Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1187: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (450)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

What a fart.

Li Nanheng's heart was defamatory, but on the surface it was an expressionless cold voice, "Are you sure you want to live here?"

"Um." Feng Ling nodded.

The next moment I suddenly received the cold line of sight from Li Nanheng, and A Feng stood straight in front of the base lobby door, saying very publicly: "Although you are the boss, all the reserve things in the base are still mys. After all, Boss, you have to hold back if you are upset. "

Speaking of this, for the sake of being able to spend more time in the base in the future, so as not to be troubled by Li Bo, he added quickly: "Even if you really can't help but want to talk to Feng Ling a little What, after all, is the boss, you can come out of the base whenever you want to come out of the base, after you take people out of the base, you can toss as much as you want to toss ... pay attention to size, just don't let Feng Ling come back the next day to train those new players. Time is too listless. "

Feng Ling: "..."

Can't listen anymore!

She put up with it, and went straight up to pick up the suitcase again: "I moved in first, and just packed a lot of things in the original place that I hadn't taken away before. There were a lot of things in these two boxes. I You have to clean up for a while. "

No wonder it looked so much more than she had when she left the base.

Li Nanheng scolded his mother in her heart, and her face was full of unhappiness, but now Feng Ling Ken An's stay is already her biggest concession in recent times.

In order to avoid her controversy in the base, it is better to take care of some sense.

Feng Ling's hand was lifting the suitcase. The next moment, she suddenly lightened, and was filled with the words "Lao Tzu is now very unhappy". Li Nanheng took her suitcase and went up the stairs in front of the base hall. Passing in front of A Feng, he said coldly, "Where, lead the way."

Ah Feng knows that this is not the time to provoke the boss. While the boss is still a little sensible now, he can at least be an individual in front of Feng Ling and hurry up to lead the way.

Feng Ling walked behind, seeing the two men cascading back, and then seeing Li Nanheng helping himself to carry the suitcase back, watching him carry the heavy load without affecting the steady pace, even in a uniform, but Under the black sleeves, the muscle lines on the man's arm can be seen faintly.

Well, is this the so-called boyfriend power?

At this moment, she only felt that her heart was full ...

Go upstairs and walk to the room you want to live on the second floor of the base lobby.

After entering the room, Feng Ling discovered that there is no hole here. It turned out to be a business suite similar to the hotel in good conditions. The new sheets were covered, the new carpets, and even the curtains were newly replaced. The room where Li Nanheng lived alone was almost the same.

The conditions in the base are even better, but after all, this is a military and practical training base. There is not so much space to enjoy, so even the best rooms are very simple.

With such a room of about seventy to eighty square meters, and only living alone, Feng Ling was really satisfied.

And whether it is a separate bathroom or study or bedroom, the design is very thoughtful.

Seeing the facilities in this room, according to the conditions in the base, everything is not too bad for Feng Ling. Li Nanheng's anger just disappeared a little, but it was just a few. The color is still slightly unsatisfactory.

"Feng Ling, you will live here in the future. As for the newcomer, if you plan to move over some time, after the new building is almost cleaned up, I will find someone to renovate the room for you."

"No, I live the same everywhere. It ’s good to have a bed to sleep and a wall to block the wind. How can there be so much attention? I'm not a little girl who grew up in the princess's room. Have you ever fallen asleep, is this worse? "Feng Ling said as he looked out the window:" You also deliberately arranged a room with a terrace for me. Here you can see the training team of the newcomer and many bases. Important places, the view is really good, and here is big enough, if I live here will not affect your usual work here, I will always live here no problem. "

"Only a bed?" The expressionless Li Bo has gone to the bedroom and glanced out, and found that although there is enough space here, there is only one bed in the bedroom, and the other can be used as a bedroom. The room was cut out, apparently for Feng Ling to be a utility room.

A Feng: "..."

Feng Ling: "..."

The two of them are politely discussing where to live here. The boss Li is really good. Let ’s go and study how many beds there are.

A Feng turned back and said, "Otherwise, I'll ask someone to move in to a bed?"

Feng Ling just wanted to say no, she usually lives here alone, what bed is needed, and here is the base hall, usually with so many eyes watching, Li Nanheng can never really run to her every day.

However, Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "No, one is also very good, very good."

A Feng knew it, and immediately coughed. He couldn't help but reminded him, "Boss, here is the base after all, there are some things, what and what, it's enough ..."

Li Nanheng gave him a cold glance.

It was just a cold glance, and A Feng covered his hair instantly, and said quickly: "No, no, boss, feel free, please ... I checked, the sound insulation here is not bad, as long as you avoid Come here when there are many people, and the problem should not be too big ... "

Li Nanheng didn't speak anymore, but just took out the cigarette and put it in his mouth. Although he didn't squeak, his eyes and movements were obviously suggesting A Feng. He is now a lot here.

A Feng instantly understood what Li meant from Li Boss's cold eyebrows, quickly turned back to explain to Feng Ling, and quickly walked out, thinking outside the door, although he still wanted to tell something For example, there isn't even a condom here, let Li boss take care of it ... Feng Ling still has to be an instructor, and he is still young, but do n’t want to be a bird. Beasts let people conceive children directly in the base.

But when I thought about the old man Li Family who was entangled in Feng Ling, a woman actually returned to the base, while hoping to hug a great-grandson, and hesitated not to plan to intervene again, I felt like I didn't need to talk.

A Feng paused in front of the door for only ten seconds, and suddenly felt that a glance came from the door. He immediately stabbed his back and quickly closed the door quickly and decisively.

Before Li Nanheng took his eyes back, he opened his suitcase and took out his own contents.

There are a lot of things she used to use in the base before, but she hasn't taken them away in recent years.

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