Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1157: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (420)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Until Ji Nuan took the fish soup and went to share with others, Li Nanheng stood in place, as if looking at Feng Ling who was helping Ji Nu to share the fish soup with other people, watching her figure that kept her distance from herself, Say: "Sure enough, there has never been a woman in the base. It is rare to have a woman, and it feels really different."

Everyone sitting here could hear Li boss. This is deliberately wanting to talk to Feng Ling.

In the end, Feng Ling was very disrespectful and ignored him until he received the attention of several other brothers, meaning that the boss was watching her. After she passed out a bowl of fish soup in her hand, she returned blankly. A sentence: "If you are not afraid of being poisoned, I don't mind cooking for you after I return to the base."

These two people are really cold guns to cold guns, both of them have a bad temper.

Tam and Ah K glanced at each other while drinking fish soup. There was no way to take the boss and Feng Ling completely.

Li Nanheng now really can only find nothing, holding her back, and spurs: "There are chefs from all over the world in the base, and you still need to show your skills? But it's true that the field action Need a woman. "

In fact, what he said was to let Feng Ling know that even if she returned to the base, she would n’t need to cook, so just rest assured to follow him, but apparently, she still did n’t intend to ask for it. Busy with her.

The fish soup on this side was finished, Feng Ling turned to go to the other side, and just walked by. As a result, her wrist was suddenly held. She turned her eyes and looked at her hand on the wrist with a cold eye: "Release."

"Does it still hurt?" Li Nanheng Ruoru glanced at her belly.

He really wanted to find something, but her attitude really couldn't find a perfect breakthrough.

Does he also know if it hurts?

When I pressed her on the bed in the hotel and Wen Leqing's bedroom a few days ago, why didn't she ask if she hurt? I pressed her there for a long time yesterday, why ca n’t I push her when I ca n’t push it? Now that you know Zhuge Liang afterwards? Now know to care about people?

Feng Ling hit him with his backhand. As a result, a brother who was still sipping and drinking soup accidentally just heard the three words Li Nanheng asked. He just wanted to distort it, and he coughed and asked, "What hurts?" Is Feng Ling injured? Let us boss Li personally ask. Maybe it ’s not a minor injury, eh? Feng Ling, what did you hurt? ”

Li Nanheng raised his leg to his shoulder and kicked him: "Get out, you are everywhere."

The little brother smiled, took the bowl and extended it, and hid in the bulletproof shed. At the same time, he glanced back and glanced at his heart, saying that the boss Li Li could care about Feng Ling himself, or would they not care about her?

"I let you let go." Feng Ling saw the eyes of many brothers around him looking curious and gossiping like a gossip, trying to free his hands directly from him.

Li Nanheng never felt the need to hide in front of this group of people. Most of the brothers in the base could see the matter between him and Feng Ling. There was nothing to hide from, holding her wrists together and at the same time Looking at her, this is obviously the expression that was really angered by him yesterday: "Be honest, eh?"

"Go away!" Feng Ling was impatient, and lifted his legs to walk directly towards him.


At this time, Ji Nuan filled a pot of fish soup again, and heard a strange sound from the dense forest. The brothers who came to help her with the bowl lowered the voice and said, "Mrs. Mo, don't go there, boss. Fighting with Feng Ling, don't hurt you. "

Ji Nuan: "..."


Although the brothers have been stationed in this place hard in recent days, waiting for the opportunity to go inside for rescue, but because Mrs. Mo is trying to do everything to make good food, everyone's living standards have risen straight, and they have lived in such places A sense of well-being.

In the evening, Feng Ling accompanied Ji Nuan to take a walk along the river. He talked all the way. Ji Nuan was not a gossip person, but he was very concerned about Feng Ling. Occasionally, she asked a few things about Li Nanheng, and Feng Ling mostly avoided I did n’t answer, and she really has been avoiding too much contact with Li Nanheng these days. Even if everyone knows that she has a relationship with Li Nanheng, she does n’t want to be so obvious and direct. After all, she was a brother before She always felt that in the eyes of everyone, she was particularly uncomfortable.

The two walked for a while and were preparing to go back. Suddenly, they noticed that there seemed to be a situation across the river. In order to ensure the safety of the season, Feng Ling directly left Ji Nuan on the side of the river where the brothers were stationed. One went to the other side to find out the situation.

Because someone in the grass just hit the flashlight on Feng Ling. Obviously they only saw Feng Ling at this angle. They should not see Ji Nuan. Let Ji Nuan stay here to let her Hide temporarily to avoid injury.

However, there seemed to be a lot of people in the opposite party. Feng Ling decided that Ji Nuan had hid in the grass here and went directly to the opposite side.

Sure enough, someone was opposite.

Just after Feng Ling's ears moved, her eyes turned suddenly to avoid the knife that the man cut down to herself in the darkness. With a little bit of moonlight, she looked back at the cold light flashing on the blade of the man's hand, and she squinted. Avoid it again, jumped up, moved directly and sharply, raised his foot towards the opponent and hit him hard.

There were not many people hiding in the grass on the other side of the river. Feng Ling resolved the problem within a few minutes. No sound was heard from the other side, thinking that Ji Nun was still hiding there quietly. After checking for one minute, she turned around. go back.

However, when returning to the grass that was hiding before Ji Nuan, he found that Ji Nuan was gone.

"Mrs. Mo?" Feng Ling looked at the empty surroundings, frowning instantly: "Warm season?"

Her low voice was scattered in the wind, and the river in Tonle Sap in the distance was calm and dark.

No one responded.

There was only one cell phone left in the grass, lying there quietly.


Feng Ling searched all the way and returned to the camp where he was stationed. After asking, it was determined that Ji Nuan did not return. Immediately, he confirmed and immediately said, "Ji Nuan was caught."

Her voice had just come down, and the brothers who had just eaten in these four weeks stood up instantly, and all of them immediately froze like Feng Ling. A more serious alert was erected around the camp. At the same time, someone has quickly notified Li Nanheng , Immediately prepare a rescue plan.

If Mr. Mo is trapped inside, they don't need to worry about it for the time being. After all, Mr. Mo has chips in his hands. Those people dare not treat him, and by means of Mr. Mo, they can surely delay enough rescue time.

But Ji Nuan is different. What's more important is that Ji Nuan is pregnant. In case she misses something, everyone here will feel ashamed of Mr. Mo.

After hearing the news, Li Nanheng came out and asked, "What's going on?"

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