Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1118: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (381)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Wen Leqing was a little embarrassed to see through, and stood outside the car door wearing his coat and asked, "Where should I go now?"

"Okay, now you are also a visiting professor in the medical school, to see where you are now a professor, first find a hotel to stay and pack yourself. We will have a joint lecture tomorrow and a clinical consultation in a few days. Wait until the business is done, and then deal with the emotional affairs. He Wen Han is now in T city, and no one can lose it. What are you afraid of? "

"I'm not afraid he will lose, I ..."

"Don't explain. I don't want to listen to an explanation now. I know you just said you would follow me. Don't regret it. Give me a car now."


Wen Leqing froze for a moment, still stepped forward, got into the car, and gathered his clothes.

The senior was also seated in the driver's seat. When the door was closed, the compartment was quiet and he could only hear the breathing of two people.

Instead of driving immediately, he sat in the car for a while and whispered quietly, "You once said that Wen Yihan was a good brother, whether he thought he was a brother or sister, or later discovered that he didn't In blood, he is as good to you as ever, and likes all the elders in the family, he treats you as a pearl of his palm.

Wen Leqing lowered her eyes, and her voice was a little stuffy: "Yes."

"So he kept saying that you're just a sister, and you won't go beyond this relationship, so why did he suddenly fly to T city, and why did he do this to you today?"

Wen Leqing didn't speak again.

At this time, the senior started the engine to drive the car away. After the car drove a little further, he indifferently said, "I think the most calm thing is you. You have never understood the person Wen Wenhan, even if you have grown up. Grew up beside you, but you never saw his true face. "

true colors?

What is it?

Wen Leqing turned to look at him, but the senior was just driving. He didn't say much, but his face was not very good. Obviously, the punches were not particularly enjoyable just now. Wen Ranhan was lying there to fight. He should be more prone. It took ten punches and eight punches to dispel hate.


Feng Ling had a good night's sleep, and woke up in the morning and wanted to make a call to Ji Nun to ask if she needed to go to T Dali to accompany her.

But thinking that Mr. Mo is now in the T city, he used to be redundant. After all, the young couple had just ended the cold war period, and they simply did not make the call, but lay in bed for a little longer.

When she got up, she didn't know if Li Nanheng was awake. She didn't go to the bedroom next door to ask, and went straight downstairs to buy breakfast.

It was just some trauma, and it was okay to walk slowly, and she didn't want to be alone in the room.

I went to buy breakfast and walked back, passing by a fitness area on the opposite side of the hotel near the river. I saw a lot of people doing morning exercises there, and many young couples came out for a walk early in the morning. This is a Very harmonious and calm morning.

I heard that there is a downtown area nearby, and stalls are not allowed in this kind of place, but there were stalls in the early morning. Someone sold various mobile phone cases and stickers for this year's new mobile phones there.

Feng Ling thought of her new phone. To her, as long as it cost more than a thousand dollars, the expensive phone should be well protected, so she went over and chose a phone case that looks solid. I spent another ten dollars asking someone to help me put a film on the screen of my phone.

The shell and membrane are very cheap. Although it is a small stall, it can be placed in this place and it is sold early in the morning. The price is usually not too cheap, but the stall owner ’s asking price is really cheap. As a matter of fact, she just went along with her dislike of spending money.

She was fiddling with her cell phone, sipping breakfast and trying to walk back, and suddenly a couple who was already walking began to quarrel across the road.

Male: "You also know that I am angry? I do n’t tell you any feelings every day, do n’t tell me if you have grievances. Do you think of me as a man?”

Woman: "I didn't say nothing. I just think there are some things that I can survive alone. I don't need to talk to anyone ..."

Man: "Have you ever thought of me? I'm your boyfriend. Shouldn't you let me be comforted by the grievances? Let's not talk about how to solve the problem. One more person is always another helper, at least when you want Let me know when I go through, at least I can be with you. Have you ever put me in your heart? Do you really love me? "

Female: "I ... I don't know ..."

Male: "From the beginning we were together, so many things do you mind, but you never really considered the simplest link between us. You have been lonely since you were a child. Now it is hard for someone to hurt you. Willing to wait for you to accompany you, but you still keep me away from thousands of miles, I really have had enough of you! Break up! "

Female: "Listen to me ..."

Male: "Nothing to explain! Alone is not frank enough in terms of feelings! I am your man, and you never thought that I could be your patron when you need the help of others most, and you have never seen me in your eyes. What else can be explained, it is simply not enough to love yourself ... "

Female: "I, I am not ... I ..."

The little couple was just arguing and walking away.

Feng Ling stood in place, holding her mobile phone, and fell into a state of loss.

The location of this riverside outdoor fitness area is directly opposite the hotel across the road.

At the hotel's window, Li Nanheng watched the little woman who was in a daze slowly, took off the remote headset, picked up the mobile phone, dialed a series of numbers, and after the call was connected, she said indifferently: In other words, other people can see that this racket is very lame at first glance, that is, Feng Ling hasn't seen other people's acting and didn't see any flaws. Where are you looking for an actor? "

The "little couple" who was almost over there suddenly received feedback from the boss that he was dissatisfied. For fear of being deducted from the money, he hurried along the original road while arguing and walked back. Passing by Feng Ling in front of Feng Ling Carefully hit the breakfast in Feng Ling's hands, and turned back to quickly apologize to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling: "... It's all right."

She stepped back and was about to leave the place.

As a result, the little couple suddenly shoved and went to a nearby tree next to the road. The man pressed the woman directly onto the tree, and held him between the arm and the tree. With a look of expression, "Why do you say I am angry? Or because you love you! It is because I love you that I will bear all the things for you and be willing to bear all the burdens for you! You have always been stronger like this, do you want to Do you want to continue to be lonely all your life? I am willing to rely on you, how about you? When can you let go of your body and mind to hold me in a hug? "

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