Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1166: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (429)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng went mad, dragged her hand downwards, and when Feng Ling's handbrake was almost burned to his instinct, he gasped, "It was you who called me, this fire will not give me Leak clean, you don't want to sleep tonight! "

When the words ended, the man directly bowed his head and kissed fiercely.

This kiss, this urge to be severely beaten out, was out of control.

I don't know if it was Feng Ling's ignorance from the beginning to gradually take the initiative to move her hands up or down, or Li Nanheng's step by step first. Lead her to kiss her and teach her how to make him more comfortable, wait until Feng Ling I do n’t need to use his hand to hold it anymore, I will help him obediently ... He has hugged the woman tightly in his arms, holding her in this anxious posture, holding her, holding, kissing , Lingering teeth.

He is now full of dry firewood, and even reason has been completely exhausted. If he did n’t touch the thing she was padding when he reached down, it would make him a little bit more rational, so he now I'm afraid that everything can be done.

Suddenly, the man snorted, parted his lips, and muttered, "Why are you still biting me at this time?"

Regarding his dissatisfaction, Feng Ling's answer was that his lower hand did not stop, but once again bit his chin.

Now Li Nanheng simply can't stand her nagging, and even pulls her hands directly, bites her lips severely, kisses them fiercely, and there are fine saliva entangled while kissing. It is not clear The voice came out between their lips.

Vaguely, I could only hear a few vague words and phrases: "Wait back ... three days and three nights ... not getting out of bed ... you fairy ... you want to kill me ..."


Feng Ling woke up in a sudden whistle. When he woke up, his consciousness was still a bit confused, and he didn't reflect where he was for a while.

When she saw clearly and saw that she was in her own compartment in the camp, she suddenly thought about it and sat up suddenly, because of the whistle, she guessed that something important might happen, or there was Temporary emergencies need to be gathered, and you need to change clothes to get out quickly.

However, when she was getting out of bed, she suddenly paused and looked down at her clothes. The loose T-shirt was worn on her body, and it seemed to be no different. But how could she not remember how she came back last night?

At first, A K asked her to drink, but later ...

She was about to reach for her mobile phone, and wanted to see what time it was. As soon as she touched the phone, she suddenly felt a soreness, not to mention her hands, even her wrists were sore. It felt like It was she who was in the base and was dragged out by Li Nanheng at night to do devil training. She stood at the gun shooting range and held the gun for one night. She also played the gun for one night. Moved.

She compiled her fists back and forth, not remembering what was going on, but she seemed to really have a gun in her dream last night. Later, the gun handle seemed to be in trouble, it was scary, but she still held it. long time……

Is it a dream? How could her hands be sour?

The outside whistle sounded again and again. If she didn't rush to think too much, she picked up the phone and glanced at it. Then she pulled on the black uniform, quickly put it on her body, and rushed out.

When I rushed out of the camp, I saw many people are ready to go. After listening to the words of some acquaintances when they ran out, it seems that there is something in the jungle. In addition, the support of the United States Police arrived early. Warm ink depth of field escaped from danger in time, so a temporary emergency organization immediately went in for rescue.

But it ’s not too early. The plan was noon. It ’s almost nine o’clock in the morning. She did n’t expect that she would sleep so late, she must have drunk too much last night, but she did n’t know if she was in front of A.K. Is there any embarrassment to throw something crazy?

Ak came over at this time, and stood in a row with her. The sniper instructor who followed them divided them and threw a new sniper rifle at Feng Ling. At the same time, she gave her a recognized look. I believe that even her In the past few years, she has not returned to the team to train. Based on all her initial achievements, she can still do it when long-range sniping is needed.

Feng Ling held the gun steadily, nodded his head to the instructor, adjusted the angle of the gun in his hand, and debugged it. After confirming the bullets inside, he carried the gun directly behind him, and then retracted his hand. He lowered his head subconsciously and glanced at his hand again.

Why is it ... I feel sore wrists and hands?



"Boss Li!"

When Li Nanheng's figure appeared in the public's field of vision, Feng Ling turned his head and followed him, but his eyes were cold and indifferent, and he could not see any emotion. He faintly glanced over the man's face, then retracted his gaze and froze. With his face lowered, he tightened the belt under his uniform.

Li Nanheng's eyes seemed to look at Feng Ling standing in the crowd casually, because she was lowering her head while she was finishing the belt, and she could not face him, but the man's gaze flickered in her direction, and then In time, he looked back before others noticed something nasty, and looked coldly and ordered everyone to prepare for boarding and go to rescue.

Feng Ling also followed the boarding of the crowd and has been stationed here for a few days. Now suddenly the whistle was sent to the rescue team, indicating that there must have been sufficient preparations.

However, the helicopter she was on was the same as A.K. Li Nanheng, the rescue team of the US police and the commanding force were in front.

The planes are separated, and even if everyone can hear the conversation in the headphones, she can speak at this time, but she has not spoken all the way, just listening to Li Nanheng's cold and solemn voice over the command, all according to his Command to do it.

After successfully flying into the center of the dense forest, everyone looked at a fixed electronic device in the cabin. The various red dots displayed there had the famous location and the fortunate and explosive range of the buried mines. Those It is the point they should pay attention to, and then the middle circled with a bright yellow color, which is the area where Ajib and Dali are now active.

After determining the target range of the helicopters in front and the positions of the helicopters in the back, everyone only said into the headset: "Received."

Feng Ling also said, her voice was very light, but on the plane in front, that is, Li Nanheng on the other end of the headset, but still heard her voice among nearly a hundred people.

She in the earphones is still a cold voice that is thousands of miles away, but has a high degree of recognition in this man's voice.

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