Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1184: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (447)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was delayed because of his prominent "fat." Feelings of what he had become yesterday, it is estimated that the fire did not go so easily today, and there are no other people here, simply Did not struggle.

Just let the man hug her for a long time, and Feng Ling tried to respond with some care. She was not very good at responding, but she felt that she had been so passive and not very good. She just moved herself. His lips also learned his movements and kissed his tongue. The man instantly seemed to be stimulated to any acupuncture point, holding her in his arms, and it was deeper and heavier on her lips. For a long time.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still something to do, Feng Ling felt that the man was going to give her up directly.

From this hot, lustful, hopeful kiss, he can feel how uncomfortable he is.

In the end, he still restrained himself, but while restraining himself, holding her waist, bowed his head and kissed her in the ears, and said, "Don't just take care of Ji Nuan all day long." Mo Jingshen, the relationship between the employer and the bodyguard between you and Ji Nuan has almost expired. In a few days, you are still my person, and Ji Nuan is also a friend. Pay attention to rest, don't fight too hard. "

Is it about to expire?

Feng Ling always thought that after this incident, she would continue to accompany Ji Nuan to Haicheng.

She didn't know how this so-called expiration happened. When she went there, it was also recommended by Dr. Qin. Later, it seemed that Xiao Xu took her to the Royal Garden to see Ji Nuan, and met with Mr. Mo. Xiao Xu helped, but she didn't pay much attention to the signing at the time, only knowing that it was not a life-long contract. At that time, Xiao Xu did say that letting her live in the sea for a few months was a distraction.


It just expired.

But it doesn't matter. She is now in a good relationship with Ji Nuan. Even if she is not an employer and a bodyguard, she will be friends in the future. In many ways, she must still be towards Ji Nuan because Ji Nuan is good for her.

"After the peace contract between Haicheng and the bodyguard has expired, what do you think?" The man's words suddenly fell into her ear.

Feng Ling: "I didn't think about it."

"stay with me?"


Before she changed, she must have run as far as she could.

But now, she has already planned to go with her heart, and in this relationship, she doesn't want to be passive anymore. She can't always enjoy Li Nanheng's kindness to herself. When she should express, she can't hide anymore. Since it is If you have feelings, be honest.

She groaned for a moment and said, "There is no plan for the time being, then stay first, and then wait until it expires, and then say, even if I have only one day left by my side, I am her bodyguard."

"Okay." Knowing her persistence in character, Li Nanheng didn't ask any more, raised her hand and touched the little **** above her head.

She can no longer step back now, but even a half step forward is enough for him.

Feng Ling couldn't help raising his hand to touch the little cricket on his head, but the man touched it for a long time and lifted her up to untie the hand there, and patted him away. After touching for a long time, it can be said that after playing for a long time, the phone rang.

The man raised his eyebrows, picked up his mobile phone, and glanced at the call number. Then he turned and walked out: "Okay, I'll go back to Li's first."

Feng Ling simply answered, and after the man had gone, he turned and looked at the small mirror on the wall for a while, raised his hand, and touched the **** Liuhai above his head, and thought of Li Nanheng's infatuation. Inexplicably, his face became hotter and stranger, and he was a little uncomfortable standing there, and quickly untied the little puppet above his head.

Then he looked at the little black rubber band in his hand, but he didn't want to throw it, and turned back to the drawer next to the bed.


In the past few days when Feng Ling was in the hospital, Li Nanheng really didn't have time to idle. In this way, the two of them would have a chance to talk together for a week, and every time they saw one in the hospital, they hurriedly glanced. .

Li Nanheng was still intolerable. While he was busy in the base, he explained to A Feng a few words.

So Feng Ling was in the hospital just to accompany Ji Nuan and then apply medicine to the scald on his hand. He returned to the rest room and received a courier.

She hasn't received a courier yet. She took the courier back and opened it to see that it was still an application document specially arranged for her by the XI base. This time, in addition to the application documents, there were job arrangements in the base.

The XI base has not recruited new people for almost three years, and the elderly who passed the assessment have arranged for the army in batches. Fang, the police, and the United Nations security department work, and the remaining elderly are also in the base. Each of them performs their duties. Instructors who are qualified to teach the old like Han Jin now don't bring new people directly. Now they are in the base almost the same as A Feng, and they all work in the base hall.

There are currently no instructors in the base, especially trainers who train newcomers.

The base is now recruiting two new teams, each team of twenty people, one of which belongs to a member of the previous two teams with a good performance assessment, the other team, they intend to let Feng Ling go back and lead the team.

This means that while applying for the job, Feng Ling is given a chance to remember her original intention. She also came out of the rookie team of the One, Two and Three teams in the base. She was unwilling to accept the so-called shooting instructor who was too sounding. Way, but if you bring a newcomer, she is still more likely to accept it.

Sure enough, looking at those documents, Feng Ling hesitated, instead of rejecting it directly.

Going back this way is equivalent to returning to the base by default.

And most of the conditions in the base are almost understood by her. The conditions written in the document are true. Now the suitable new trainer is really hard to find. In the past, you can just pull out any one, but you want all grades. He can hold hands, not to embarrass the base in front of the newcomers, but also to lay a solid foundation for the newcomers. Feng Ling is quite confident in this.

Now that the peace agreement with Mrs. Mo is coming, since I don't know where to go for a while, now that she has chosen Li Nanheng ...

Feng Ling looked at the documents in her hand for a while, picked up her phone and made a call to the base hall. The phone was picked up by A Feng, and she did not greet too much, and said directly, "I agree with the newcomer instructor. However, my return to the base is still low-key. Don't let those people from the previous three teams watch and have opinions. After all, I have been away for so long. I don't want to cause any public opinion.

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