her eyes: "What you should learn is growth."

Her lips were still numb, but his words were cold as if an entire iceberg had fallen and hit her.

He was just reminding her that she was not mature enough, reminding her that she was not strong enough, reminding her to drive herself to collapse because of these small loves and loves, and in turn he was beset by scourges.

Wen Leqing lay there motionlessly, her hands rigorously quilted under the quilt, looking at the man's open shirt neckline, looking at his collarbone, his head buzzing.

The sound of knocking on the outside door was getting louder and louder, and even Wen Leqing's cell phone on the sofa in the living room was already ringing.

Wen Leqing was still lying on the bed, and she didn't have the strength to look at him with eyes almost indifferent.

Wen Yanhan turned his eyes away and couldn't bear to look at her eyes again. He suddenly got up and left from her body, got out of bed and went out.

Although there is no strength, but I also know that the person who is coming is likely to be a senior. If the senior sees Wen Wenhan when he enters the door, he does not know what will happen.

Wen Leqing hurriedly sat up in bed and sat up, barely gathered her clothes, got out of bed, and hurriedly went out.

When Wen Yanhan kept knocking on the door, he walked over and opened the door directly. The academic standing outside the door fell on him, his eyes stopped, and then he saw that Wen Yanhan's clothes were not as neat and traceless as usual As if I saw some traces of the folds that were just pressed out.

The senior student's Mei Yu frowned slightly: "Doctor Wen? You ..."

Wen Yanhan had no expression, and his eyes were cold: "Is something wrong?"

"Xiao Qing is in there?" The senior asked directly, and looked at the living room behind him as he spoke: "I just called her and heard her cell phone ring inside, who is she?"

"She's in there, but it's inconvenient to see you today." Wen Yanhan said lightly, and was closing the door with no expression.

However, the door of the room was suddenly blocked by the senior with his hands raised, and at the same time he looked at the man with a cold look: "Doctor Wen, Xiao Qing agreed with me over the phone to see her. It hasn't been more than an hour, and she will be able to see me now? I see Dr. Wen's condition is very wrong. Is there something wrong with Xiaoqing? You let me go in and take a look. As long as I'm sure she's okay, I will leave . "

"What can she do here?" Wen Yan's cold and frowning eyes were full of impatience, and he glanced at his hand on the door panel: "Take it away."

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