Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1154: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (417)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But what has she done so long?

She has been hiding!

If she doesn't like him, even if it is unrequited love, it doesn't mean that as long as he pays his feelings, he must be rewarded with the same feelings.

But she just loved him.

However, she was **** the surface, but she was guilty from time to time in her heart.

She is the kind who gives her a little hope and sunshine, and will be happy like a child, carefully leaning her head out, but as long as anyone says in front of her that this sunshine does not belong to her, she will return immediately In the dark, the kind of person curled up and hidden.

It was because she knew too much about her temperament from a young life that Li Nanheng didn't intend to give her another chance to escape. After knowing her heart, she just wanted to drag her out of her snail shell step by step.

Feng Ling's stubbornness hides the intimidation of others. If she is driven by her temperament, she will always give a person a back, a back of her head, she looks hard and heroic, she looks fearless. As if anyone was just a passerby who looked indifferently in front of her, Li Nanheng knew that this was just a layer of frosty shell on the outside of her fragility.

He has seen Feng Ling carefully test his warmth and love, which is so simple and clean. Although the reflection is always slow, he is extremely sincere.

He didn't want to hide her back in the hard shell because of those misunderstandings three years ago, or let her persuade her like this.

Feng Ling can no longer carry a cold face that makes it hard to get close to. If she is unwilling to take off this mask, he will take it for her.

But step by step to this day, she used her layer of false shells on the surface to hit the heart that he held in front of her with her hands.

How could she be so cruel?

Just when Feng Ling felt that the man's hand had penetrated into her clothes unexpectedly, and even some relentlessly wanted to engrave something on her, it was very heavy, and the palms of his hands were rubbed. Some pain, she bit her lip and opened her face, just about to scold him, but suddenly heard footsteps approaching at this moment, her eyes flashed, and she was about to speak, but the man fell down and sternly again at this moment Her lips.

Feng Ling frowned at the moment, under the man's angry kiss, he stared at the black eyes near him with an angry look.

She opened him in anger, and he didn't close his eyes. The two eyes were so close and close to each other. The pain in the lips was biting, and the eyes were hurting like this, but they didn't let go.

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

Feng Ling's heart trembled suddenly, and she leaned on the door panel. This door panel was just a thin board made from layers of local trees in Cambodia. It was only the XI base temporarily stationed here. The battle camp was very simple. When the door was knocked gently, she seemed to feel the shock and strength between the fingers of the outsider when knocking on the door.

"Feng Ling, did the charger be found? My phone is out of power right away, so let me use it!" Tam's voice sounded outside the door, and then knocked twice: "People? Didn't they just come in and get charged? Did you get the device? It's too tiring, and went to sleep when you went in? "

Feeling that there was no response in the door panel, Tam murmured softly while knocking outside: "Well, women are really inconvenient. When they thought they were brothers, they could push the door directly to go in and get their own charger. You're a girl now, and if I really fall asleep, I won't go in ... "

As he said, he continued to knock: "Don't blame me for being annoyed, my mobile phone is really going to run out of power soon, you should hurry up!"

Feng Ling felt that Tam's voice was just like her ear. She instinctively held her breath. Who knew that the man who was pressing her against the door in front of her heard the words outside, not only did she not let her go, but looked When she was nervous, she suddenly laughed with a sneer, and lowered her head to cover her lips again. When she noticed that her tongue was swept up, she kissed so deep that she almost sobbed.

She held back and glared at the man who was in trouble, warning him that someone outside, Li Nanheng still did not close her eyes, just kissed her deeply, entangled with the stiff tongue in her mouth, and kissed Just staring at her expression of worry, embarrassment and panic, as if she could get back some soothing emotions in her expression that was not calm enough, the more nervous he saw her, the deeper he kissed, and even his actions He stopped to look behind her, and her hand was already swiping past the hidden button on her back.

Feng Ling felt only a layer of goose bumps on his back because of the movement of his hands behind her. She glared at him fiercely, and was about to bite him when she was so angry, but when she opened her mouth to bite Suddenly, she let go of her lips, but with her forehead directly against her forehead, whispered on her lips while whispering: "Tell him, is there someone in your room, eh?"

"Are you crazy?" Feng Lingqi couldn't do it, whispered in a gas tone: "What is this place now, when is the life and death of Mr. Mo ... you dare to tune here ..."

Before the words were finished, he was kissed hard again by the man.

It seemed that Tam, who was standing outside the door, heard something. He just crossed the door, but didn't hear it. He thought it was what Feng Ling had made with his mobile phone, so he knocked on the door a few times and asked: Lingling, are you asleep or awake? Don't make trouble with me, I'm really waiting for the charger to be used urgently! "

Hearing that Tam was really anxious, Feng Ling had promised others just now, she raised her hand and pushed **** Li Nanheng's shoulder, but the man held her tightly, holding her hand while sucking her lips By the side of her head, that is, by the door, if her movements are bigger, his hand will definitely make a clear sound on the door.

Feng Ling felt like she was being threatened at this moment. She glared at him and raised her leg to attack his lower body. However, the man held her leg directly while she was just moving, and looked down at her at the same time. Indifferently: "Mo Jingshen can't die, aren't you Ji Nuan, follow the blind and rush straight? Instead, it's me, I'm going to be mad at you. Are you really stupid or fake stupid? I can't see I'm angry?"

"What the **** are you doing!" Feng Ling angered.

"Feng Ling?" Tam's voice came out of the door again: "Who the **** do you talk to? Mom, what are you doing inside? Are there anyone else in your room?"

Speaking of this, Tam's voice suddenly paused, and he suddenly turned to look at the other room opposite to this room, seeing that the door was closed, remembering that it seemed to be the place where Li Li had recently stayed.

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