Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1152: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (415)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

You don't have to look back to guess which one that gaze came from, after all, Li Bo is also outside now.

AK put his hand down very strongly, and in order to cover up the embarrassment, he slaps his hand twice on his clothes, and then makes a tickle action, and then he just slams with his curved arm Feng Ling's arm: "How about being a bodyguard for a long time outside, is it the mayor's daughter for a while, and Mrs. Mo's for a while, does it feel comfortable? Is it more comfortable to come back with our brothers?"

Feng Ling did not walk down this step at all, and answered directly: "They are all very good. They are very good to me, very comfortable and comfortable."

AK: "... I said why you were so ruthless. The lost face was also recovered. It's time to return."

Feng Ling glanced at the sniper rifle in K ’s hand: "Actually, I am also a very troublesome existence for the XI base. After all, the rules and regulations are there, and I ca n’t disrupt it because of me, even if the above gives me A suitable identity, but my qualifications are not enough to be an instructor. I don't want to make my brothers in other teams in the base secretly unhappy because of my special identity, so that in the end, it will only make brothers unable to unite. However, I will also read the good in the base. If there is a need for me, I will inevitably come back. Just like now, as long as you give me a gun, I can work hard for the XI base at any time. "

A snorted: "Che, who wants you desperately, we just miss you. How good were the days when we were all five, and you didn't want us?"

"Think, but life always goes on, and people ca n’t always go back and think about the past. As long as we are still alive, we can see anytime we want to meet. It is not necessary to keep standing in a row at the base every day. Training relationship. "

"In the past few years, you have become very articulate now. What we said to you before, you were too lazy to explain it, and now you can even talk about such scenes." Ah K snorted.

Feng Ling chuckled: "It's not a scene, I'm telling the truth, I want to meet at any time."

After talking a few more words, Feng Ling was preparing to go to the team over there to get the gun, but maybe she hadn't been too close to these people for a long time, and suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was passing by her. His eyes glanced towards her.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen a woman?" Li Nanheng just went and took a short gun suitable for her, glanced at those people's eyes, and frowned.

Everyone: "I have never seen such a woman ..."

In fact, Feng Ling's change is not particularly big, but it may be a long time outside, and she has not intentionally dressed as a man for three years. The feeling in her bones is very natural, and she can be seen when it is natural. The hair was shorter, but she was really a woman from head to toe.

In particular, it may be to cover some traces that have not been eliminated in the past three or four days. Feng Ling's neck also used to wear that scarf. Apparently Cambodia is very provocative. Everyone is wearing short sleeves, but she has not taken off. Scarf, a rare red color on her body, makes her look particularly attractive to men.

Li Nanheng's eyebrow closed coldly, and looked at Feng Ling indifferently: "Why are you standing there? Is it for you to come here to watch?"

Feng Ling: "..."

Did this man eat a bomb?

However, Li Nanheng glanced at the scarf around her neck again, and seemed to guess what she was covering. Although it was still unhappy because of contraceptives and medicine, she felt a little bit in her heart when she thought of the traces left by her. He was relieved, but he just threw the gun into his hand, then turned away with a calm face.


Into the night.

There are several groups of people in the camp responsible for inspections at various times to ensure safety and alert around the camp.

Feng Ling had just gone out with A and K and they were out. It was already over ten o'clock in the evening when it was time to change a group of people.

Cambodia is really hot. She has always been uncomfortable wearing a scarf, but she has n’t taken it off. Everyone asked her why she was wearing it, and she explained casually that she accidentally hurt her neck a few days ago. It can't be hurt by the wind, so I wear it.

But after she returned to the small room inside the camp, she took off the scarf after entering the door and closing the door. It was so hot that she was sweating, and quickly scrubbed it briefly, feeling refreshing and comfortable before picking up a piece of K Give her a new black short-sleeved T-shirt that hasn't been worn yet. This small room is a spaced apart room. It's simple and has no mirror. She picked up her mobile phone and looked at her neck. There are still a few traces on the front of the neck.

Normally, it ’s been three days, and any traces should disappear, but Li Nanheng ’s beast was about to eat her, and the traces left on her have only faded a little, but if you look closely, you can still see There are kiss marks.

But wearing a scarf like this all the time is not appropriate. Today is because she just flew over from Haicheng and she has no time to change clothes. It is so sultry all day. She will never wear it again tomorrow.

Then maybe you can figure out a way to ask someone for some simple plasters or bandages ...

She quickly tidy up the clothes she had changed, because she was bored for a day, and she felt that there was sweat on these clothes, so she took them out to wash directly. When he was washing, Tam came out to wash his pants. When he saw Feng Ling Said: "I think the phone you used in the afternoon is the same as mine. The charger I brought seems to be broken. Did you bring your phone charger? Let me use it."

"Take it, I'll get it for you later." Feng Ling wrung the clothes out, and after drying them on the clothes poles that everyone held up, he walked in quickly, ready to help Tam get the charger. .

As a result, when she walked to the door of the small room where she was temporarily living, she suddenly saw the opposite door opened. She didn't know who lived there and didn't go to see it. She pushed the door and turned into her room.

But just when the door was about to be closed, I suddenly felt a force from the door panel preventing her from closing.

She turned her eyes directly, but suddenly saw Li Nanheng's face hit his own sight. The man's eyes were very bad as if he was looking for her account, so he just pushed in the door!

When I saw the air-conditioned eyes of the man and the action of suddenly breaking into the door, the process of just being pressed by him on the bed just a few days ago was still vivid. Feng Ling stepped back subconsciously, but the room was too small, one step After that was the bed, her legs were blocked by the bed, and she asked directly, "What are you doing ..."

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