Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1182: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (445)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Boss, boss, don't sell me." AK hid behind Li Nanheng and whispered.

Li Nanheng, who had just come out from the inside, had no idea of ​​the situation, but in the blink of an eye, he saw Feng Ling with a mask on his face.

He did not return to Li's home last night. He learned that Mo Jingshen's wound was inflamed. He took a moment to pass by and took a look. He was about to go out and drive back to Li's home now.

"What the **** ... what a ghost?" Li Nanheng looked at her strangely.

If it wasn't because he was too familiar with Feng Ling, such a woman who ran out with a white thing on him wouldn't necessarily recognize it as a cow, a ghost or a snake.

Feng Ling: "..."

Li Nanheng reached out and peeled off the masking paper on Feng Ling's face. She saw the water on her face, raised her eyebrows, and touched her finger directly next to her chin, but she felt a wet and slimy essence. I was thinking that I did n’t go to her restroom to find her last night. Now that I bumped into her, I would say hello to my daughter-in-law and leave, but these things in my hand ... It was really unused, and he just shook his hand with a disgusted look: "What the **** is this special? Wet and sticky?"

After Ji Nuan washed his face and followed, Da Lao Yuan heard Li Nanheng's spit.

Feng Ling felt a little embarrassed, and was about to raise his sleeves to wipe his face. Ji Nuan busily stepped forward and handed her the towel washed with warm water, and then glanced at K and Li Nanheng: "Sure enough, we really can't blame us Jia Fengling is not feminine. She is with you every day, and it is strange to be feminine. "

Feng Ling felt frustrated.

The first step in trying to find a woman's feelings and trying to change her was hit hard.

She wiped her face with a towel, which was too hard, causing the skin on the cheeks to turn red.

Li Nanheng didn't sleep all night. He was with the army at the base in the middle of the night. Fang's people were exhausted, thinking about Feng Ling in the mind, and going out to deal with things in the middle of the night. It can't be said how sleepy they are now, but his energy is certainly not as vigorous , Just glanced at Ji Nuan and looked at Feng Ling again.

Seeing that Feng Ling's face had been rubbed a little red by herself, she realized that the expression she had just rejected because of that essence seemed to hurt someone.

Li Nanheng thought: "..."

He wasn't really disgusting, it was just that the essence on this mask had not been touched by a big man, and the first instinct was awkward, so he just said it casually.

I don't know if she slept well last night, anyway, he just couldn't sleep because she thought she wanted it.

"You spent the whole night in the ward last night, and you don't have a rest today. It's really energetic." Li Nanheng said something coolly to the quarterly warm tone.

Ji Nuan and Li Nanheng often talk to each other, but they are used to it, but at this moment, it can be seen that Feng Ling is obviously not in a good mood, so he didn't say much, just gave Li Nanheng an expression that made him ask for blessing: " You talked about something in his ward just now? Did he sleep again? "

"I didn't sleep. I just answered the company's phone call, but the call hasn't finished." Li Nanheng said teasingly, "You're planning to live in his ward and don't leave? Would you like to call my doctor to move your bed to Here, let you stay with him directly, save yourself from being squeezed into a hospital bed. "

Ji Nuan knew he was joking, but he didn't refuse to come, and smiled: "It seems to be a good note."

Li Nanheng sneered: "You want the beauty."

"Mrs. Mo, I'm going to wash my face." Feng Ling said at this moment, turning around and leaving.

Ji Nuan turned around and was about to follow her. As a result, Li Nanheng had already walked towards her firstly, before he could walk out.

"Feng Ling."

The man's voice was behind him.

Feng Ling didn't want to speak, so he didn't speak, and walked directly to his rest room.


Don't stand.

She silently returned two words in her heart, glanced into the air, and continued to walk.

The man was tall and had long legs, but Ji Nuan was still behind them, so he didn't have to worry too much, until he got around the corner in front of the corridor, he took three steps and did two steps to catch her arm, one Pulling the person back directly into his arms, Feng Ling walked too fast because of inertia, and suddenly bumped into his arms because of inertia, and then was about to earn out of his arms, but now the man is not at all The disgusted raised hand touched her face before she wiped it, and just held her face like this: "I didn't take care of what I said just now, don't get angry."

Feng Ling cannot be said to be angry.

She just looked at him muffled and was about to twist her face. The man was still holding her face, and she didn't disapprove of the essence that hadn't been cleaned on both sides of her cheek: "You haven't used this before This kind of thing suddenly used, absolutely can not be related to Ji Nuan. If you volunteer, even if it is voluntary, but if you are trying to force yourself for those messy reasons for becoming more beautiful and beautiful, then I will tell you now No need, everything in your eyes is already perfect, there is no need to make any special changes. "

Li Nanheng knows Feng Ling so well. A person of her character will suddenly make a facial mask and stick this cool wet thing on her face. It must not be that she suddenly wanted to do it. According to her all these days, Performance, it can be seen that she is only trying to change for him.

Although he was relieved for this reason, he did not want her to force herself.

Suddenly, the man was told that he was in the middle, and Feng Ling couldn't move. He just raised his hand and touched the remaining essence on his cheek: "I didn't force myself."

Li Nanheng watched Liu Hai on her forehead again and was **** into a small puppet on her head. It was really invincible and cute. He smiled, raised his hand on her head and touched it again: "You are fine now, ten I was a little flat chest when I was a few years old, and I like it a lot, not to mention you now ... "

The man glanced at the lower part of her neckline pointedly: "It's perfect, you don't need to change."

The man's words sounded good at first, but he said she used to have a small chest.

Feng Ling stared at him for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back, and directly said, "I wasn't flat before, I was wrapped in a breastband."

"Yeah, it's not flat. After all, I don't touch it when you wear women's clothes. The touch does not touch Pingzi." The man laughed.

Feng Ling: "........."

She had some redness on her face, and she didn't know the redness she had just rubbed out and the heat on her face. Now how red is she? She turned and said, "You let go of me first, I'll go back and wash my face."

"I'll go back to Li's house in a while, and I'm in a hurry to wash my face, hasn't I wiped it off?" The man said as he pushed her directly against the wall next to the elevator door, holding her waist in his hand, The urgency of the fire that did not go away yesterday, and he bowed his head and kissed him.


(The monthly pass is gratifying and I do n’t say anything, I just love you, I love you, I love you!)

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